I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 275: Shouquet begins

Although Sujia Town is not very atmospheric, it is difficult to compare with the big cities such as Nanyang City.

However, in fact, Sujia Town is still very big, and the development is completely comparable to Nanyang City, but it is because Sujia Town is relatively low-key, so people who really understand Sujia Town are not a lot.

So far, Sujia Town has already had a rich man who is worth 10 million, and these richers will return to Sujia Town after returning to the second line.

Su Mu Bai's grandfather Su Lieheng is one of them. Zhou An's grandfather is the last house owner of Zhoujia.

It is because these rich returns, let Sujia Town's economy has developed rapidly, and can even be comparable to Nanyang City.

Today, Sujia Town is also a big day.

Sujia's home of Su Lieheng held a 60-year-old life!

Basically, as long as it is a little famous in Sujia Town, it will come over and participate in the birthday banquet, and for Su Lieheng to send a birthday, and Su Lieheng's brothers and sisters are also very much, and these people are also a small mood all over the country. There are also some guests come to Su Lieheng's brothers.

There are two Su Lieheng, distinguishing Su Li Guangsufa!

Although Su Lieheng is still a little famous in Sujia Town, but it is still very bad compared with him, whether it is Su Lieguang, Su Junfa, it is worth 100 million.

The Su family in Su Lieheng is now, it seems that there is only Su Chengkai to be able to see the past few years, and there is no way to take out the other people.

In the family of Sujia, there will be more people.


Eight in the morning.

The hotel held a birthday banquet has already started busy, and a dish is full of dishes, and the hall can see several zero zero dispersions in the lobby. These guests are not very high. It belongs to the ordinary person who wants to please Su Lieheng, so they will come so early!

The real VIP will choose before the birthday banquet!

Chen Mo came into the hall with Su Mu Bai Suicai Yang Fang.

When Chen Mo entered the hall, it was found that the rest of Su family had arrived. Some people helped to check the dishes in the back kitchen. Some people received greetings in the lobby. The atmosphere was very lively.

"Mu Bai, you are waiting here, I am going to help with your father ..."

After Yang Fang entered the hotel, he said softly to Su Mu Bai.

"Ok ... ok!"

Su Mu Bai helplessly agreed.


Yang Fang turned his eyes and said, then said with a small mouth: "Chen Mo, you are waiting for me here, don't go out, don't know?"

"I know……"

Chen Mo looked down Yang Fang, whispered back.

"You should not bring you to you ..."

Yang Fang screamed, then stepped on the high-heeled shoes, Ting Ting, walked away, and shouted: "Mrs. Zhang, you come over!"

Although Su Mu Bai does not live in Sujia Town, because Yang Fang is also a person here, so these guests in the lobby are still very familiar.

Su Chengkai also began to find a guest of the guests he met.

And Chen Mimi turned his head to see Su Mu, Zhang Wang just said to speak with Su Mu, but she still didn't wait for Chen Mo's opening, Su Mu Bai turned and left, then found a quiet location.

Chen Mo knows that Su Mu Bai should still be angry because he refuses Su Lieheng's things, helplessly smiling, then walking to Su Mu, sitting quietly.

A blink of an eye, the time has passed for more than an hour.

"Guangyu is coming, grandfather came over!"

At this time, Su Hongfei shouted, and then rushed to the outside of the hotel directly.

And Su Bowen Bai Xue Zhang Qingqing and others followed the Soviet Fei.

"What is Guangyu?"

Chen Mo saw Su Hongfei so excited, I couldn't help but asked softly.

"Grandpa is my brother of my grandfather. I usually walk with our family, so we all like to call him grandfather ..."

Su Mu Bai explained a sentence.

"Then why don't you go out to meet?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"There are Su Hongfei who have a few people, I will not pass ..."

Su Mu Bai said.


Chen Mer is lightly nod, nothing to say.

After a few minutes, Su Hongfei and others have an old man who is old and Su Lieheng walks into the hotel lobby, and the old man's face is hung and a gentle smile, giving an amiable feeling.

"You can't greenery?"

Chen Mo asked Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai heard this sentence and couldn't help but shook his head, whispered: "I still don't have passed, wait for a while, I have a chance to say hello!"

"OK then……"

Chen Mai nodded helpless, nothing to say.

Because the guests who come to the birthday feast are really too much, so Su Li has naturally noticed that Chen Mozu, who is sitting on the side.

When a blink of an eye, there is a lot of guests in the lobby, and these guests are looking at the temperament from wearing, and should be not ordinary people.

In fact, in such a birthday banquet, the location arrangement is still very particular.

The easiest rule is that the hotel is sitting in the guests, the closer to Su Lieheng, and a little lower than the child is sorted in the back.

Su Liguang is Su Lieheng's brother. It naturally cannot compare with these guests present, so he directly sits on the table of Su Lieheng, and then smiled and heroes.

But how long did you have, there is a noisy voice in the lobby.

Everyone turned his head to the position of the door after heard the movement.

I saw a young man who had a long-awaited, I walked into the hall, and I followed a long-term handsome young man with a long-term handsome young person.

"How did I come this time this time?"

Su Ji was shouting with his mouth and shouted with a mouthful of tone.

"The second brother is not the same? No matter what you do, you have to shoot slowly ..."

Su Lie is a face, and there is a look, then I walked in the position of Su Ji.

Su Lie has been different from Su Li, and he did not say hello to other guests after entering the hall, but rushed to Su Lieheng's position.

"I didn't expect Su Ling to come over!"

Su Mu Bai did not put his attention on Su Jifa, but stared at the youth of Su Ji.

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