I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 267: People's Dressed

Chen Mimei watched Su Mong Bai, then said that there was no expression: "The song is my mother taught me, I will only play this song now, so I don't want to give it to the outside!"


Su Mu Bai Su Tu Yuxi and others were listening to Chen Mo's sentence, all of them were in the same place.

"Why didn't I listen to you from your family?"

Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo asked.

"My parents have died when I am very small, so this song is a relic for my mother, no matter how I will give it to an outsider,"

Chen Mo slowed down.

Su Mu Bai Su Tu Yu and others finally understood why Chen Mo would be so stubborn, but would rather raise the risk of criminal family members.

"So this is ah!"

Su Mu Bai gently nodded, then whispered: "Since this is the case, I think Chen Mo does not take the piano to take the matter!"

"It's really a matter of reason. After all, that is, Chen Mo's mother left her relic, but now Chen Mo will give Gu Qing and Zhou An all sinned. Zhou Anna is very small belly, he wants to retaliate Chen Mo how to do what?"

The attitude of Su Yun Yu is also slightly eased, and there is a lot of inspiring.

"Otherwise, let's send Chen Mo, as long as Chen Mo leaves Sujia Town, Zhou An should have no way to find Chen Mo!"

After Tang Qingqing thought, it was suggested.


Su Mu Bai heard that after this suggestion, I didn't want to swite directly, then whispered: "Chen Mo is coming to participate in the birthday banquet of Grandpa, Grandpa has already known Chen Mo's coming, the day after tomorrow is the birthday banquet, grandfather I don't see Chen Mo will definitely be unhappy ... "

"In fact, he now looks like this, grandfather is obvious ..."

Southern Yucheng is going to say that even if Chen Mo has participated in the birthday banquet, it is not as good as it is.

But she hesitated, still did not export these words.

"Also, Chen Mo came over to participate in the birthday banquet of the grandfather, Chen Mo did not have the past, and we can only wait until the end of the birthday banquet, then hurry to send Chen Mo."

Tang Qingqing said helpless.

"I can only do this now!"

Su Mu Bai sighed, then looked at the time, whispered: "Don't think about these troubles, time is not early, hurry to eat something!"

"Well, I have to starve, hurry to eat!"

Southern Suyu, who has never been concerned, shouted in this time, then shouted, and then slap Su Mu Bai's position where the parking is walked.

Su Mu Bai helplessly looked at the Su Tuyu around him, sighed and sighed, and did not say much.

After all, now things have happened, Su Mu Bai also couldn't find any way, and only wait until the end of her grandfather, hurry to take Chen Mo!

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, Su Mu Bai's ringtone suddenly rang.

Su Mu Bai listened to the ringtone and rain, quickly took his mobile phone out, then pressed the on-button.

"Mom, is you still back with my dad?"

Su Mu Bai took the call and asked after the phone.

"Mu Bai, are you talking with Xiaoyu? Your grandfather is good today, I want you to come home to eat dinner!" Yang Fang said.

"Go eat?"

Su Mu Bai snorted after heard this, then wrinkled with brows: "Since we have eaten in the past, what should Chen Mo do?"

"Your grandfather makes you the past, I want to see Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo is really unsatisfactory, but in any case, he is now a son-in-law of our family, so you have to see your grandfather soon, so you still put it directly Chen Miman came over! "

Yang Fang said with a slightly helpless.

Su Mu Bai heard this, because she knew that since she agreed to let Chen Mo went to dinner, the explanation of Yang Hexin has begun to recognize Chen Mo.

"Right, Mu Bai, if you have time, I will buy Chen Mo to buy a new dress, don't let him wear it with a smashing ..."

Yang Fang said softly.

"Okay, I know!"

Su Mu Bai agreed to a very happy, and then hanged it directly.

"Cameard, what happened?"

After Siupuyu saw that Su Mu Bai hung up the phone, quickly walked to Su Mu Bai, and asked softly to Su Mu Bai.

"Grandpa let us go home to have dinner, Chen Mo has to follow together!"

Su Mu Bai smiled back to a sentence, then picked up the mobile phone to see time, continue: "But Chen Mo went to Su family to eat, like some is not very suitable, after all, I saw my grandfather, at least I have to wear the regular point, let's take him to buy a new clothes in the mall! "

Su Mu Bai took care of Chen Mo's face, so he did not say that Yang Fang wants to let Chen Mer's clothes.

"That's too good, I have long thought that Chen Mo is ugly, let's take him to bring him to buy new clothes!"

Su Yun Yu quickly shouted, then reached out and opened the door of Mercedes-Benz.

After more than ten minutes, Su Mu-Bai drove with Chen Mo Su, Tang Qingqing, three people came to Sujia Town, a very famous big shopping mall.

Sujia Town although listening to the name is a small town, in fact, the prosperity of its urban area does not lose to Nanyang City.

It is also available in a large-scale shopping mall hospital.

After entering the mall, Su Mu Bai directly entered an international big-name store, and then gave Chen Mermail a set of black suit.

When Chen Mo came out of the fitting room, it was also amazing to Susukai Su Tuyu Tang Qingqing three girls.

Because the usual Chen Mo is very ordinary, it did not cross the big name of the big name. At this time, Chen Mo, who was in black suit, look very handsome, the whole person's temperament has also changed very much.

After all, Chen Mo's leader itself is not bad, the body size is also very good, at this time, it is naturally a good horse with a good horse.

"I didn't expect this Chen Mo to dress up, or can you see it?"

Su Mo's eyes were gone up and down, and the little mouth was calm.

And Su Mu Bai is also a stunning, no matter how, Chen Miman at this time should never have someone who laughs Chen Mo is a garbage.

Tang Qingqing looked at Su Mu Bai, whispered: "Mu Bai, I didn't expect your eyes or very good, I really didn't see it, this Chen Mo is also very handsome ..."

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