I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 315: Three Phones

Time a minute and one second, everyone puts the attention on Chen Mile and Wang Zi, at this time, the real purpose of the prince, but they know that the prince is waiting for Chen Mo. select.

And the prince is proud to look at Chen Mo, although the eyes are calm, but the heart is very nervous.

Wang Zi respects if Chen Mo's choice gives up Su Mu Bai, then all of her plans will fall.

Money is very difficult to choose from, whether it is in front of anyone, and Chen Mo is also the case.

He just inherited Wangcheng Heritage less than a year. In this year, Chen Mo experienced the life of rich people, and also knows how much money will give him a lot of changes.

At this time, if you really let Chen Mo give it all this, his heart will be very unwilling.

But if if you don't give up, the injured is Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai did not have any relationship with these things. She didn't even know what happened. It was just a innocent bystander. Chen Mo felt that if it is because of her own selfishness, A innocent injury, it is a bit too unfair to the innocent person.

What's more, this innocent person is still Chen Mo's favorite person.

"There is still a minute left, Chen Mile you want to do it?"

At this time, the prince said that he suddenly opened Chen Mail.


Chen Mo took a breath and then slowly squatted.

When Wang Zijing saw Chen Mer, there was a proud smile on his face because she knew that his plan was successful.

And Su Mu Bai Su Tu Yuxi naturally didn't know what Chen Mo had experienced, and didn't know what Chen Mo had just considering what, but they can feel that Chen Mo is squatting, as if it is very tangled, very unwilling .

However, the final Chen Merlim picked up the phone in front of him, and then bite his teeth.

"It seems that heroes are sad and beautiful!"

Wang Zijing saw Chen Mail took the mobile phone and smiled, and his face was very happy.

"Since you want to play with me, then, I will play with you today, I want you to know how stupid it knows today!"

Chen Mer bite the rushing of the prince.

"Call it!"

The prince looked at Chen Mo, and the tone was very calm back.

Chen Miman hesitated for two seconds. He knew that this may be his last use of Wangcheng's resources. After today, he may return to the poor silk of the school.

But as long as you can change Su Mu, he doesn't regret it.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he pressed a number directly on the phone.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, the other party turned on the phone.

"Chen Gongzi, is you telling?"

Li Juncheng's voice sounded.

"Hongxing Hotel in Sujia Town is seen in Ten minutes!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.


Li Jincheng snorted to Chen Mo's sentence, then asked in tone: "Chen Gongzi, is there anything happening?"

"Ten minutes later, with your people came to Hongxing Hotel to see me, clear?"

At this time, Chen Mo did not feel too much with Li Jincheng, and repeatedly repeated it.

"Okay, I ... I have passed!"

Li Juncheng seems to have never heard Chen Mile to talk to him with such a serious tone. He is clear that Chen Mo is now in such a very important thing happening.

Chen Mo saw Li Juncheng promised to hang up the phone directly, and then dialed Du Tianhao's phone.


Du Tianhao quickly turned on the phone.

"Within ten minutes, all the bodyguards with your company will come to Sujia Town Hongxing Hotel to see me!"

Chen Mo said that the words said to Li Jincheng before, and there was no change in the mouth.

"Okay, I have passed now!"

Du Tianhao did not hesitate, directly agreed.

Chen Mail hung up again, then he hesitated, dialed the third phone directly.

And this third phone is Chen Mo to give Zhao Lei!

At the beginning, Li Jincheng found three bodyguards to protect Chen Mo in order to protect Chen Mo's security, Zhao Lei Wang Yang screwd!

However, Chen Mo has never had something happening, so Chen Mo has not used them three, Chen Mo felt anyway, today's last time, it is better to use it, it is better to use the relationship that can be used.

Since the prince, I want to play with myself, then I will have a good time to play again.

"Chen Gongzi!"

Soon, Zhao Lei also turned on the phone.

"Within ten minutes, come to Hongxing Hotel to find me, bring me on the things you can bring, understand?" Chen Mimi said with the teeth.

"Chen Gongzi, are you planning?"

Zhao Lei felt that Chen Mo's tone seems to be a little less right, couldn't help but asked softly.


Chen Mail listened to this, slowly looked up to the position of the prince, then said the tone: "I want to kill a person!"

The prince said Chen Mo's sentence, and the beauty flashed a different. Where can she want Mo Mima to be so angry at this time!

Zhao Wu and Zhao Xiaoyou two people were close to Chen Mo, so they were very clear to hear Chen Mo's words.

When they hear Chen Mo's sentence, the expression on the face is equally incredible.

"Okay, Chen Gongzi, I understand!"

Zhao Lei quickly agreed, and then hanged it directly.

"Prince Jing, today you don't want to play with me? Then I will play with you, play!"

Chen Mo slowly put down the phone, and he said that there was no expression.

And Wang Zijing revealed a very disdainful smile, faintly said: "Chen Mo, you will not think that you will shout Li Juncheng Du Tianhao, is it really able to kill me? Are you doing these? Is it a bit too simple to think? "


Chen Mo's faint looks at the prince, did not speak, and looked at the opposite street.

"Chen Mo, what is this going?"

At this time, Su Mu Bai saw that Chen Mo finished three calls, suddenly felt that things were not very right, and quickly ran to Chen Mo's expression anxiously, Chen Mail asked.

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu, then said quietly: "Nothing, you will wait for a good show!"

This sentence of Chen Mo just finished, suddenly lit a glamorous light on the street opposite Hongxing Hotel.

Everyone turned his head.

A mighty team rushed straight to Chen Mo's position.

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