I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 375: For the purpose of the purpose

After years of thinking last night, he felt that Li Juncheng said that something is still very reasonable.

Now his situation is very dangerous. Whether it is a person who is also a person on the silver business. Once the person is moving to Chen Mo, Chen Mo may not even have a chance to come.

Therefore, in order to prevent problems, Chen Mo feels that it is necessary to arrange an eyeliner in the Wang family!

Only Chen Mo's heart is very contrary to Li Juncheng let Chen Mo buy a way to buy prince.

Let the prince have become our own woman, but also give yourself a child?

Although the prince is really beautiful, the body is very good, but Chen Mo still doesn't want to have something to talk to such a woman, because he feels that the prince is really a bit too dangerous, he is worried once If you encounter, this life may not be able to get it.

But Chen Mo also knows that Li Juncheng may be the best way to be currently, and if it is true that Chen Mo seems to have a loss.

Chen Mo's idea is very simple, that is, I will talk to the prince. If the prince is respectful, it is the best. If the prince is, if the prince is not intertwined, then Chen Mo has no way, only Can go according to Li Juncheng.

On this festival, Chen Mo felt that his security was more important than anything. He didn't want Wang Liang's things to repeat it!

In the words of Li Jincheng, that is, the big event is not arrested. Wang Liangyi is also a warning of Chen Mima, and wants to inherit the heritage of Wangcheng. In fact, it is not that simple matter. Chen Mo must learn how to adapt His current identity.

Want to wear a crown, it will be subject to it.


Chen Mo took a breath and took the phone to dialed Lei Zhenyuan's phone.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang a few times, Lei Zhen took a call and said softly: "Chen Mo, is there anything?"

Lei Zhenyuan has no relationship with Chen Mo. Last Lei Zhenyuan helps Chen Mo is just because of the busyness of others, so Lei Zhenyuan talks with Chen Mo definitely won't be so polite.

"What, Ray, I want to ask you to see the prince, I am looking for her something to find ..." Chen Mo's very polite back.

"Do you say that the woman I took away this evening?"

Lei Zhen is stunned, whispered.

"Yes, that woman!"

"I will send you a position, you will directly say that my name will take you to the woman!" Lei Zhenyuan said.

"Okay, thank you!"

Chen Mo said very well.

"I am holding hands, I am just helping others, you don't have to be so polite ..." Lei Zhen smiled.

Chen Mo heard this later, then asked the expression: "Ray, in fact, I have always thought about it, what can you let me help me, can you give me a point?"


Lei Zhenyuan heard Chen Mo's words, I couldn't help but laugh, and then faintly said: "Let me help you now I still don't want you to know his identity, wait until one day he wants you to know He will tell you, so do you ask me now, I have no way to answer your question ... "


Chen Mo helplessly agreed, and then faintly said: "Then I will hang it first!"


Lei Zhenyuan returned to a sentence, and then hanged the phone.

After the phone hangs, Chen Mo's long sighs, in fact, he has always been in your heart, and what kind of people who have let Lei Zhenyuan have come to help themselves!

If Lei Zhen is because Wang Cheng is coming over, Chen Mo will not be so confused. After all, Wang Cheng does also have such a skill to meet the command of a military region, but Li Jincheng said that Lei Zhenyuan and Wang Cheng did not know. If they do two if they know, Li Juncheng is absolutely impossible.

This also makes Chen Mo more curious that he has such a big thing in the people who know, let the commander of a military area open a helicopter to save himself.


At this time, Chen Mai's mobile phone reminder sounded.

Chen Mai took a mobile phone to see an eye, and Zhen Zhenyuan gave him a text message, and the content of SMS is an address.

When Chen Mo didn't think of it, he would not think that the end is what people let Lei Zhen come to help him. After all, he now thinks what else does not think about, directly turned out of the room.

After the next floor, Chen Mo's door has been almost five or six minutes. Li Juncheng's Mercedes-Benz has appeared around Chen Mile, and the Mercedes-Benz's driver hurriedly went to the car, and then helped Chen Mo opened the door.

Chen Mo looked at Li Jincheng inside the car, and then took the car on his step.

After a moment, Mercedes, where Mercedes, disappeared on the street, and then went to a community in Nanyang City.



Li Juncheng turned his head to see Chen Mo, and I asked Chen Mail, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, have you considered clear?"

"Considering it, I think I have no need to be too kind to the Wang family, otherwise I will die in their hands sooner or later!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"Ha ha……"

Li Jincheng heard Chen Mo's words faintly smiled, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi, if you can think of this, I think you should be able to adapt to your current identity!"

Chen Mo listened to this to see Li Jincheng, did not speak.

After more than ten minutes, Mercedes-Benz parked in front of a high-end cell.

"Chen Gongzi, Li, let's go to the place!"

The driver turned to Li Jincheng and Chen Mo said.

"You are waiting here, I will go up with Chen Gongzi!"

Li Juncheng knew that the prince was controlled by Lei Zhenyuan, so he would not have any danger with Chen Mo, so did not let the driver he followed the meaning of the bodyguard.


The driver is busy nod.

Chen Mo took the Mercedes-Benz with Li Jincheng, and then walked towards the community.

Although Chen Mo looks very calm, it is still very nervous in his heart, because he knows what will happen next, he is now full of mind, if the prince is respectful, What should he do.

Li Juncheng seems to have seen the nervousness of Chen Mo's eyes, but he did not say much.

Because in the eyes of Li Juncheng, the real power should be for the purpose of the purpose, if Chen Merlian is not doing, then he is impossible to pay the silver business.


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