I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 512: One Million


When I heard Fan Liang, I couldn't help but I can't help it. The expression on my face was very disuused. He didn't understand what Fan Liang said this gamble.

"Here is a casino, let's do things according to the rules of the casino, who is gamble with me, whoever, who will leave Luoqiu, do you dare not dare?"

Fan Liang stared at the beads and rushed to Chen.

And Chen Mo didn't help but smile after hearing this sentence, he did not think that Fan Liang would be so naive, and want to solve the problem in a gambling way.

"Sorry, I don't like gambling, I am not interested in gaming with you!"

Chen Mo fell back to Fan Liang, and then took Luoqiu to turn to leave.

"Do you dare to gamble with me?"

Fan Liang heard Chen Mo's words, I couldn't help but said it very disdain with my mouth tone: "I see your poor acidity should be gambling, or if I borrow money, how? what?"

"Fan Liang, what are you talking about here?"

After listening to Fan Liang, Luoqiu was very unhappy, and the big eyes on the face shouted.

"I am telling the truth, Luoqiu I didn't expect that you have found such a bag, even if you gambling, if you don't have money, what is rich in two generations come come out!"

Fan Liang at this time, it is obvious that the use of the Excellers want to let Chen Mo will bet with him.

However, Fan Liang's pleasure will not use Chen Mile, Chen Mo's low rushed to Luoqiu: "Let's go two ..."


Luoqiu shouted with a small mouth, then looked at Chen Mo said: "Why do you want to go? Is Dangliang not want to gamble with you? Then let's gamble ..."


Chen Mo did not think that Luoqiu actually would actually be actually, and said helplessly: "What is gambling? I have only dozens of dollars in my hand, what do I gamble?"

Although Chen Mo has a lot of money, he doesn't want to waste time in Fan Liang, and yourself is a boyfriend who pretend Luoqiu. Whether it is losing to win without any benefits for Chen Mo.

"Don't be afraid, I have money in my hand, you can rest assured to tell him!"

Luoqiu is very happy to return to Chen Mo.

To know, she is a very considerable number, whether she receives the gift or endorsement fee, she is a very considerable number. She lasts for several million gifts in the live broadcast of Luoqiu. Now Loqiu is also a veritable little rich woman.

"What should I do if I have lost?"

Chen Miman asked with the brow and asked Luoqiu.

"If you lose, even if you, no matter what, today you can't let this fence look down!"

Luoqiu wants to answer directly.


When Luo Qiu was so resolute, Chen Mo said helplessly promised.

After all, Chen Mili doesn't care about this money. If you really lose, you can go to Luoqiu's live broadcast to give this money to Luoqiu, but it is a little cheap fan.

"How? I want to understand that I have to gamble with me?"

Fan Liang heard Chen Mo's words later.

"Since you want to play, then I will play with you!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"How do you want to play? Is the bus will not?"

Fan Liang usually likes to play these two kinds of gameplay, and he also knows that the two games will be very big once, he will prepare from Chen Mo's hands to win a stroke.

"Saha, I will not, or it is baccarat!"

Chen Sile did not express the expression of Faniang.

Fan Liang heard Chen Mo's words and instantly, because he can feel that Chen Mo is really not gambling through Chen Mo's sentence, and there is no two people to play baccarat.

"Big Brother, you will not be a joke with me? How do two people play baccarat?"

Fan Liang smiled and asked Chen Mail.

"Do you have two direct licensing than size? Other gameplay I will not, if you can play, if you can't play, then I will go now!"

Chen Mo fell back to Fan Liang.

Chen Mo has not participated in gambling from a small to most, and the only one is to play a baccarat in Meng Liang, and it is clear that the rules of Baccarat, so Mo will only choose this game.


Fan Liang looked for two seconds. He didn't want to lose such a good winning opportunity, so he said directly: "That line, we will bet before the license, who is big, who, you think how is it?"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Let's go!"

Fan Liang smiled and then turned directly to the casino.

Luoqiu also walked into the casino.

After entering the casino, Fan Liang will redeem the chips, and Luoqiu is also ready to exchange the chips.

Southern Su Hongxiao, who is planning to go home, is just seeing Chen Mo standing in the same place. I quickly walked to Chen Mo, and said: "Chen Gongzi, you haven't left yet?"

"I have trouble, don't let others know two people!"

Chen Mo saw that Luoqiu did not even rush to Su Hongxiao. When he worried that he would gamble with Fan Liang, Su Hongxiao accidentally said that he leaked his mouth, then things were troublesome.

"Don't worry, I understand!"

Su Hongxiao returned to Chen Mo, and then turned directly to the security of the security guard, and asked the situation.

Su Hongxiao knows that Chen Mo is going to gamble with Fan Liang, showing a touch of smile on his face, and then I can't help but look at Luoqiu, and secretly compare Luqiu with my granddaughter.

"Although this girl is good, my granddaughter is not bad, Chen Gongzi can play for this girl, then you will also like my granddaughter!"

Su Hongxiao couldn't help but lamented a sentence, and then couldn't help but start the dark, how to make Chen Mo and his granddaughter.

After a moment, Fan Liang and Luoqiu have been exchanged for chips.

Fan Liang was directly exchanged for one million, and Luoqiu saw Fan Liang's exchanged one million, so he also gave Chen Mai for 1 million.

Because Chen Mo has aware of Su Hongxiao, Si Hongxiao deliberately gave Chen Mo Fan to clear a table, and found a very professional woman's master for two people.

Fan Liang is stupid, I thought that Su Hongxiao recognized himself, it was giving his face, so he still took the initiative with Su Hongxiao.

But he may not know that people Su Hongxiao don't know who he is!

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