I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 551: Contecing?

After heard the words of Weigong, Chen Mo was on the previous step, then faintly said: "Yes, that person is my friend to play ..."

"Oh, since you play Wang Gongzi, should I give us a confession now?"

Weigong saw that Chen Mo had been so happy, and he couldn't help but a smile.

Although Weicho knows that Zhao Lei's skill is not general, he is not afraid. After all, there are so many people, and it has a weapon in his hand. Once it is really playing, even how Zhao Lei is so powerful, It is absolutely impossible to be so many people's opponents.


Chen Mo listened to the words of Weigong, and then asked without an expression: "What do you want to explain?"

"I heard that Wang Gongzi just wants to change your position with you. Your friend will make Wang Gongzi into this. We are all about the reason, I am not difficult for you, according to rules, are you not I have to apologize to Wang Gongzi, and then take some medical expenses, this matter has passed ... "

After seeing Chen Mo's attitude, Wei Ge did not worry about the people who made himself.

After all, it's better to have a little less. Weigong thinks that Chen Mili is so good, then it is because it is already scared, so you want to take this opportunity to take a good smash. Chen Mo.

"Medical fee?"

Chen Mo didn't help but laugh, and then turned his head and looked at Wang Liang. It was found that Wang Liang did not get hurt at this time, so I asked softly: "How much does you think?"

Weigong turned his head and saw Wang Liang, it seems to ask Wang Liang himself.

"You put me into this, and you have a minimum of $ 500!"

Wang Liang shouted his voice.

Chen Mail listened to this sentence, his face was very speechless, before Zhao Lei on the car, just played Wang Liang, at this time, Wang Liang actually opened the lion, 500,000, this It's just that it is!

If Wang Liang said 10,000 thousand, Chen Mo may make this money in order to solve this trouble early, after all, this money is nothing to do if Chen Mo is nothing, Chen Mo has no mood to waste time here. However, let Chen Mo did not think of Wang Liang's opening of 500,000.

"Is it 50,000?"

Chen Mo smiled asked Wang Liang asked.

"what do you mean?"

Wang Liang looked at Chen Mo.

"You said that you are so golden, how can it be able to have 5 million? How do I think it is?"

Chen Mo said.

Everyone was all stunned after heard Chen Mo, and the expression on his face was very confused. They didn't understand what Chen Mo did.

Generally, this time is already right, but Chen Mo actually increased its price.

"Is it? Are you going to give me five million?"

Wang Liang did not listen to Chen Mo's sentence is ridicule him, and there is some excitement in his heart, and you will ask Chen Mail.

"Is your mother is stupid?"

Wei Ge was very speechless to kick Wang Liang, and then smashed the beads and rushed to Chen. "Kid, do you not want to give this money, if you don't want to give this money, then we are welcome ... "

"I have a maximum of five thousand, if you can accept it, you can take this money, if you can't accept it, then you will count!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"You fom actually played me, brothers, do it!"

Weigong shouted his voice.

After the younger brother, after hearing these words, the position of the two people who brought Chen Mo Zhao Lei directly in the weapon.

"Pay attention to it when you do it, don't be too embarrassing ..."

Chen Mo's light reminded Zhao Lei.

"I know……"

Zhao Lei nodded and then rushed to the position of Wiki and others.


However, when I had to play in both sides, Chen Mo suddenly sounded a pet behind.

After listening to this sentence, he turned his head and he saw Chen Mo's body. I saw two beautiful women came out from the car, and Wei Ge was obsessed with the peerless face of Li Zi, and the eyes were flashing. The way plums are just the best in the essence of the people, but all men will move.

"Wang Gongzi, what are you conflicting with these two people?"

Wei Ge turned his head and looked at Wang Liang and said.


When Wang Liang, he looked at Li Zi and nodded.

Li Zi took the high heels directly to the front of Weigong, and then rushed to Wei Ge: "You are right?"

"Yes, it is me, do you have anything?"

Waicho laughed back to the next side.

"These two people are my friends, this thing is here, I don't want to continue to make things big ..." Li Zi said that there is no expression of Weizi.

Because the plums now know that Zhang Shu has promised to help himself, the plum is still very confident in the heart.

"Beauty, if you accompany us for a few nights, this matter is over, how do you see?"

The younger brother of Weigong quickly shouted with Li Zi.

After listening to the silence of the people in the mouth, the pretty face was ashamed, and the plums didn't seem to have been used to this kind of thing, and they asked softly: "Weigong, how are you going?"

Weigong got up and down, then faintly said: "Beauty, these brothers just joked, don't mind!"

"what the hell do you want?"

Li Zi looked at Wei Ge asked.

"Ok, since the beauty personally talks, it is not like this, I will take a step, let this kid give Wang Gongzi, then the medical expenses of 50,000 yuan, I will not be difficult for you, you What do you think? "

Wei Ge said faint.

After listening to this sentence of Weigong, the heart is big, because the 50,000 yuan is nothing wrong with Li Zi, and there is no need to help Zhang Shu help, so she can look at Chen Mo I want Chen Mo to take time to apologize.

Chen Mo looked at Wei Ge and said that he said calmly: "I have already said it, five thousand dollars will not have more points, and if this person gives me a certain apology, I also Will not continue to investigate this! "

After listening to this sentence of Chen Mo, everyone is in the original place.

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