I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 277: These people are also a person?

Inside the hotel.

After hearing Su Ling, the eyes flashed a figurne, directly got up and rushed to rushing: "Su Ling, is you fucking here to find ?"

"I am looking for it?"

Su Ling looked at Soviet, then said that there was no expression: "I need to find this kind of person? And what I just said? Do you see these people who have just come over? Guests, which is not rushing to my grandfather? "

"Su Ling, you are too too much, even if you have more people, how can you?"

Although Su Mu Bai's impression is nothing to Soviet this person, she now hates this Suiling, because she really can't understand where this Suli is coming, it is actually able to make him so much, even You know that these guests are all in the two people, you shouldn't you say these words directly?

Is this a bit too nor to give Su Mu Bai family face?

So Su Mu Bai naturally also talk to Soviet Wen.

Su Ling looked at Su Mu, saying that Su Mu Bai was heard, and said: "Su Mu Bai, if I have not remembering the wrong, you should work for a while? If you are a College students, I may not refute you, but now you can still say that there is no such thing, do you not feel ridless? "

"Rid? Where can I laugh?"

The Su Youth Yu shouted with a small mouth.

"In this society, there is no one how much you have, how much do you have, because these things are just a cloud smoke, really important is how much you have, this truth Su Lieheng did not tell you ?"

Su Ling did not show his expression.

"Su Ling, you pay attention to your words, my grandfather is your three grandfather, you don't think you feel right like this?"

Su Mu, the voice rushed to Su Ling.

Suo Ling smiled dismissed, continued to close his eyes and rest, did not fight with Su Mu Bai and others.

Chen Miman is sitting in a cold eye, never said from the end to the end.

He acknowledges that Su Ling said that there is still some truth. Nowadays, this social person is indeed an important factor in judging whether a person's success or not, but it is not to feel, and Su Ling can now have no way to compare with Chen Mima. Chen Mo is very do not like Su Ling's toe.

But he saw Su Ling and others did not continue to dispute this topic, so he nature did not say much.

On the other hand, Su Lieheng Su Li, Su Lie, etc. sit in the host reception.

But it can be seen that Su Lieheng is very ugly.

Most of these guests have been rushing to him. When you say that you have said that you have a sincerity, you will start with Su Lie Guangsu, and finally can't wait to send the gifts directly. Give these two.

Su Lieheng's face is not good, Su Chengkai is naturally no light.

Especially in such an important occasion, Su Lieheng has so many children don't have a helpless, they will feel very embarrassed.

"Chairman of Jiecheng Group is coming!"

At this time, Miss Welcome to the front of the hotel hall suddenly shouted.

When everyone heard this, they went to see the location of the hotel, I saw a few people who were in the middle of them like a successful person, I laughed into the hotel.

After the middle-aged person headed by Su Lie, the eyes flashed in the eyes, because this Zhang is always a Nanyang City, and I have a little interesting with Su Lieheng, so he thinks that Zhang has always been to go to himself. , Full of red light.

"I didn't expect Zhang, you have come over, so far away, it is really embarrassing!"

Su Lieheng held his hand, and smiled and shouted.

"Mr. Su, what are you talking about? Today is your sixty big life, how can I not come over!"

Zhang always faintly, then did not continue to follow Su Lieheng, but walked to Su Jifa in front of Su Jifa: "Su Lao Ge, I am sorry, I am also just received a message from your brother. News Something, there is a bit late! "

"Not late, the birthday banquet has not started!"

Su Li sent a faint.

"It's almost a good night, how is your body? I have given people to the Cordyceps sinensis habiting for you before?"

The total face is charming with Su Li.

And Su Lieheng is unusually difficult to stand in place, and his eyes seem to spray fire at any time.

Because he did not think that this Zhang did not rushing him, but rushing to Su Li, this birthday banquet Sutheng felt that his face had to be lost.

"Ha ha……"

And Su Ling couldn't help but smirk after seeing this scene. The expression on his face disdain.

Su Mu Bai Su Shi Yubo Bowen and others have a face, but I don't know what to say, after all, today they are really very shameful, and they can't find any reasons to refute people Suling Even if you want to dispute without a bottom gas.

Next, because Su Lie has become more and more guests come, and just take it out, one is the presence of a rank, even some officials also come to the birthplace because of Suling's relationship.

This birthday banquet is also to make Su Lieheng's family's face.

After all, it is Su Lieheng's longevity, but the guests come to the two people who have been rushing to Su Li Guangsu, this is what is going on?

Soviet Southern Sushu and others are more bitterly confused, because Southern God will always bring a context, as if they have been laughing at them.

Original Su Lieheng thought that the birthday banquet can be officially started at noon, but the businessmen who came out of the names are too much, until a little more than a few times in the afternoon, still have guests walking into the hotel.

It was obviously not enough for the banquet of the 20 tables, so Su Lieheng added ten tables.

Su Li's two people are busy, and the people here are very cold, Su Chengkai regrets she shouts why they did not shout their partners above their business, if those people shouted, they It should not be so embarrassed.

But now I'm obviously too late.

"Su Mu Bai, do you just say that people are not used with me? Do you still feel that people don't use it?"

Su Ling saw that the guests were almost the same, and suddenly he asked in Su Mu.

Obviously, he wanted to teach this opportunity to teach Soviet Soviet White.


Su Mu Bai Zhang said that he suddenly heard Chen Mo said: "These people who shouted in your grandfather are also a person?"

Su Ling heard Chen Mo's sentence, directly in the original place, then turned his head to Chen Mo, and the eyes flashed.

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