I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 276: Even the gousy of the birthday?

"Su Ling?"

Chen Mo listened to Su Mu Bai's sentence, I couldn't help it, and then wrinkled with brows: "Do you know this person?"

"Of course, I know that Su Ling is the eldest son of Grandfather's family. When I first had a birthday banquet, I met with this Suiling!"

Su Mu Bai looked back, and then the eyes flashed a different.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Mo saw the same as Su Mu Bai, and asked.

"No ... nothing ..."

Su Mu Bai shook his head gently.

"This Su Ling is not average person ..."

At this time, Tang Qingqing walked to Chen Mo Mu, and whispered.

"Why is it not general?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"We are more, but in fact, both my grandfather, or my grandfather's other two brothers home is business people, most of them are relying on business, very few people can go to the official way. Even if someone embarked on the journey, there will be no big achievements, but this Su Ling is not the same ... "

Tang Qingqing paused, then continue: "This Su Ling is just a child's most inconspicuous child, and there is no qualification for people, so it has been looked down. I think he has grown up to the rich second generation of a playwright, but no one thinks, that is, this inconspicuous child finally chose to be a soldier! "


Chen Mo listened to the eyes of the eyes.

Although Chen Mo's rich second generation is not a lot, he knows that the soldiers are not average people to endure, need to have a very powerful perseverance to follow self-control, if it is a common people's child may also accept it.

But if it is Su Ling, the privacy of the privacy, the second generation, should be difficult to persist.

"Su Ling met a very powerful big man when he was a soldier, when he retired, it was directly taken by this big man, only a few years, Su Ling became a small driver. Nanyang City's pivotable ministers, the wind is inquiry, it is not the rest of the Sujia's future generations! "

Tang Qingqing looked at Chen Mai to continue.

"What is arrogant, this Sulling is just a good luck!"

At this time, Soviet went to Tang Qingqing's cold voice.

"Soviet, you will grasp your head, you will say this!"

Su Mu-shi said that he said in Soviet.

Yesterday evening, Soviet father Su Chengguang did not help Chen Mo's talk, so Su Mu Yin Xin has always been complaining, and it is difficult to listen to a bit.


Sovien heard this later, I couldn't help but smile, then turned to Chen Mo, whispered: "I admit that I am not as good as Su Ling, but I have to know this poor boy who found it from. Strong! "

"You ... how can you know that you are more than Chen Moqiang?"

Su Mu Bai glared in the big eyes of Water, and the tone was slightly angry.

"But what else should be able to see that I am stronger than this garbage?"

Su Bangwen was unteranned smile, and after he finished this, he turned directly to leave.

"What is this Sovien? How can I eat a gunpowder today, talk so hard ..."

Su Tuyu looked at the back of Soviet, the expression was very confused.

"If it is not because Su Ling, Soviet Wen should become the best child of Sujia, but now he is a little too big compared with Su Ling, he saw that Su Ling will definitely uncomfort it ... "

Tang Qingqing has no expression.

"Even if his mood is not good, there is nothing to do with us. What is he sprinkled with us?" Su Tuyu shouted his little mouth.

Chen Miman looked at the position of Su Shinwen, and his eyes did not speak calm.

"Okay, the banquet has been starting for more than half, grandfather let us wait for guests to enter ..."

At this time, Su Mu's face was shouted and then directly stepped on the high-heeled shoes.

After a moment, Su Mu Bai and others sat next to the table not far from Su Lieheng Su Ji, and Su Bowen as a small generation of Sujia, naturally also sat together with Chen Mile.

Su Lieheng Su Jifa Su Li and the old friends of their three are sitting at a table, Su Chengkai Su Chenguang and other middle-aged people sitting at a table.

After Chen Mer, I found that Su Ling was very big. From the head to the end, I closed my eyes. I didn't take the initiative to chat with Soviet Soviet White and others. Su Hongfei is active with Su Ling. Sentence, and Su Ling did not open from his head to the end, and there was no meaning of Su Hongfei at all.

And Su Hongfei saw that Su Ling did not take care of himself, he closed his mouth, not talking.

After everyone entered the seat, the guests came in from the hall.

It is often that this time is a family person.

But let Chen Mo didn't think that these guests who came to Su Lieheng Zhu Shou did not rush to Su Lieheng, but rushing to Su Li, Su Li, two people!

This feeling seems to be that people who have lived today are not Su Lieheng, more like Su Li Guang Su Li.

Su Lieheng is still good in Sujia Town, but there is still a big gap with two people in Su Li Su Li.

Looking at the guests around Su Li, Su Li, Su Lieheng's eyes flashed, but he did not dare to say anything, after all, the people of others are indeed more than themselves, this is an indisputable fact!

"I didn't expect to have passed so many years. The people of your home are still so pitiful. People who come over, I am just some stinky fish. If I am not because my grandfather is also, I'm estimated that your family has a birthday. Nothing? "

At this time, Su Ling did not speak from the head to the end.

Su Mu Bai and Su-crew and others were heard by Suiling, all twisted to look at Su Ling, and quickly express unusual anger.

"Su Ling, what do you say?"

However, at this time, the most angry is not someone else, it is Soviet.

"I said that your home is really too pitiful. If it is not because of my grandfather's help, you may not even have a guest, do you have any comments?"

Su Ling sat in the same place, and the expression was very disdainful.

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