I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 259: Where is the confidence?

Zhao Xiaoxi is sitting in front of the piano, in her eyes, Chen Mo is just a piano, even if Chen Mo can win Sun Yang, but in the piano, Chen Mo is absolutely impossible to be his own opponent. .

So the expression of the expression on the face of Zhao Xiaoyi is relaxed.

" !"

As Zhao Xiaoyou's finger touched the piano, the melodious piano sounded in the meeting.

When Zhao Xiaoyou, the first song was now very calm. At all, there was any wave of waves, but the people in the club all revealed the shocked expression, and the eyes were very incredible.

With the gradual acceleration of the sound of the sound, the original quiet tune has begun to become a high-rise.

"Zhao Xiaoyou is actually" the wedding in the dream "?" Su Mu Bai is the first reaction, and his own small mouth expression is very excited.

"Yes, it is" the wedding in the dream ", I heard this song when I was abroad, I didn't expect to have passed so many years. Zhao Xiaoyou's piano level can still be so powerful, even" wedding in the dream " Song can play! "

Tang Qingqing went back to a whisper.

"It seems that Zhao Xiaoyou is really not going to give Chen Mo any opportunity. In the face of a person who doesn't play the piano, she has chosen this song, it is really too much!" Sue-white voice A pity.

Because she is clear, if Zhao Xiaoyou chooses other songs, Chen Mo is not accurate to really have such a silk hope, but when Zhao Xiaoyou actually chose this song, it is not going to give Chen Mo's opportunity!

"Is this song that she played very powerful?"

Chen Mo listened to Su Mu Bai and Direct Dialogue with Tang Qingqing, couldn't help but asked.

"Chen Mo, you won't be a joke with me? Do you even even" the wedding in the dream "doesn't know?" Su Mu, whispered to see Chen Mo and shouted.

"I said, I don't know much about the piano, I know the songs are also very good!"

Chen Mo said calmly back.

"Even if you don't understand the piano, then" the wedding in this "dream" should you hear it? This song is the top ten piano music world! "

Su Mu Bai helidly rushed to Chen Mo.

"I really haven't heard ..."

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu Bai shook his head.

And Su Mu-Bai looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and his eyes were full. She listened to Chen Mo said that he didn't know the piano. She thought that Chen Mo Qi is, so they will talk.

But at this moment, Su Mu Bai realized that Chen Merna did not have any modest ingredients at all.

Chen Mo should really don't understand the piano, don't understand the piano, or how can he have heard of "the wedding in the dream"?

This song in the dream can be said to be a recognized world famous song, because it is very difficult to play, in today's piano, but if you can perfectly play this song, it is in China. The small and small pianist, this is why Su Mu Bai Tang Qingqing and others know that Zhao Xiaoyou is playing this song, so shocked the reason.

"It's over, Chen Mo actually even didn't know anything, he is definitely defined today!"

Although Su Tuyu is not very understanding of the piano, she can analyze from the dialogue of Su Mu, Chen Mo may be true for the piano.

The expression on Chen Mo's face is very calm, because he didn't feel this song that Zhao Xiaoyou was playing in a stunning place.

The piano made a powerful knocking sound. Zhao Xiaoyou's song is very infectious, and the opportunity is immersed in the sound of Zhao Xiaoyou.

Even if Su Mu Bai Tang Qingqing and others don't care about Chen Mo to win such a problem, enjoy the sound of Zhao Xiaoyou.

With the gradual deepening of the piano, Zhao Xiaoyou is also more investment, and the speed of the finger tap the piano is getting faster and faster.

The sound of the sound of the piano began to become extremely fierce, and finally gradually became calm.

Zhao Xiaoyou has ended his own song, and then deeply sucked a sigh of relief, after all, it is very consumed that this song is still very consumed, so Zhao Xiaoyou is obviously tired.

But when she saw the envied eyes of everyone, he exposed an unusual smile.

That's right, this is what Zhao Xiaoyou is now wanting to see, she wants everyone to feel surprised by her piano.

Zhao Xiaoxi did this today. Her "Wedding in the Dream" completely shocked all people, even Su Mu Bai couldn't help but sigh in the heart, today, even if he personally shot, nor May have won Zhao Xiaoyou.

After Zhao Xiaoyou slowly got up, he directly called the position of Chen Mo.

She originally thought that after hearing this song, she should be shocked to say, even directly with themselves, but let him not think that Chen Mo is actually a calm.

After listening to this song, Chen Mo as if he only heard a very ordinary piano song, there is no surprise.

"Could this, this is the piano, I don't understand it. I just played so perfectly, how can he react?"

Zhao Xiao couldn't hold it in the heart, and then rushed directly to Chen Mo. "" Sodding rubbish, what do you still stand there? Now I am turned to you ... "

"Is there anything necessary? Miss Zhao Ji took a" wedding in the dream "basically said it is perfect!"

"Yeah, I think that person will directly accept it, there is no need to go up!"

"Miss Zhao's talent in the piano is really not a general person. I advise the young man still not to pay attention to it, and they will take the time to accept it!"

Everyone in the scene has begun to laugh.

And Chen Mo didn't seem to hear these people. Directly walked to Zhao Xiaoyou directly, tone quietly: "Yes, don't forget, if I won, you have to kneel down Apologize my girlfriend! "


Zhao Xiaolei was not light, and Chen Mo, did not only not accept the intended intended. The opposite actually felt that he can win.

Su Mu Bai et al. Also thought that things have been like this. Chen Mo still felt that he can win, this is simply a dream of day!

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