I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 289: Sun Dengard of Indector?

Zhou Yangcheng saw that Zhou Qiao sat in the corner of the hall, scared and hanging directly.

Although these people in Sujia Town don't know Zhou Qian map, Zhou Yangcheng once seen a thousand pictures in the eyes, and Zhou Yangcheng's Zhou's family can have today's achievements, a large part of the reason is the help of Zhou Qian .

When I didn't get a New Year's Eve, Zhou Yang Chengdu will go to the villa of Zhou Qianchaograph to go to the New Year. From a point, it can see the relationship between Zhou Yangcheng and Zhou Da.

At this time, Zhou Yang has never thought of Zhou Qiao actually actually appeared on Su Lieheng's birthday banquet.

"Is Mo Su Lieng actually met Zhou Yao this big person?"

Zhou Yang couldn't help but lamented in his heart, and then quickly stepped to the front of Zhou Qian, and said: "Zhou Boy, how are you here?"

"I heard that today is Chen Gongzi's grandfather's birthday, so I deliberately took birthday to the birthday, but I haven't seen Chen Gongzi!"

Zhou Qiao sat in the original ground, there was no expression, and the attitude towards Zhou Yangcheng is not very enthusiastic.

However, after this sentence of Zhou Qian Figure, the entire hall has fallen into a silence, and the dead is still quiet!

Everyone looked at the beads and looked at Zhou Qian Zhouyang Cheng and others. The expression on the face was very incredible.

Especially Su Jiaren, it is completely dumbful, Su Lieheng is standing in the same place, and there is a bit of reactions at a time. But this is what is going on.

Because these people in the field itself are not knowing these people, plus those things that have happened, so they will misunderstand the thousands of pictures, but Mo's actor is pleased.

But even if Chen Mai is actor, should I call Zhou Yang Cheng?

How can Zhou Yang Cheng that may give Chen Mian as an actor?

Just now, Zhou Yangcheng's attitude towards Zhou Miographically speaking, everyone can see a clear, they faintly felt that this week's thousands of pictures seem to be actors, it should be true!

And Zhou Yang became a confused, and even asked softly: "Zhou Boy, what did you say Chen Mozi?"


Zhou Da is gently nod.

Zhou Yangcheng is a bit of cold, because he has been able to determine it, and his son's prostitute, Chen Mo, whoever, should be his boss Chen Gongzi.

"Zhou Boy, isn't you sitting here?"

Zhou Yangcheng talking to those people behind Zhou Qianzi, I don't know how to be scared!

Zhou Yangcheng found that those who stood behind Zhou Qianchao, just took out that it was the surprising existence, even Zhou Yang Chengdu did not dare to easily blindly.

However, Zhou Yangcheng felt that all of these people were all rushing to Chen Mail, that is, it is not impossible, after all, Zhou Yang became very well-known for Chen Mo's forces.

It is just that Zhou Yangcheng does not understand that these people are all standing. On the contrary, the little bosses in Sujia Town are all sitting. According to the reason, Su Jiaren is not stupid, should not be such a seat Talented!

"Mr. Su Lao let me sit here!"

Zhou Da pictures know Su Lieheng's relationship with Chen Mo, so I don't dare to lose my temper, I can only have a touch of return.

"Mr. Su is let you sit here?"

Zhou Yangcheng heard this later, and then quickly turned his head to the Su Lieheng standing on the side.

At this time, Su Lieheng has been completely stupid. Standing in the same place, the expression on the face is very fearful, because he is not able to figure out how this is a matter of this, he thought that Zhou Qian is all It is the actor who came to Chen Mo, so he will let these people wait in the corner of the hall!

But if it is an actor, then Zhou Yangcheng can't know, and it will never talk to him with such a respectful tone!

Su Lie is a surprise with Su Li, and the eyes are standing around Su Lieheng. At this time, two people seem to have guessed this.

Su Chengku Shengguang Yang Fang and others are in the same place.

"Sin brother, what is this?"

Zhou Yangcheng wrinkled with Su Lieheng asked.

"What, Week boss, can you talk about a step?"

Su Lieheng hesitated, whispered.

"Don't talk about one step, what is going on?" Zhou Yang Cheng now has a mood to talk to Su Lieheng, and there is no expression.


Su Lieheng stood in place, hesitated two seconds, and the sound was slightly trembled. "Zhou boss, things are like this, before I found a actor to pretend to be Hong Tao Securities, let me give it directly I have been going out, and then the people around Zhou Zhou have come over. I originally thought that these people were the actors who came to the granddaughter, so I would ... "

"The granddaughter of the operator? Du Hongtao?"

Zhou Yang became a variety of words after hearing these words, because Zhou Yang Cheng itself is the person under Li Jun Cheng, and Du Hongtao is the same as Li Juncheng, and then the Su Lieheng said the desidual granddaughter, Zhou Yangcheng has reacted at this time!

"Si brother, what you said, the granddaughter, is Chen Mo Chen Gongzi?" Zhou Yang became whispered.

Su Lieheng has changed his face after listening to Zhou Yangcheng.

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Yang became a clear smile, and the heart was secretly sighing Su Lieheng. It was really a blessing in Fu.

Only, Zhou Yangcheng knows that Chen Mo has always been very low-key, and I don't like to expose my identity. This point Li Juncheng also specially stressed with them, so Zhou Yangcheng did not say it too clearly, but whispered: "Si brother, you How do you know that Du Hongtao is fake? "

"I looked at the gift that the person gave me, I think Duzumi's big people should not send such something!" Su Lieheng quickly returned.

"Where is it? Let me see!"

Zhou Yang Cheng quickly said.

Su Lieheng stunned, and then let people got it in the place that he threw him on the ground, and then respectfully handed it to Zhou Yangcheng!

When Zhou Yangcheng saw the ginseng, I was shocked when I was in the original place.


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