I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 190: Both Chen Mo?

When Zhou Yangcheng saw Du Hongtao gave Su Lieheng, the whole person was stupid!

Because he didn't think that Du Hongtao shot, it was so broad!

"Zhou Xiong, do you know this ginseng?"

Su Lieheng saw that the expression on Zhou Yangcheng's face was a little less right, and he quickly asked.

"Sin brother, the brother, people Du always give you such a valuable gift, you are not satisfied? What gift do you still want?" Zhou Yang became whisper.

"Zhou Xiong, don't you have a joke with me, this is not an ordinary ginseng? How can it be a precious gift?"

Su Lieheng reached out and wiped the sweat on his face and looked back.

At this time, Su Lieheng Su Jifa et al., The more I heard it, the more it is wrong.

"Ordinary ginseng?"

Zhou Yang became a brightening of Su Lieheng, then said that there was no expression: "Sin brother, I told you that this is not an ordinary ginseng, this is the old ginseng for five hundred years! The auction in Hong Kong's auction house, start shooting The price is 3 million, and finally by Du Hongtao bought it with seven million prices. Now Du Hongtao will give you again. You actually say that this is a ginseng of an ordinary person? "

Su Lieheng heard this after heard that the expression on his face was very incredible.

And Su Lie Su Li Guang et al. Is a shock of a face.

Of course, the most embarrassing possibility is still in the past, I have been ridicuing Chen Mo's two people!

After all, people who have to open the gifts to check the gifts are Su Ling, and the words of Zhou Yangcheng will undoubtedly playing Su Ling's face, and also hit the face of Sujia people!

At the scene, the guests were gangled in Zhou Chengyang, and the eyes were full of shocking. They thought that there was such a general value to have such a big value!

And most of them feel that the shock is not the value of this with ginseng, the most important thing is if this is the true words, then the identity of Du Hongtao is true!

If Du Hongtao is true, these people do not have all true?

Thinking of this, everyone turned to look at the position of the hall!

Hongjin Group's Zhou Qian!

Chuzhou Feng Tian Huamao Zhang Weichuan!

Chairman of Tianyi Real Estate Group, Long Ying City, Wei Guodong!

Beichuan Luxing Automobile Trade Group, Lu Chengsheng!

This is just that one is all of them who don't want to do!

"Du Hongtao is true, the Mr. Zhang is really a thousand pictures?"

Su Lieheng slowly turned his head to the position of Zhang Qian, and asked in Baba.

"Of course, I have seen Zhang Boxing many times, I can still lie to you?" Zhou Yang has shouted.

After listening to this sentence of Zhou Yangcheng, Su Lieheng was scared and faintly fainted. If Su Chengkai reacted quickly, Su Liheng was estimated to fall on the ground.

"Mr. Zhou, it is too embarrassed, I just misunderstood you, so I will talk to you with that attitude, it is too embarrassing!"

Su Lieheng took a sigh of relief and quickly ran to the front of Zhou Qian's picture, and he said unhappy.

"no problem, no problem!"

Zhou Qiao is very clear about Su Lieheng's relationship between Chen Mo, so even if there is some dissatisfaction in your heart, it is now definitely not to show it. It can only be a laugh.

"It's really sorry, sorry!"

Su Lieheng is obviously not known to say something well, and repeatedly apologize, and Su Lie has stood more embarrassing with Su Lie wide, because they have never thinking that Su Lieheng did not think that Su Lieheng did not think that Su Lieheng didn't think of Su Lieheng Also know the big people like a thousand pictures.

Although Su Lie Su Li sent two people compared to other guests in the field, it was very powerful, but it was really unbearable in front of Zhou Qian.

After the identity of Zhou Qiao, the identity of the other people naturally didn't have to say it.

Su Lieheng is completely busy, and begins to apologize to others, the expression on the face is extremely nervous.

These people will come out and have the existence of Su Lieheng. There is no chance to know. At this time, he actually let these people are waiting for the corner, and Su Lieheng thinks terrible.

Zhou Yangcheng followed Su Lieheng's side. At this time, Zhou Yang became a very large change, because he has clearly understood the relationship between Chen Mo and Su Lie.

And someone else in the lobby of the birthday banquet is also amazing.

The little bosses in Sujia Town have no courage to sit in place, and they will get up and let their seats!

Moreover, when these people give Su Lieheng, the expression on Su Lieheng has been excited to have a point where there is no way to describe it. Where can he want to get yourself?

It seems that the whole of Jiangnan Province is coming to give him a birthday, this is how much face!

And Su family is also stupid, Su Chengguang Su Chengkai Yang Fang Shukuo Hongfei's own stay is standing in the same place, and they feel that all of this is too incredible.

"This ... These people are really ... really because Chen Mo will come over?"

Zhang Qingder stated in Baba.

"Who is Chen Mo? Why is these bosses to give him a face?"

In the heart of Snow, it is an unlimited doubt. I thought she was able to put the arrogance of Su Mu Bai, but she didn't think that Chen Mo did not think that there was no difference with the poor silk. Such a big influence!

Su Ling sat in the same place, and the right hand was slightly held.

He has always been in Sujia's arrogance, his heart is very self-contained, as long as he is similar to him, the achievement should be better.

However, because today, Chen Mo's performance is hitting Su Ling's face, Su Ling refuses to believe that Chen Mo can have such a strong influence, and he is not willing to admit that you have no comparability with Chen Mo!

"Mr. Su Lao, I don't know where Chen Mo Chen Gong is?"

Thousands of pictures came over this time, it was for Chen Maili. Of course, I would like to find Chen Mo, I will find Chen Mo, I will find Chen Mo's neighbors.

"Chen Gongzi, we have no Chen Gongzi here. My granddaughter's fiance is surnamed Chen. What are you all because of Chen Mo?"

Su Lieheng did not want to understand the relationship between Chen Mo and these people, can only be lowered back.

"Dad, are you confused? How can these big bosses can come to Chen Mo? Chen Mo's poor acid is impossible to meet these people!" Su Meiling suddenly shouted.


However, this sentence of Su Meiling has just finished, and Zhou Qianquan and others have turned to the position of Su Meiling, and the eyes are extremely horrible.


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