I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 374: Click on you!

"The cousin, you are so good to Ling Ling," I am willing to sacrifice myself to the poor silk dating like Chen Mo, hey ... "

Wei Jiaqi sighed his breath after listening to Pan Ying.

"Lingling is my good girlfriend, I won't watch her by Chen Mo, I must expose Chen Mo's true face ..."

Pan Ying didn't seem to think that Wei Jiaqi actually tried to believe what he said. At this time, she can only go with Wei Jiaqi.

"Since you have made such a big sacrifice, then I must help you, I will shout Chen Mo now!"

Wei Jiaqi wants to don't want to take his mobile phone and prepare to find Meng Liang to go to Chen Mo's contact information. After all, there is nothing in her eyes to be more fun than see Chen Mo.

Pan Ying saw that Wei Jiaqi was now to call Wei Jiaqi, now she is not prepared, if Wei Jiaqi really shouted Chen Mo, then her plan may be all touched.

Pan Ying's plan is actually very simple. She is ready to let Wei Jiaqi will come out of Chen Mermail, then she took Chen Mo to open the private room in the bar, and then buy a little easy to make people feel emotional in Chen Mai. In this case, Chen Mo should take medicine with his own rice to cook mature rice. Pan Ying is also completely thoroughly giving Chen Mo's hand. Maybe it can be a hit, directly pregnant, then Pan Ying has become Mrs. Chen may be more close.

But now Pan Ying does not book the bar's private room, and it is not prepared for medicine, even if Chen Mo is shouting, Chen Mo is also very difficult.

"Jiaqi, today is so late, still count, wait for the time to have time to come out again!" Pan Ying quickly stretched away from Wei Jiaqi.

Wei Jiaqi heard this low-eyed mobile phone, then smiled and said: "Yeah, today's time is really late, then I will call Chen Mo."


Pan Yinglian is busy nod, and the eyes flashed a lot of excitement.


Eight more than 8 o'clock next day.

Chen Mo woke up from the sleep, and last night may be the most stable feelings of Chen Mo's time.

I have to say that this small hard bed in the rental house is best for him.

Chen Mer gently stretched a lazy waist, ready to get up to wash, today Chen Mo still has a lot of things to do.

" !"

But Chen Mo just stood up, he heard a knock on the door.

"Chen Mo, is you back?"

It's a Wen Ruo's voice around the door.


Chen Mo listened to Wen Ruo's voice, and then quickly said: "Ah, I am coming back, you will wait!"

Chen Mo finished this sentence, and quickly picked up his clothes and worn it, and quickly ran to the door door to open the door.

After the door opened, a delicate face was introduced into the eye.

Wen Rui should be ready, so dressed very beautiful, wearing a black tight skirt, the chest is sexy, the clavicle is exposed to the air, the face is putting makeup, the two eyebrows are like a moon, sexy seductive The red lips are applied to light pink lips, and the tight skirt will be able to package the nice hips that will be wrapped. A pair of anti-day legs directly exposed to the air, and step on a pair of white high. Sandals.

I haven't seen it for a long time, and Wen Ruo seems to be beautiful and beautiful.

"Chen Mo, it is really you!"

Wen Ruo saw that Chen Mo shouted her own little mouth emperor.

"This is my room, isn't I still do?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"No, this time you have never come back, I thought you have already moved ..."

Wen Rui looked at Chen Mo's explanation.

"I didn't move, that is, I have been busy with other things in this time, so I haven't come back!"

After Chen Mo finished this sentence, he took the initiative to let the body and want to make Wen Ruo.

Wen Rui hesitated, walking into Chen Mo's room, then smiled and said: "I thought I may never see you again!"

"Will n't, I am really intended to move, I will tell you!"

Chen Mo laughed back, then looked at Wen Ruo: "Right, should my room should be your packing?"

"Yeah, I will come over almost every week to help you clean up the house. I have just planned to go out, but I saw your room door turned out, I tried to knock on the door, I didn't expect you to really Come back ... "When Wen Ruo said, he couldn't cover the smile on his face.


Chen Mo said that he would say that he will not return to Wen Ruo. After all, Su Mu Bai has known Chen Mo's identity, Chen Mo is not intended to continue to cover up.

"Right, Chen Mo, there is a girl named G G G Gifei to find you a few times, I look at her look, it is very urgent, what should I have?"

But Chen Mo's words have not yet been exported, and Wen Ruo is planning Chen Mo's words.

Gao Feifei? "

Chen Mo listened to this name, after this time, Chen Mo has been in Sujia Town, he has long been forgotten.

But his heart is clear about G G G Gifei to find him because something.

"I know……"

Chen Mo looked nodded in Wen Ruo.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Wen Ruo's ringtone suddenly rang.

Wen Rui took out his own mobile phone and looked at Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, I still need to be busy, waiting for the evening, I will come back, I am talking about!"


Chen Mai nodded helpless.

Wen Ruo looked at Chen Mo smiled, then stepped out of the room directly on the room.

Chen Mo looked at Wen Ruo's back, it flashed, because he can feel that Wen Ruo is like it is very anxious, but in Chen Mo's impression, Wen Ruo is in Nanyang City, there is no friend!

"Is there a boyfriend?"

Chen Mer can't help but confuse.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Chen Mo's mobile phone also rang.

Chen Mage took a mobile phone to see an eye, and found that Li Juncheng called the phone. He hesitated and he would choose to turn on the phone.

"Chen Gongzi, Wang Zi, what do you plan?"

Li Juncheng opened the door to see the mountain.


Chen Mail hesitated for two seconds, then whispered: "I now call Lei Zhenyuan. Let's go to the prince to talk about it. If the prince, you can promise to stand in our side, then It is best, but if the prince is attacked, then you will do it! "

"Okay, Chen Gongzi!"

Li Jincheng saw Chen Mo's promise, and the tone shouted.

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