I am the heir to the richest man

270th: Willing to apologize?

Yang Fang and Su Chengkai two people heard the show later.

They can think that Chen Mo, which is a waste in their eyes, but also gets tens of millions of annual salary.

As long as Chen Mo is really able to get this job, it is also possible to match the Shang Su Mu, they are also very happy to accept Chen Mo's son-in-law.

Su Mei Ling is an envious look at Chen Mo, whispering: "I didn't expect this Chen Mo to still be a potential stock!"

"But this Chen Mo actually refuses Miss's invitation!"

However, the sentence of Snow next, let Yang Fang Su Chengkai's heart fall to the bottom of the valley.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy? People you have a million annual salary you don't agree? If you don't want Miss Gu, you can see you, what can you do?"

Yang Fang's expression is a little excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"Mom, people Chen Mo don't want to go to it. We have no right to force him!"

Su Mu Bai shouted.

"What is he is not happy, is he intended to pick up the garbage of a lifetime, when a lifetime of waste?" Yang Fang sent a little out of control, pulling the scorpion.


Su Lieheng gently couges, and when Yang Fang doesn't continue to say.

Yang Fang also understood the meaning of Su Lieheng, and quickly closed his mouth.

Su Lieheng looked at Chen Mo, then said that there was no expression: "Chen Mo has Chen Mo's own ideas. Since he has a courage to refuse Gu Qing's invitation, it is certainly a better job after being confident!"

"Also, since Chen Mo can get the appreciation of Gu Qing, then it will definitely get the appreciation of others!"

Su Mu Bai's Burber Yejie was able to pay a sentence.

Have to say, Su Lieheng and Su Chengjie have treated Chen Mo's attitude or very nice. At most, these two people did not look down from Head to the end of Chen Mo.

"Hongfei, what is Zhou Zhou because Chen Mo refused to be invited by Gu Qing, so will it be angry?"

Su Chengqing now doesn't care about Chen Mo and Gu Qing's things. He just wants Su Hongfei to talk to Zhou An.

"Chen Mo refused Miss Gu, but his attitude was not a bit? Gu Miss said with Zhou An for Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not will be willing to let, but also answer to people I don't care, I finally didn't matter, agree that Chen Mo didn't go to Gu Qing's Guqin Club, but Gu Qing wants Chen Mo's piano, Chen Mo actually even said this small requirement, directly face color Go! "Su Hongfei shouted with his teeth.


Everyone heard this twisted to see Chen Mo.

Chen Mo refused Gu Qing, is also very normal, after all, Chen Mo also has its own right to choose, but they didn't expect Chen Mo, even, I didn't agree!

Isn't this ambiguity? Don't you give Zhou'an face?

Sin in Sujia Town, Zhou An and Gu Qing, is not a good thing!

"You didn't see the expression on Zhou Gongzi's face. He was so mad at Chen Mo, and Zhou Gongzi's attitude towards Hongfei is very cold. All the efforts before Hongfei are in white, all of which is Chen Mo. Good things! "White snow glared at the big eyes of the water, and shouted.

At this time, everyone finally understood this thing.

Su Cheng Xiao looked at Chen Mo, and his eyes were gloomy, because he felt that Chen Mai was quoted for his own good opportunity.

Can you get this kind of person, how big is it?

Su Hongfei's mother is actually a trembling, but because Su Lieheng is still there, there is no talk.

"Grandpa, you said what is going on? I am very hard to know Zhou An, now I am stirring with Chen Mo, Zhou An is definitely separated from me, I will have to contact people again, people will definitely I am! "

Su Hongfei shouted like Su Lieheng.

"Yeah, dad, today, in any case, you have to give our family Hongfei!"

Su Hongfei's mother shouted with Su Hongfei.

"Chengjie, what do you think today?"

Su Lieheng called his old four Su Chengjie asked.

Su Chengjie is straightforward, and because it has been working in agency in the organization in the year, it is very experienced in handling this.

"Today, I feel that from the objective point of view, Chen Mo did something excessive. After all, Hongfei worked hard for so long, because this small thing was delayed, it is a bit unfortunately!"

Su Chengjie parked, then continued: "But Chen Mo is not our Sujia Town, do not know Zhou Gongzi is also very normal, and you can forgive!"

Su Chengjie's sentence is basically equal to not saying, there are no sin.

"Dad, what can you say, how can this be a small thing? And I don't go to Gu Qing's club. It is Chen Mo's freedom, and gives me the freedom of Chen Mo because Su Hongfei!"

Su Yun Yu shouted in Su Chengjie.

"I said not to let Chen Mo go to school to go to work, should Chen Mo's piano, should Miss Gu?"

Su Chengjie fell back, then continue to say: "I think the best solution today is Chen Mo to refer to Miss's invitation, but in order not to be the face of Zhou Gongzi, take the initiative to take the piano, this kind Both parties have steps, Zhou An will not remember Chen Mo, and Chen Mo is not a violation of his will! "

"That piano is that Chen Mo's mother left him, Chen Mo didn't want to give out?"

Su Yuchen shouted with the big eyes of the water.

"The piano tree is left to him!"

Everyone heard the sentence of Su Tuyu, all of them were in the same place.

They finally understood what is going on.

"Okay, don't quarrel here, this is good, I will take Chen Mo to go to a thoughtful family, let Chen Mo apologize to Zhou An Gu Qing, and by the way, Zhou Jia With our Sujia, I think Chen Mo said later, Zhou An should continue to be difficult, Chen Mo, as for the problem there, it should be unspeakable! "

At this time, the boss Zhou Cuanguang stood up and said a view that enabled everyone feels acceptable.

"The big proposal of the United States is good, I think Chen Mo will be able to give Zhou Gongzi, and Zhou Gongzi should forgive me!"

Su Hongfei nodded very well, then turned his head to Chen Mo, said with his mouth: "I don't know if someone is willing to apologize!"

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