Chen Mi Su Mu Yanyi is originally not intended to be with this Zhao Xiaomi, because they all know that you don't understand if you talk to Zhao Xiaoyou, and Chen Mo will follow Sun Yangbiqin, but only but Because Sun Yang took two three provocations.

As for now, Zhao Xiaoyou wants to follow him than the piano idea, Chen Miman has not agreed.

Because Chen Mo feels that he will not play the piano at all!

When I was young, Chen Mo did studying the piano when he studied Guqin with his mother.

But after a session, he gave up, he gave up himself, because he himself is not very interested in the piano, and finally put all the energy on top of the ancient piano.

By now, Chen Mile can completely play the piano music, and this song is not a famous song, but it is a song that her mother created.

Therefore, Chen Mo will refuse Zhao Xiaoyou.

"Zhao Xiaoxi, do you think that the Qiqin will be your home? What is the relationship between us?" Tang Qingqing couldn't bear it, and the faceless of Zhao Xiaoyou shouted.

"If you are gone now, that is, you can admit it!"

Zhao Xiaoyou returned his mouth back.

"How can you do this? I have never seen your kind of person!" Su Tuyu looked at Zhao Xiaoyou in front of him and shouted unusually crashed.

"You don't want your face, now you are a good luck or let the waste are more than me, you choose!"

Zhao Xiaoyou blocked the location of the export, the expression is abnormal, is completely a spasmam.

"I will leave today, I see how you can treat us? We can stop it alone!"

Su Yucu will not be used to Zhao Xiaoyou. If you reach your hand, you have to push Zhao Xiaoyou.

"If you dare to touch me today, I will let me all grasp, even if I can't tell you, I have to pay you for a while, I see how you go!"

Zhao Xiaoyou pulled his throat as a shout.


Tang Qingqing heard the words of Zhao Xiaoyou, suddenly realized that Zhao Xiaoyou's arrested police station, if this thing is really a lot, it is really trouble, so she is busy. Su Tuyu, indicating that Su Tu Yu should not do it.

"Qing Qing sister, what do you stop?"

Su Tu Yu seems to be a little unhappy.

"Little jade, don't impulsive!"

Tang Qingqing went back to a whisper.

"Why don't you go? Continue to go?"

Zhao Xiaoyou saw Tang Qingqing to stop Su Tu Yu, and his face was even more arrogant.

And Chen Mo, who has always been behind these girls, seems to understand Tang Qingqing's meaning. If you don't promise today, if you don't agree with Zhao Xiao, you will definitely have no way to leave here, so he hesitated to go to Zhao Xiaoyou. I have no expression: "Do you have to be right than the piano?"


Zhao Xiaowei wants to nod directly.

"You want to be with me, but I have a request!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Do you have any requirements?"

Zhao Xiaoyou asked.

"I haven't learned the piano, so there is not much song, you really want to follow me, you can choose a song you will, I chose a song I will, and then Looking for a few people who know the piano to do a referee, let these people evaluate who we have bounce well, how? "

Chen Mo said.

"Well, you play your me, then let everyone vote for a winning power, so it is wrong?"

Zhao Xiaolei knows that Chen Mo is really not playing the piano, and the heart will be happy.


Chen Mohu took Zhao Xiaoyou nodded.

And Tang Qingqing saw that Chen Mo actually promised to be with Zhao Xiao, and there was a helplessness in the beauty, and quickly walked to Chen Mo's whisper and said: "Chen Mo, are you crazy? Zhao Xiaoyou? Although Guqin is not good, but she is the national champion of the piano. There are no few people in Sujia Town to win her, and you will not play the piano at all. You can't win her than the piano ... "

"Yeah, Chen Mo, you won Sun Yang today, why should I promise Zhao Xiaoyou!"

Su Mu Bai also shouted.

"What is this woman, you have also seen it. If I don't promise her, she will not be willing to let it go, anyway, I have already said that I will not play the piano, even if it is lost, there is nothing to be shameful, but If your luck wins, then she will take okay! "

Chen Mo's very calm reply.


After the two people heard Chen Mo, the two people heard Chen Mo's words.

Tang Qingqing came over today. In fact, it was the rebound, but I didn't expect to get so many things.

But today is fortunate because Chen Mo has won Sun Yang here, or the Tang Qingqing and others will not be humiliated by Zhao Xiaoxi!

As for the loss of the piano ratio, in fact, they have an answer in their hearts, so they will not hold too much hope. The top is more Chen Mili, and Zhao Xiaoyou has also found the stairs, and Su Mu Bai left.

Therefore, Tang Qingqing is not intended to continue to persuade Chen Mo.

"Teacher Li, the third floor of the club is not right?"

At this time, Zhao Xiaoyou suddenly shouted.

"Yes, there is a piano on the third floor!"

Teacher Li also can't afford this Zhao Xiaoyi, so I can only agree with it.

"Sinking rubbish, you follow me on the third floor!"

Zhao Xiaoyou shouted with a small mouth and shouted, and then rushed directly to the third floor.

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Xiaoyou helplessness and sighed, and then followed it.

A few minutes later, Chen Mo Mu Bai Sushi Yuxi and others have come to the third floor, and Su Hongfei's white snow and others are holding a lively attitude towards it.

After the upper floor, Chen Mo is very gentleman to let Zhao Xiaoyou first.

Zhao Xiaoyou is also welcome, sitting directly in front of the piano, put his hands on the black and white key, ready to start their own performance.

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