I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 257: Do you dare to compete with me than piano?

Sun Yang heard Chen Mo's words, then I couldn't help but asked Chen Mail: "Do you have anything?"

"What do you still have to tell you before?"

Chen Mo said very calmly asked Sun Yang.

"What did I say? Why don't I remember?"

Sun Yang face changed, he certainly thought that he promised Chen Mo if he lost to Chen Mo, he would apologize to Tang Qingqing Su Mu, but at this time, so many people look at it. Sun Yang is not Willing to apologize, I can only pretend that I don't remember anything.

"How is this person so shameless, you can clearly say that you have to apologize, now how can you forget? If you lose, don't you pay?"

Southern Yucai quickly followed himself.

"I ... I said that I have to apologize?"

Sun Yang stunned, and then settled back to the back of Baba.

"The people who have just been in the Guqin Club have heard, you still have not to accomplish the account? There is a camera, you have no relationship, we can go to see the monitoring video ..."

Su Tuyu stretched his finger at the camera above the hall, shouting loudly.

Sun Yang's face collapsed a camera, and then hesitated to go to Su Mu Bai Tang Qingqing, biting his teeth: "Sorry!"

"Your own skill is not as good as people, don't say something to us!"

Su Mu's voice was very disdainful.

Sun Yang heard the unceinterer of this sentence, lost to Chen Mo and then apologized to Su Mu Bai, but he did not expect Su Mu Bai to apologize for his own apology or so disdainful. attitude!

Sun Yang has not been humiliated from a small to most, so he only has a thought at this time, which is to hurry to leave here.

"Xiaoyou, let's go!"

Sun Yang was twisted with Zhao Xiaoyou.

"Useless waste, you will roll, don't let me see you!"

Zhao Xiaoyou instantly turned his face cold voice.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoyou's attitude towards Sun Yang is far less than before. Chen Mo saw that after this scene, I couldn't help but laugh, secretly launched this woman's face speed is a bit too amazing.

After Shu Yang, Sun Yang was screamed, and he felt that he was really lost today, so it could only leave the head quickly left this right.

Zhao Xiaowei looked at Tang Qingqing snorted, and then picked up his bag and planned.

"Zhao Xiaoxi, you haven't apologized, where do you walk?"

Su Yuci saw Zhao Xiaoyou's plan to leave, and quickly stopped Zhao Xiaoyou.


Zhao Xiaoyou didn't smile at this sentence of Su Tuyu, and then said: "Why do I apologize?"

"Just now, it is good, as long as Sun Yang is documented, you have to apologize, isn't you intend to argue?" Su Youth Yu shouted his mouth and shouted.

"The person who gambled with Chen Mo is Sun Yang. The person who lost to Chen Mo is also Sun Yang. I have already broken up with Sun Yang. His things have no relationship with me. I have to apologize?" Zhao Xiaoyou is very rogue After returning, then I turned to Chen Mo standing on the side. I said calmly: "Isn't a geotext from the township? Will you have anything about the ancient piano? If you really want me to apologize, you can, with me than the piano! "


Tang Qingqing heard the sentence of Zhao Xiaoyou, helplessness and laughter, softly sigh: "This Zhao Xiaoyou is really a good idea to export, the whole Sujia Town who doesn't know that she is the top three of the national piano competition, just Gu Qin lost, Now we have to follow Chen Mimer than the piano.

"Yeah, this Zhao Xiaoxi is too much!"

Su Mu Bai also faintly returned, then shouted in the position of Su Yucu: "Xiaoyu, you still don't think about this person, she doesn't help but don't matter!"

"Also, I can't understand this kind of person, I really don't want to face!"

The Su Tu Yu shouted with a small mouth, and then turned to go back to Su Mu Bai.

"You stand to me, you just said who don't want your face?"

Anyway, Zhao Xiaoxi is also a famous lady in Sujia Town. There are many people in the Guqin Club to know her.

So this time, this is said to be said so, and it is naturally a little hang on the face.

"I said that you don't want your face, I promise to apologize before, now I have repented, don't you face?"

Soviet Yuli shouted with the big eyes of the water.

"You don't want your face, if you really want me to apologize, you are more than the piano, I want to lose, I will apologize, I don't dare?" Zhao Xiaoxi seems to be a shrew Like the voice shouted.


Su Mu Bai looked at Zhao Xiaoyi hesitated, and then said that he did not express his face: "Zhao Xiaoyou, if you really want to be better than the piano, then I am better than you!"

Although Su Mu Bai is not very understanding for Guqin, she has been practicing the piano, and the Qin Qi also is still able. At this time, Zhao Xiaoyi is so aggressive, Su Mu Bai naturally Living.

"Why should I compare with you? I have to be more than that!"

Zhao Xiaoyou is not a fool, she feels that although Chen Mo is very powerful, the piano is not necessarily great, so she doesn't intend to adventure with Su Mu Bi-Qin, but choosing Chen Mo.


Chen Mai looked at Zhao Xiaoxi in place, and the eyes flashed a helplessness, whispered: "I don't have a mood to waste time here!"

After that, after I finished this, Chen Mo walked to Su Mu, said that said: "We don't have to see this kind of person, go!"


Su Mu Bai nodded gently and planned to leave here.

However, Zhao Xiaoyou saw Su Mu Bai Chen Mo and others planned to go, but they still came to the temper, and they came to Chen Mile and shouted in front of Chen Mo: "You want to walk now, but you have to give me first!"


Su Mu Bai listened to the sentence of Zhao Xiaoyou, and she didn't understand what I didn't think about what the woman's heart was thinking.

"Yes, you don't dare to adhere to me, otherwise you can't go!"

Zhao Xiaoyou said with his eyes.

"Can you still have to look? We don't let you apologize, you have not been to you, you still have to make us a dedication, why do we make an admission?"

Su Tuyu said very speechless.

"Then, no matter what, now I will give you two options. Either you make this odor to take me more than the piano, or now I know, otherwise, don't want to go!"

Zhao Xiaoyou shouted.

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