I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 314: Tough Choice

No one thought that Wang Zi was so metamorphosis, she actually planned to make Su Mu Bai directly in the face of so many people.

But these people don't know, the final purpose of the prince and all this is just that I want to stimulate Chen Mo's real strength.

Just prince's respect for Chen Mo's two choices, but Chen Mo did not respond, prince respect, maybe because the two options have not really stimulated by Chen Mo, so she will make Su Mu Bai at this time. Destroy this idea.

Obviously, Chen Mo at this time is already in an angry edge, and it is possible to break out at any time.

The prince is inviting the anger of Chen Mo's eyes, she feels that I only need to stimulate Chen Mo now at this time, Chen Mo has no way to control his feelings in his heart.

"Qi Shi, I didn't mood with these people, I didn't do it!"

At this time, the prince said that he suddenly shouted.

"Miss Wang!"

Qi Shi whitewashed the prince to respect what to do, took out a dagger from his own clothes, and then rushed to the position of Su Mu Bai.

"The cousin is careful!"

Soviet Yuli saw that there was a shouting of the ability after rushing.

Su Mu Bai has also retired two steps, but maybe because it is too nervous, the body lost the center directly on the ground.

Qi Li Xiao is step by step to Su Mu Bai.

Those who look around are rushed in the distance, and no one is willing to reach out at this time.

Qi Li took the dagger in his hand, with a cold smile on his face, the whole person as a metamorphosis.

"I can't help!"

At this time, Qi Shi suddenly shouted with Su Mu, and then directly raised the dagger in his hand and rushed to the face of Su Mu-white.


Su Mu Bai directly closed his eyes scream because of fear.

Next second, blood splashes directly.

But the knife of Qi Li Xiao did not play on the face of Su Mu, but scheduted on Chen Mo's back.

Just now, when I was shouting, Chen Mo suddenly rushed out to hold Su Mu, using her own back to block Su Mu Bai.

"S ..."

After felt the heart of the lungs on the back of him, I couldn't help but took a cold breath.

Su Mu Bai glared at the eyes and looked at Chen Mo in front of him. The expression on his face was very incredible. She didn't think of it when they were so dangerous.

"Chen Mo, you ... you are nothing? Are you stupid?"

Su Mu Bai fell out in an instant, and his expression was very excited to rushing to Chen Mo.

Chen Miman looked up and looked at Su Mu Bai, strong crowded a smile, whispered: "If this knife is going to be on your face, then you are not beautiful ..."

Su Mu Bai heard that Chen Mo's sentence was directly in the original place, and there was no other emotion in addition to moving.

And Wang Zijing saw this scene, his mouth was slightly raised, because she knew that her purpose has reached, when Chen Mo should be completely irritated.

Chen Moqiang endured the pain of the back, slowly got up to the prince, and the tone of the vocal is cold and asked: "Do you know how stupid is your current behavior?"

"How? I am angry?"

The prince watched Chen Mo didn't smile.

"Do you know if you anger, what is the consequence?"

Chen Mai continued to say cold.

"I don't know what the consequences I am angry, but I know that you know Du Tianhao, you know Li Juncheng, this lady is good today, you can give you a chance to call, you call them now! "

The prince is lighter, and then takes out a apple phone to throw it in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the mobile phone on the ground. At this moment, he finally understood what the true purpose of the prince's respects these things.

Wang Zijing is to let Chen Mo give Du Tianhao Li Juncheng they call them, let Chen Mo expose the identity in front of Su Mu Bai.

"Wang Zi Jing, Wang Liangyi!"

Chen Mer smiled and smiled, and then faintly said: "It seems that you are really painful!"


The prince said that Chen Mo's sentence was stunned, and then I couldn't help but knew, then directly got up to Chen Mo's face, with one with Chen Mo and her herself can hear the sound: "Chen Mo, since you have already I know that I really have a true purpose, then I will tell you. All this happened today, I am planning, my real purpose is to let you expose the identity, let you lose inherited Wangcheng Heritage ,do you understand?"

"You will be so confident that I will expose the identity?"

Chen Mer bite his teeth.

"I am uncertain, but now there are only two roads in front of you, the first road is that you watch your beautiful fiancee by my person, I'm using a knife with a knife, but you still have Inheriting the qualifications of the heritage, the second road is that you can use all your strength you have now to protect this woman, but you must expose your identity in front of Su Mu, so you will lose the qualifications of the inheritance! "

"On the side is your beloved woman, the other side is tens of trillions of assets, money with beauty, I am now very curious about how you choose!"

The prince looked at Chen Mo's faint smile and then sat in the chair, and smiled at Chen Mo.

Chen Mili has no expression in the same place, biting his teeth.

Wang Zi said that it is right. Now it is a choice question before the face of Chen Mo, and it is a trillion legacy.

At this point, Chen Mo must make a choice and must abandon one.

This choice is to exist very difficult to choose anything in front of which person is put.

No one knows how to choose.

What is your lover with money is the most important!

Su Mu Bai Su Tao Yu Tang Qingqing and others looked at Chen Mo's position, and the expression on his face was very unexpected, because they didn't know what the prince said to Chen Mo, and I don't know if Chen Mo is now there Think about.

"Chen Mo, I have no mood to waste time here, my patience is limited, so I give you a five-minute consideration, after five minutes, if you still have no choice, then don't blame me!"

At this time, Wang Zi said that he once again opened Chen Mo.

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