I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 511: Do you dare to gamble with me?

Fan Liang was obviously obvious after hearing Luoqiu, and then knotted Baba asked Lu Qiu: "Luoqiu, you ... What did you say?"

"I said that I already have a boyfriend now!"

Luoqiu faintly returned to Fan Liang, then directly took Chen Mo's arm, laughing in Fan Liang: "This is my boyfriend Chen Mo, we are just together!"

"This ... is this person a boyfriend?"

Fan Liang heard the sentence of Luoqiu obviously silent, his face was very incredible.

Because Fan Liang also saw Chen Mo who stands around Luoqiu, Fan Liang saw Chen Mo's dress and the long-term common ordinary, it is not like a rich man, it is not as good as herself, so he feels since Luoqiu didn't choose, and it would surely choose Chen Mo. He felt that Chen Mo is a friend of Luoqiu.

"Loqiu, don't you have a joke with me, can't you do it? How can you be with this kind of person?"

Fan Liang looked at Chen Mo's voice.

Chen Mo listened to Fan Liang's sentence, the expression on the face was very ugly.

This is already that Chen Mo's second time is can't look down on it. It was previously a man who came again by a woman. Chen Mume did not know who he was guilty.

"Fan Liang, what are you talking here? I just like Chen Mo, I just want to be with him, what is the relationship with you?"

Chen Mo didn't have anything, Luoqiu is not happy, and the big eyes of Water Wang shouted.

"But this person can't help but do you?"

Fan Liang shouted in Luoqiu helpless.

"Chen Mai can not match me, I am not what you said!"

Luoqiu returned to a sentence, then continue: "Now you see it? I already have a boyfriend, so you don't want to harass me in the future, I can't be with you ..."

"Luoqiu, I know that you have always want to be a star, as long as you break up with this person now, I will definitely give you red, when you want to play, what to play, you will follow this Popularity, he can't give you anything! "

Fan Liang knows that Luoqiu does not have a joke, and the tone is excited to shout Luqiu.

"Sorry, I really want to be a star, but I hope that I have become a star, not rely on others, I am fine with Chen Mo, I will not break up with him!"

Luoqiu rushed to Faniang.

"Luoqiu, why would you prefer to be with this kind of person? I can give you something definitely not this person can give it."

Fan Liang glared at the beads and shouted with an expression.

"Chen Mai can give me something that you can give!"

Luoqiu returned to a sentence, then took Chen Mai's arm walked in front.

"Luoqiu, don't go!"

Fan Liang saw Luoqiu to go, even quickly stretched away Luoqiu.

"Fan Liang, what are you doing? You release me!"

Luoqiu glared at the high-eyed eyes of Water Wang Wang.

"Luoqiu, if you don't break up with this person, I will not let go of you ..."

Fan Light excitedly shouted in Luoqiu.

Luoqiu heard this sentence, after the eyes, the eyes were helpless, whispered: "Fan Liang, if you don't let me go, I will not let you believe it now?"

"You alarm, I don't believe how the police dare to put me!"

Fan Liang is obvious to play the spirit of not the face to the extreme, no matter what Luo Qiu said, not willing to make the hand.

And Chen Migan stands on a lively. He thinks this Fan Liang is clearly in the eyes. Although Chen Mo is just a pretending boyfriend, but the words that Fan Liang said that Chen Mo is very I was angry, so Chen Mo took directly to Fan Liang after hesitating, and then looked at Fang Liang asked: "Trouble you release my girlfriend ..."


Fan Liang heard this sentence and couldn't help but looked at Chen Mo and then smiled at the eyes of the beads. "You fucking something, where is the wheel get you talking to me!"

"I let you let go of my girlfriend, have you heard?"

Chen Miman said calmly.

"I will not let go today, I see how you can take me!"

Fan Liang shouted with Chen Mo.

"Do you make sure you don't let go?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Yes, no matter how I will let go today!"

Fan Liang said with excitement.

"Well, then you don't let go!"

Chen Mo looked at Fan Liang and smiled, and then turned directly into the casino.

After the people saw Chen Mo left, all of them revealed the expression, and it seems that Chen Mo wants to do.

"Luoqiu, have you seen it? Your boyfriend is a bag, why do you have to be with this kind of person, you will break up with him!"

Fan Liang saw that Chen Mo leaving, it is very proud to shout.

"Fan Liang, I will be with Chen Mo, I will not be with you, you die this heart!" Luoqiu is very cold back to Fan Liang.

At this time, Chen Mo who had already left, even took a fruit knife out of the casino.

Everyone saw the fruit knife in Chen Mo's hand, the expression on the face seems to be more confused.

And Fan Liang is a calm, because he does Chen Mo should take himself!

Chen Sile did not express his face to Fan Liang, and smiled and rushed to Fan Liang: "Just now, do you not let go?"

"Yes, I don't let go of you? Do you still dare to kill me?"

Fan Liang's tone is challenged by Chen Mail.

"Oh, kill you, I don't have this courage, but ..."

Chen Mo's words did not finish, ramping the fruit knife in his hand springs in the hands of Fan Liang.

The speed of the knife is not fast, but it is not slow.

"Is your mother be crazy?"

Fan Liang reacted and shouted, and then completely made his own hand.

The knife has a steady stop!

"You just don't say you won't let go?"

Chen Mimo smiled and rushed to Fan Liang.


Fan Liang turned his head and looked at Chen Mo. The expression on his face was very embarrassed. After all, he did some shame.

"Is this kind of person to grab your girlfriend?"

Chen Mo looked at Fan Liang and smiled, then twisted against Luoqiu: "Luoqiu, let's go!"


Luoqiu does not forget to ridicule the temper, then step on high heels ready to leave with Chen Mer.

"Kid, you dare not gamble with me!"

But at this time, Fan Liang suddenly shouted with Chen Mo.

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