I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 291: Let Chen Mo come back!

Sumi Ling saw that everyone looked at their eyes and was a little less than, and they went back to two steps and hid behind Su Lieheng.

"This lady, please pay attention to your words!"

Zhou Da diagrams were laughed, and there was no expressive.

"If you are not because Chen Gongzi, how can we come over?"

"Yeah, if it is not because of seeing the relationship with Chen Gongzi, I can interrupt your legs!"

A long-faced abnormal bald head is shouting with the beads.

Su Mei Ling very clearly, what these people are doing, and they know that these people are not playing with themselves. It is scared to retreat and retreat. Stay in the same place, the expression on the face is very fear.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang, don't be angry, it is Mi Ling just talking about Tang Tang."

Su Lieng's face was busy, and Su Meiling took the side and then explained a sentence.

Zhou Da's pictures have seen Su Mei Ling, but did not say anything, but looked at Su Lieheng asked: "Soviet Mr. Su, we can come to Chen Gong today, this is not seen Chen Gongzi, We are not willing to go back! "

Su Lieheng looked at Zhou Qian's picture, Zhang Zhu just said that he heard Zhou Yangbei followed him: "Sin brother, in fact, I am also over this time this time because Chen Gongzi is only over!"

"You are also because Chen Gongzi came over?"

Su Lieheng heard the words of Zhou Yangcheng flashed, because he didn't understand what Zhou Yang became a relationship with Chen Mo.

"Is this not sinned yesterday? Today, I have to give you a birthday, there is another thing to let my family Zhou An apologize to Chen Gongzi!"

Zhou Yangcheng has already clearly appreciated Chen Mo's true identity, so there is nothing to conceal, and said it directly to the true purpose of this time.

Su Lie Heng stood in the same place, and the eyes were full of incredible, the lips were also shaking twilight twins.

Because he can think about Zhou Yangbei, he has helped Chen Mo apologizes, he has also been considering how to explain with Zhou family, let Zhou Yangcheng let Mo.

But he discovered that his fears are really too much, and people who don't need their own help from people.

And the rest of the Sujia people also reacted, they finally understood why they made Chen Mo apologized when they got Zhou'an last night, Chen Mo said that he would not need to apologize at all!

Because Chen Mo has never put Zhoujia in his eyes!

"What is the old, I'm don't worry, first, I will call me granddaughter, let them come back!"

Su Lieheng's fingers were back.


Thousands of pictures are also welcome, nodded gently, then follow Su Lieheng and others to sit down to the front position.

Those small bosses in Sujia Town are also clear at this time. It is very active to give those big boss to open the position.

These bosses will come out, one is the existence of more than 100 million, the root is not that they can compare, and their hearts naturally have a clear!

And through this matter, people in Sujia Town will know one thing, that is, the first big family in Sujia Town is no longer a family, but a Su family!

One of these most important reasons is that Su Mu-Bai has found a fiance with the sky!

Who can think about it, Chen Mo, who is in the past, actually can bring such a huge change to Sujia.

Su Lie Heng can't shocked Chen Mo's identity. It is a greatss to come to Su Chengkai, and whispered: "Cheng Kai, you still do it here?" They call two calls, let them come back to get back! "

Su Chengkai did not respond from the shocks just now, and after stunning, I stunned: "What, Dad, before you caught Chen Mo?"

"Strap, I am not a little misunderstood with Chen Mo? I have already released it now. You can call Chen Mile to come back!"

Su Lie Heng glared at the beads, and the expression was very excited.

"Good ..."

Su Chengkai nodded helpless, and then took his mobile phone to go far away.


On the other hand, there is a playground in Sujia Town.

Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai are being enjoyed the scenery of Sujia Town. Although Chen Mo has been driven out from Su Lieheng from the hotel, it is not very good, but Su Lieheng has created a for Chen Mo. Mu Bai has a good opportunity to get along with.

At this time, Su Mu-Bai treats Chen Mo's attitude has already changed the earth-shaking change, and Su Mu Bai has always believed that Chen Mo has been very confident. She feels that Du Hongtao, which is in the hotel today, is impossible to come to Mo's actor.

"Jingle Bell!"

But at this time, Su Mu Bai's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Su Mu Bai's ability after hearing the ringtone, and then quickly took out the mobile phone and pressed the button!

"Dad, what happened?" Su Mu Lany asked softly.

"What, Mu Bai, are you still with Chen Mo now?"

Su Chengkai asked.

"Yeah, Chen Mo is in my side, what happened?" Su Mu-looked at Chen Mo around himself and whispered.

"What, Mu Bai, can you come back with Chen Mo now?" Su Chengkai said.

"Go back?"

Su Mu Bai heard this later, then frown shouted: "Why do we have to go back? Don't my grandfather are not enough to be a miles? Now let us go back now. Continue to humiliate Chen Mo is right? "

"Mu Bai, your grandfather is not that, we have already known that Chen Mo is being embarrassed, you will come back with Chen Mo!"

Su Chengye is anxiously shouted.

"You already know that Chen Mo is being embarrassed?"

Su Mu-Bai heard this sentence, then shouted with a small mouth: "Then, is it true to give me a grandfather?"

"Yes, you have to let Chen Mo come back!"

Su Chengkai was busy.

"Ok ... ok!"

Su Mu-white expression was born, then put down the mobile phone to Chen Mo around him, : "Chen Mo, my grandfather, they really married you, the Du Hongtao is actually true!"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Su Mu, a helplessness, I don't know what to say.

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