Su Mu-white room.

Su Mu Bai also responded after hearing Tang Qingqing, and quickly said: "Yes, I haven't responded to this thing. What is the relationship between Chen Mo inherited? Why didn't you have a good name? What makes Chen Mo, I am a wife? "

"I think you are definitely with the relationship between the person in Chen Siles, or other people will never let Chen Mo marry you for his wife!"

Tang Qingqing is very directly analyzed.

Su Mu Bai also felt that only this explanation was able to say, nodded gently, whispered: "I also think it is like this ..."

"Then you know, do you know what people give Chen Merlim?" Tang Qingqing asked.

"I was angry at the time. I didn't think about these things at all ..." Su Mu's voice helplessly returned.

Tang Qingqing turned over the eyes, then whispered: "Then you can't ask Chen Mo, please ask if you can't ask Chen Mo."

"I called Chen Mo? I haven't thought about it now. Do you want to forgive him ..."

Su Mu Lany said.

"Then if you are embarrassed now, I will call Chen Mo, then I will call this phone!"

Tang Qingqing talked out while holding his mobile phone and prepared to call Chen Mo.

"No, I know that someone should know more than Chen Mo!"

Su Mu Bai quickly stretched Tang Qingqing, then continue to say: "Li Juncheng was the person who got Chen Mo inherited the heritage, and people with Chen Mo's contract were also Li Jincheng. I think he should know more than Chen Mo. ! "

Si Kukai talked out while holding his mobile phone, then found Li Juncheng's call to dial.

"Dudu ..."

The phone rang two times, Li Jincheng took the call and then asked softly: "Miss Su, do you have anything?"

"Li, I want to know what is the relationship between Chen Mo's inherited than the legacy? Why did Chen Mo's inheritance must marry me?"

Su Mu Bai asked very directly.

Li Jun came to heard this sentence, whispered: "It seems that Chen Gongzi has told you this thing?"

"Well, Chen Mimer has already told me!"

Su Mu Bai took a reply.

"Since this is the case, Miss Su, I will not conceal you, Chen Gongzi now needs to inherited the director of Wang Chengwin to give him a chairman!" Li Juncheng said slowly.


Su Mu Bai heard a variety of different eyes after heard this.

"Miss Su, what should you be very familiar with this name?"

Li Juncheng smiled.

"I remember that I would help an old man at a very small time. He said that he didn't have money to buy a plane ticket. I used my zero to buy a plane ticket ..." Su Mu Bai fan Casino.

"Yes, this person you said is our old chairman!"

Li Jincheng returned, then continued: "At the beginning, our old chairman was killed by the laigue inside the company, and installed a timed bomb on the old chairman's private aircraft, and the old chairman blessed the big life, knowing the news. Jumping from the plane from the plane, finally fled to Nanyang City to get rid of the killer chasing, but because the old chairman has been killed by the killer, he did not dare to contact anyone, only in Nanyang The city is installed in the city, just when the old chairman is about to be starved to death, it is Chen Gongzi to save the old chairman, and the old chairman has been saved by someone to Nanyang Airport, inside the airport. After waiting for a whole week, I finally finally returned to New York with the help of a little girl, and I won my own company, and then I have a achievement today! "


Su Mu Bai heard that the expression on this sentence of Li Jincheng was very incredible, because she did not think of her own unintentional moves at the same year, actually saved a big man.

"After many years, the old chairman never forgot that you will have this kind of love with Chen Gongzi. If you are not because of your two, the old chairman may have already died, even if it is alive, it is absolutely impossible to rise again, so It is said that the old chairman thinks all his achievements are because of your two, and then add the old chairman who has no children in his life, so he is preparing to let Su Miss, you will flatten all his legacy! "

Li Jun was paused, then he continued: "But later the old chairman worried that your two will have a dispute because of this heritage, after all in front of such a big money, no one can stay calm, so the old chairman I thought about a more beautiful way, that is, Chen Gongzi inherited the heritage, but Chen Gongzi must marry you for his wife, and you have to be true with Chen Gongzi, not because of other reasons, such words, This legacy will belong to you, and as a couple, you don't have to create any disputes with disagreement! "

"That Chen Mo can't tell me that these things are also the rules of Wangcheng?"

Su Mu Bai quickly asked.

"Yes, the old chairman worried that Miss Su will be with Chen Gongzi, so he stipulates that Chen Mo can not expose the identity. After all, if you are with Chen Gongzi, then wasting the old directors. Long bitterness! "Li Juncheng said slowly.

"So this is ah!"

Su Mu Bai suddenly realized, at this moment, she finally understood all things to go to the dragon.

Although it is very incredible, Su Mu Bai feels that this explanation of Li Jincheng can still be said, or there will be no one will be free to give Chen Sail so much legacy, and will ask Chen Mo to marry I have the same legacy to take effect.

"What happened today?"

Su Mu Bai hesitated and continued to ask.

"Wang Zi's brother is Wang Liang, and Wang Liang is a pro-nephew of the old chairman. From the legal sense, Wang Liang is the only heir, but the old chairman is not very good, the relationship is not very good. Therefore, I didn't leave the legacy to Wang Liang, but I left Chen Gongzi. Wang Liangyi knows that as long as Chen Mo exposes the identity in front of you, it will lose the qualification of the inheritance, and he will successfully inherit this legacy. ! "

Li Juncheng is very patient explanation.

"So this is ah!"

Su Mu Bai heard a breath.

"Miss Su, in fact, I still have something to help you!"

Li Juncheng suddenly said.

"whats the matter?"

Su Mu Bai stunned, and asked the expression.

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