I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 288: How are you here!

Sujia Town Zhou Yangcheng!

The power in Sujia Town is equivalent to Li Jun Cheng's influence in Nanyang City!

Sujia is not as good as the family!

Zhou Yang accomplishment is to face the mayor of Nanyang City, which is to get along with each other. From this point, it can see how powerful.

However, in fact, Zhou Yangcheng is still very large compared to the big giants standing in a row.

The guests in the lobby did not know Zhou Qianquan. They only knew Zhou Yangcheng, so Su Lieheng Su Jifa et al. After knowing Zhou Yangcheng, all the up and take the initiative to rush to the outside, welcome Zhou Yangcheng's arrival.

After standing around Zhou Qian map, all of them revealed the deep affection.

"Zhou Lao, Su Jia people are going on? You are so big, they let you sit in the corner, don't give it from the head to the tail, and a small Zhou Yang has come over, they Su Jia actually did so big, if I didn't remember the wrong, the week of Zhou Yangcheng was still because I had some relationship with you, so I had this achievement today? "Zhou Qian figure a boss, tone I am very unexpectedly rushing around Zhou Qiao.

"Yeah, is this Su family not inverted? Do you don't know if you are the relationship between Zhou and Zhou Yangcheng?" The other boss also said.

"This Zhou Yangcheng has no qualifications in front of us in front of us. Su family does not want to week, and it is a bit too ridiculous!" Zhou Qian figure, the bodyguards, the bodyguards, the bodyguards. .

At this time, Zhou Qiao is also a slight frown, the expression on the face is very unexpected, because he is also a bit unclear what is going on.

Originally, he saw that Su Jia people abandoned so many big men, thinking that Sujia people were so arrogant because of Chen Mo's high branch, but at this time they actually gave a small week, this Some people can't understand it.


At this time, a large group of people walked into the hall.

What is headed is a middle-aged person wearing Zhongshan. It has a pair of Wen Wen. With a pair of glasses, this person is a big name in Sujia Town. Zhou Yangcheng.

It's a few days a few days before the middle-aged people, I've been in front of Zhou Jia, who is speaking with Chen Mo, who is with Chen Mo. Zhou An.

At this time, the expression on Zhou An face is difficult!

"Weekly brother, you can come over!"

Su Lieheng's age is more than Zhou Yang, so he has always called Zhou Yang to become a young brother.

"Su big brother, today is your birthday, I must come over to give you birthday!"

Zhou Yang became a very polite back.

"Thank you!"

Su Lieheng heard the smile on his face seems to be more splendid, and even busy arched.

Zhou Yangcheng turned his head to the bodyguards behind him, and the bodyguard was in understanding Zhou Yangcheng, and quickly took out the pre-prepared birthday, who was in front of Su Lieheng.

Su Lieheng looked at an eye and found that it was a very beautiful Waitian jade. This jade is worth more than one million.

"Zhou younger brother, are you too polite? Do you actually send me such a great gift?"

Su Lieheng suddenly had a stunned feeling at this time, and the look excited about Zhou Yangcheng.

One million gifts, this is a big gift for Su Lieheng, let alone this gift is also sent out, Su Lie will feel more face.

"Si brother, we have two people for so many years, what are you talking to me?"

Zhou Yang became faint.

Thousands of pictures and others who are not far away are stupid, and the expression on the face seems to be more confused.

To know that these people give to Su Lieheng's gift, it may be more than 50 million, and it is more cheap and cheaper, but Su Lieheng doesn't even look at it, directly throw it.

But at this time, Zhou Yangcheng is just a million Hetian jade. It actually gave Su Lieheng to smile, and these big nowadays are seriously suspected of Su Lieheng's head is there!

"Zhou younger brother, please hurry!"

Su Lieheng took the initiative to walk in the lobby.

"Si brother, I don't know where Chen Gongzi is?"

Zhou Yang became hesitated, and the expression was nervous asked Su Lieheng.

"Chen ... Chen Gongzi?"

Su Lieheng heard the original place directly after hearing this.

"Yes, it is your granddaughter Su Mu Bai's fiance Chen Mo, Chen Gongzi!"

Zhou Yangcheng repeatedly repeated.

Zhou Yangbei could heard Chen Mo's face under Zhang Tianya, so he heard that Zhou An in the Guysian Club in Bi Tianhe was also in the heart of Chen Mo, and there was some son to touch his son. The arrival of the Chen Mage will not be his boss!

Zhou Yang became today, one is to give Su Lieheng, I want to confirm Chen Mo's identity.

If this is really a boss, he is ready to let Zhou An apologize for so many people, so he will bring Zhou'an today.

If if you are not, then things are simple.

And Su Lieheng himself was slightly fiddling. He thought that Zhou Yang became a crime, which was prepared to find Chen Mo Xing, after all, Chen Mo's sin of Zhou'an.

Although Chen Mo is really excessive, Su Lieheng still wants to help Chen Mo once, so he whispered after hesitating: "Zhou Bao, Chen Mo and Mu Bai have just left, I know Chen Mo and your son There are some small mistakes. After Chen Mo came back, I will let him apologize, now there are so many guests look, you will don't work for your old brother, my children will deal with ... "

Zhou Yangcheng heard this, and then gently nodded and did not say much.

Because he can feel since Su Lieheng's present attitude, the Sujia's Chen Mo should be not alone with his boss. Otherwise, how can Su Lie He speak this, so he is not worried now.

Zhou Yangcheng followed Su Lieheng into the hall.

After entering the hall, Zhou Yangcheng was shocked by those bustling people, because he didn't expect Su Lieheng to come over.

But when his eyes fell in the body of Zhou Qian, Zhou Yangcheng was scared and soft, and it was so unfold to fell on the ground.

"Zhou ... Zhou Boyong ... How is this here?"

Zhou Yang's tone shouted.

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