I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 269: Revenge from Su Hongfei

Sujia Villa.

Chen Mozu, who was originally planned to go to the restaurant, just got out of the room, see Su Hongfei, Zhang Qing, white snow, three people came in.

Su Hongfei saw Chen Mo, and his eyes flashed a figurus. Directly ran to Chen Mo directly, and then reached out directly to Chen Mo's collar, shouted: "Chen Mo, you still have a face. Our home, you gave me out! "

"Su Hongfei, what are you doing? This is not your home, this is Su Jia, Chen Mo rolls not to roll, not what you said!"

Su Yucu reached out and pushed Su Hongfei, and shouted with an angry expression.

"Su Yulu, you don't talk nonsense here, today if you don't because of him, how can I have to crimes, I have also planned to have a good relationship with Zhou An, now all this is destroyed! "

Su Hongfei shouted at the bead.

"Hong Fei, what is your doing? Let's open Chen Mo Song!"

At this time, Su Hongfei's father Su Cheng Xiaoyu went up, and his expression was seriously shouted.

"Yeah, Hongfei, what's the matter, can you say? What is your body?"

Su Lieheng naturally noticed that Chen Mo's situation and said that he did not express his expression.

Su Hongfei saw Su Lieheng to talk, it was clearly calm, biting his teeth and low voice: "Dad, grandfather, this smell of rubbish ..."

"You will open Chen Mo's first!"

Su Chengqing has interrupted Su Hongfei.


Su Hongfei hesitated and slowly released Chen Mo's collar.

"Hongfei, come over, tell me what contradictions with Chen Mo!"

Su Lie Heng gently put his hand and calmly said in Su Hongfei.

In the eyes of Su Lieheng, Su Hongfei's temper is not good, plus he is not too many years of age, and two people have seen any contradictions in the first time, and there is nothing to put.

At this time, the family has already surrounded, and the expression is unexplained.

"Grandpa, do you know who I saw it in the Guysian Club today?"

Su Hongfei asked excitedly in Su Lieheng.


Su Lieheng said faintly.

"Zhou An! Zhou Jia Dafu Zhou An!"

Su Hongfei replied with his teeth.

Everyone was in the original place after hearing Zhou An, and his face was very incredible.

"Is Zhoujia Zhou An not going abroad to study abroad?"

Su Lieheng naturally also clears what people in Zhou'an, so I asked in some hesitation after hearing this name.

"Yes, it's really going abroad, but he is coming back before a week!"

Su Hongfei nodded gently.

"Hong Fei, you still know Zhou Gong?"

"Yeah, Zhou Gongzi can be a person who can know, you have to get along with others!"

"I heard that Zhou Jia is the richest side of Sujia Town, and whether it is the business political circles or a military community, it is a Zhou family exists!"

Su Jiaren got a whisper in the words of Su Hongfei.

"Hongfei, what is the relationship between Zhou An with Chen Mo?"

The expression on the face of Su Lie is still calm, and the sound of Su Hongfei asked.

"Grandpa, things are like this, and the time I did a real estate project before, and the person in charge of this project was Zhou An. I was very interested in this project, so when I first stayed in China, I Just contact Zhou An, I want Zhou'an to do this project, Zhou An promised that I will take me with me when he returns! "

Su Hongfei said whispered.

"Oh, our family has been so interesting now, it is actually able to do business with Zhou An Zhou Jubi!"

Su Hongfei's mother heard the sentence of Su Hongfei, shouted very excited.

After all, in Sujia San generation children, Su Hongfei has been used as a child who has not been a child. At this time, Su Hongfei's mother knows that Su Hongfei wants to do business with Zhou'an, naturally has a feeling of raising the thrown.

Even Su Cheng Xiao, who hate the iron, and it is also a gratified at this time.

"Zhou Jia people are very savvy, and this week, Zhou An is the most interesting one in front of the family, Hongfei, you will have a very big benefit to you with Zhou'an!"

Su Lieheng slowly said.

Now this society, the most important thing may be a person.

Especially in Sujia Town, it is even more obvious.

Zhou Jia has now mastered most of Sujia Town. If Su Hongfei can work with Zhou An, this life is not needed, nor is it worried about eating it.

No one thought that the child who did not have the end is so good, and climbed from Zhou Jia.

"Grandpa, I certainly know that the relationship with Zhou Gong is definitely a Baili without a harm. In order to please Zhou'an, I deliberately went to Gu Qing's Guqin Club, I want to pretend to encounter Zhou An encountered, but I didn't expect that I planned for such a long time, I will fail because of this Chen Mo, he made me all the efforts before! "

Su Hongfei stretched his finger, and his expression was extremely angry.

In fact, Su Hongfei is not for the Quest Music Club who Zhou'an today. He is actually the news that Chen Mo wants to have ugly, and wants to have a lively.

At this point he said, nothing more than letting everyone feel that Chen Miman has influenced his relationship with Zhou'an.

I have to say that Su Hongfei is really very effective. Everyone is in the original place after hearing this sentence, and the expression does not understand Chen Mo.

They want to understand how Chen Mo can destroy the relationship between Su Hongfei and Zhou'an?

"Hongfei, what is going on? You said a little bit ..."

Su Lieheng also came to this at this time, and he asked in Su Hongfei.

"The grandfather, things are like this, today in the goggles, Chen Mo, who is in the goggles, Zhou Gongzi, girlfriend, watch Chen Mimi, a chance to give Chen Mai, let Chen Milou's head of the gongqin will!"

The front step on the snow and rushed to say.

"Gu Yant's house is also a big family in our Sujia Town. If Gu Qing is able to appreciate Chen Mo, it is also a chance, this is a good thing!" Su Lieheng slowly said.

"Yeah, Miss Wang gives Chen Mo's annual salary!"

Bai Xue shouted with a small mouth.

Yang Fang and Su Chengkai were directly stunned in the original place after hearing this sentence, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

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