I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 513: Is it a bit big?

Golden San Casino.

Chen Mai is sitting on both sides of the table, while Luoqiu stands behind Chen Mo's body, and the pretty face is full of curiosity.

Although Luoqiu's personality has always been a big sharp, she has not come to the casino, and she has never encountered such a situation, and this is still just a good gamble, and it is definitely very excited.

"Is the two ready?"

The beautiful woman who is wearing uniform laughs through Chen Mai asked Fan Liang.

"Ready, hurry!"

When Fan Liang was in this case, he did not wait to win, so he was very anxious.

"Chen ... Chen Gongzi, are you ready?"

The beauty of the official knew Chen Mo's identity, so it took a time to talk about the mouth.

Chen Mo is busy twisted the beauty of the woman, and then faintly said: "I am ready ..."

The beauty manager realized that he had just mistakenly said, and even the coughing of light, then he handed a sorry of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's interaction between the beauty of the monostat is very hidden, so there is no abnormality that Luoqiu and Fan Liang have found anything.

Fan Liang got up the chips before Chen Mo's face. He felt that if there is nothing to play with Chen Mo, there is no meaning. After all, if Chen Mo wants to be 10,000 people, the two estimates that you can't miss it one night. Win around.

"Chen Mo, we are only more than the size, what is it?"

Fan Liang smiled and asked Chen Mail.

"What is wrong?"

Chen Mo stunned, frowning asked Fang Liang.

"You look, the current situation is like this, I want to go down, if you want to be 10,000, our two opinions have something to have, and there is no way to continue to play. Do you say it? ? "

Fan Liang said with Chen Mo.

"What do you think is right?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I think it is better. Let's have two first rounds of licensing, say if you win, who decides how many chips next round, if you win, you decide, then I want to win, I will decide, how? "

Fan Liang is obvious at this time, it is to give Chen Mo's lower circle.

And Chen Mo is not very understanding for the gambling, so I watched Luoqiu and asked softly: "Do you think it?"

"Well, I think it is quite fair ..."

Luoqiu nodded.

"That line, follow you:"

Chen Mo smiled back to Fan Liang, and then twisted his head asked Luqiu: "Do you play baccarat?"

"I know, but I haven't played ..."

Luoqiu returned to Chen Mima, then got up and down, Chen Mo's eyes, the expression is a certain incredible rushing by Chen Sile: "Big Brother, you will not tell me, I don't know how to play at all,?"


Chen Mo seems to be a little scratched, then whispered: "What, I have played with my friends before, but now I can't afford the rules ..."

"Big Brother, you are playing me! Since you don't even know, why don't you say it early? We can go to play mahjong!"

Loqiu has a little crash, she feels that her money is definitely going to be drifted.

"What is the one, you tell me the rules now, you should still come!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Luoqiu.


Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo's deep breath, try to control his emotions, whispered: "The rules are quite simple, that is, everyone sent three cards, all the points of all cards, plus the most close to nine Win, if you exceed 9, you will take a bit number. For example, you got three eight, your points are twenty-four, so take a four, understand what I mean? "


Chen Mo smiled nodded.

"Right, if you get JQK, there are ten, all are calculated according to zero!"

Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo's continued complement.

"I know……"

Chen Mo looked at Luoqiu nodded again.

"Big Brother, I am really taking you. If I know that you will not play, I will not let you play ..."

Luoqiu is a bit helplessly rushed to Chen Mo.

"I have long said to you, but you have never believed ..."

Chen Mo is also helpless.

"Who knows that you are really a bit, I thought you were modest, ready to play pigs to eat tiger ..."

Luoqiu shouted with a small mouth.

"Big sister, are you a bit more than the TV series!"


Luoqiu looked at Chen Miles I didn't know what to say.

Just when these two people studied baccarat playing, the sexy beauty manager has begun to licensing!

The first is that everyone sends two cards. If Fan Liang's luck is really good, the first two cards get seven and two, which means that FANL's points have arrived nine points!

And Chen Mo's luck was very bad, and even got a one with one. This kind of Chen Mo's point is three points.

Of course, at this time, the most critical third card has not yet been sent. If Chen Mo can get a six, his points are 9 o'clock.

Soon, the third card was sent.

Fan Liang is a ten, and Chen Mo got a five.

"I am 9 o'clock, you are eight points, you lose!"

Fan Liang saw two people's cards, laughing.

"It's a little bit!"

Luoqiu seems to be a little unfortunately.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the first one doesn't lose money ..."

Chen Mo comforted Luoqiu, then looked at Fan Liang: "The next bet is what you said, how much are you ready?"

"Two are men, they have to play big, I will directly under the next million!"

Fan Liang saw his own plan, he did not hesitate, directly pushed all the chips he just exchanged to the table.

After watching the lively Su Hongxiao saw this scene, it flashed a different, but there was not much to say.

"You take a breather in a breath? Are you crazy?"

Chen Deh is of course nothing to respond to this million, after all, one million will not have anything about Chen Mo.

However, Luoqiu's reaction is very incredible, because she didn't think Fan Liang would actually play so big, this is not to settle, is it in bullying Chen Mo?

"Fan Liang, isn't you played a little big?"

Luoqiu frown shouted in Fan Liang.

"I feel okay, isn't it a small little one million?"

Fan Liang smiled back to a sentence.

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