Buildings in the mall.

Chen Mai stood in front of the mirror and looked at yourself, and then nodded very satisfied, but it was a bit too scary.

A set of clothes is more than 100,000 yuan!

Chen Mo has never passed so expensive clothes since childhood.

"Okay, the time is almost the same, let's go to the grandfather's dinner!"

Su Mu Bai was also very satisfied with Chen Mo's clothes. After reading time, he said softly.


Su Tu Yu shouted and then slammed Chen Mo's go outside the mall.

A few minutes later, Chen Mozu Bai Sushi Yu and others left the mall, and then drive directly to the old house of Sujia.

After about half an hour.

Su Mu-white car parked in front of a secluded small courtyard in the suburbs of Sujia Town.

"Chen Mo, this is my grandfather, let's go to the place!"

After Su Mu Bai stopped the car, he looked back and said with Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded and then reached out and pushed the car.

In the yard, Chen Mo's environment in this yard is still very quiet. Although the door of the yard seems to be very ordinary, it is actually don't have a hole, giving people a feeling of being crossing the Republic of China, with a Chinese classical Building, building pavilion, squirrel, small bridge flowing.

"All this yard is all your grandfather's home?"

After Chen Mo entered the yard, the tone was very surprised to rush to Su Mu Bai.


Su Mu Bai nodded gently.

"How? Is it very very very fit? I have grown up here!"

Su Tuyu turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and shouted.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo looked at the snorkeling of Su Yugu, there was nothing more, and the steps rushed to go to the yard.

A few minutes later, Chen Mo followed Su Mu Bai into the hall of the villa.

The retro Chinese hall is ancient ancients, at this time, sitting on the sofa, sitting on the sofa, and is talking about laughing.

"Mu Bai Xiaoyu Qingqing, do you come over?"

At this time, a old man sitting on the sofa in a white Zhongshan dress was shouting after seeing Su Mu Bai and others.

"Grandpa, I haven't seen me for so long!"

Su Tuyu ran directly to the old man, smiled and shouted.


The old man laughed after hearing this sentence of Su Tuyu, and then said: "Of course I want to think about Xiaoyu!"

"This is still almost!"

Southern Yucheng is a life with Su Lieheng, so she is naturally the best relations with Su Lieheng.

"Grandpa, this is the fiance Chen Mo, I am here!"

Su Mu Bai has not spoken, and Su Tuyu first introduced the road.

"Chen Mo?"

Su Lieheng heard this later, I couldn't help but looked at Chen Mo, and then bowed to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo's expression on the face of Su Mu's face is very nervous, because they are worried about Su Lieheng, because I don't like Chen Mo, if it is really like this, it is too embarrassing.

"The young man is good, it seems to be very spiritual!"

Su Lieheng said with Chen Mo.

"Grandpa, you are good!"

Mr. Chen Mo did not expect Su Lieheng that did not take someone, so it was very polite to rush to Su Lie Han.


Su Lie Heng nodded and said, then twisted his head and said: "Mu Bai Xiaoyu, you will go there first, it is estimated that you will eat for a while, call you a few!"


Su Mu Bai promised to have a very happy, and then with Chen Mile rushed to walk in the villa.

After a while, Su Mu Bai walked into a room with Chen Mo Sui and others.

Because Su Jia it is a big family, it is not a singer, and there are eight children of Su Lieheng, including four sons, and four daughters.

Among them, Su Lieheng's son is called Su Chengguang, and Soviet has a son called Soviet.

Soviet is now in the Magic Some organ, because with the help of Sujia's relationship, the official is still frank, developing is much better than the other three generations of children in Sujia, is the most important child of Su Liheng.

Su Lieheng's second son is Su Chengkai, Su Chengkai's daughter is Su Mu Bai.

In fact, Su Chengkai has been mixed with Su Lieheng's other children in the past few years, but it is only because there is a problem with Su Chengkai's company with Su Ming, so it will lead to Su Chengkai's current situation.

And Su Lieheng's three children are Su Cheng Xiao. Su Chengqing has now run a company. The company's situation is better than Su Chengkai. As for Su Chengxiao, Su Hongfei is the worst of the three generations. One, in addition to the idleness of the sky, there is no business.

As for the four sons of Su Lieheng, it is the father Su Chengjie of Su Tuyu!

Su Chengjie is also the journey, but it has always been a state in which it is not hot, and there is less than enough!

Su Lieheng also has four daughters. In addition to the Sumei Ling before Chen Mo, the rest of the three people are Su Meiyan Su Meijing Su Sakura!

Only, these three people are far more far from Nanyang City, Sujia Town because of the current lives, so it is not a lot of contact opportunities with Su Mu.

In such a big family, it seems that everyone is smiling, but in fact, this smile is hiding the knife!

Light is Su Mu, who is a fiance like Chen Mo, I don't know how many times are laughing, but Su Mu Bai has been used to such things from very small, so she will not care about others!

Chen Mai followed Su Mu Bai Su Tu Yu and others stayed in the room for more than ten minutes.

"Mu Bai Xiaoyu, you will come out to eat!"

Yang Fang's voice sounded outside the room.


Su Mu Bai whispered a sentence, then turned his head and said: "Chen Mo, let's eat!"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

Maybe because Chen Mo has already seen the grandfather of Su Mu, so he is not so nervous before the mood!

Chen Mo and others walked out of the room.

But when Chen Mo just walked into the hall, several familiar faces appeared in front of him.

"Chen Mo, why do you dare to come to our Sujia?"

Su Hongfei has changed the face in the face after seeing Chen Mo, and the expression of the bead expression is very excited.

White Snow Zhang Qing is standing around Su Hongfei, and it is also an angry in his eyes.

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