I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 334: Money is cool

Apostated eight o'clock.

Chen Mo was slowly opened his eyes, then sat in bed and looked at the big bedroom that Dao Chen Mo did not imagine. I couldn't help but a helpless smile.

"I don't know how long I can live in this place!"

Chen Mo was softly sighed, and then he got up to go to the bathroom to wash it, then use himself in the past few days, you can also dominate the time of Wangcheng Heritage, and squander.

After all, Chen Mo has inherited the heritage, in addition to buying a few villas, there is no to buy something.

So he intended to buy a few houses more, even if he really deprived all things, he can also sell these houses, it should be a big money, enough to live in a lifetime. .

After a few minutes, Chen Mo was washed.

After coming out of the bathroom, Chen Mo took out the mobile phone to call Wang Yaoyao.

"Chen Gongzi, how do you think of calling people? You haven't contacted people for a long time!"

Wang Yaoyao knew that Chen Mo's call was a kind of feeling, and even the shouting of the dripping.

"Yaoyao, there is no new real estate for the last? I am going to buy a few houses?"

Chen Mo went to the front of the bedroom, and looked at the famous clothes that I didn't know who gave yourself, I just took out a suit ready to change.

"Yes, our company just opened a new villa community, Chen Gongzi, if you are interested, I will take you now ..."

Wang Yaoyao shouted.

"Is the house of the house not shot?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Chen Gongzi, is you buying a house?" Wang Yao asked.

"Well, I am going to buy a few sets of leaves to rent or sell it. Do you have any recommendations?"

Chen Mer is replaced in the suit. After standing in front of the mirror, it took a careful photo. It was determined that there was no problem to turn around and walked out of the bedroom.

"Yes, if you want a small one, we have something, or else, I will pick you up now."

Wang Yao asked.

"Don't pick me up, you will send me the address of the sales office directly, I will pass it!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Okay, I will send you the address now, where are I waiting for you!"

Wang Yaoyao knew that his beloved is finally coming, and the words are discouraged.


Chen Mo has simply returned a sentence and then hangs directly.

After the call was completed with Wang Yao, Chen Mo took out the villa and then reached out and stopped a taxi.

"Mr., where are you going?"

The taxi driver saw Chen Mo's unusual, and asked very respectfully.

Chen Mo saw that the taxi driver has been so polite, it seems to have some feelings, after all, very few people talk to him with this attitude.

"It seems that it is not the same, it feels different!"

Chen Mo looked at the suit on his body, and said softly, then rushed to the taxi driver: "Master, I will give me a 4S shop, I am ready to buy a car!"

"Then what are you ready to buy a price?" The taxi driver asked.

"The more expensive, the better!"

Chen Mail does not want to answer it directly.

"Good, I understand!"

The taxi driver quickly agreed, and then drove directly to the front.

After almost over an hour, the taxi stopped in front of a Lamborghini's 4S store door. The taxi driver turned his smile and said Chen Mo: "Sir, the car here should be very expensive!"


Chen Mo nodded, then took out from his wallet, a cash is thrown directly to the taxi driver, and immediately walked into the 4S shop.

The taxi driver looked at the cash in front of him. The expression on his face was abnormally excited. Some of the excitement couldn't say it. The mood couldn't calm for a long time. He had seen the rich man but did not have seen such a money.

Chen Miman knows that it may not be his time for these money, so he is definitely how to squander, it will not care at all.

After entering the 4S shop, a beautiful woman in the short skirt uncomfortable, a smile and profitable, and then he asked Chen Mail: "This gentleman is going to see the car?"

At this time, Chen Mo's dress is still very good, almost a big name, so the beauty talks with Chen Mo is also very respectful.

This may be the truth of people's clothing

You wear it well, others can see you have money, if Chen Mo is in front of him, people treat Chen Mo is definitely a look.

"What is the most expensive car here?"

Chen Mimo went to see the beauty and asked very directly.

"The most expensive?"

The little girl stunned, and then quickly ran to a sports car next to a sports car, and then rely on the door next to the door, and said with a sexual season, and said: "Sir, this car is the latest in our store. A sports car, I will give you a simple introduction! This car has used the most advanced internationally ... "

"You don't have to introduce it to me, you tell me how much money this car!"

Chen Mo has interrupted the little girl.

"Ah ... this car is two million, but our store is now promoting, you should still give you a 20% discount, if you really have ideas, you can pay first, I will give you Keep a discount quota! "The little beauty said softly.

"What is the name of buying a car, you will tell me, now how much is it to take this car away now!" Chen Mo asked.

"How much can you drive away? Two thousand three million ... No, two thousand one million you can drive away!"

Little beautiful woman answers the way.

"That line, you go to swipe!"

Chen Miman did not have any nonsense, and took his bank card out to the front of the little girl.

The little girl looked at the bank card in his hand, the whole person was already stupid, stunned in the same place, the expression on his face was very incredible.

She did so many years of sales, this is the first time to meet such a customer!

"What are you doing here? Go to the card?"

Chen Mo saw that the little girl was stunned, and he quickly urged.

"Ok ... Ok, you ... you have a little bit!"

The little girl returned to Baba, and then took the bank card to run in the office.

Chen Mo looked at the surprises of everyone, couldn't help but laugh, softly sigh: "There is money is really cool!"

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