I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 552: Zhang Ba Ling

After heard Chen Mo, all were in the original place, even if the glaze eyes flashed, it turned into Chen Mo's eyes, then he asked Chen Mail: "Kid, you What did you say to me? "

"I said that if this person is now giving me an apology, I may still don't pursue this matter, don't understand what I mean?"

Chen Mo said calmly back.

"Do you have a mother?"

The younger brother of Weigong finally understood this sentence of Chen Mo, and the expression on a face is very excited, waving the weapons in his hand, and the position of Chen Mo will rush.

And Brocch reached his own younger brother, then threw the cigarette butter in his hand, looked at Chen Mo, whispered: "Little brother, I didn't expect you to be very powerful, I was originally I plan to make you lose some money, this matter is bigger, but you don't know so, don't blame me for you, you are welcome ... "

"Weich, don't talk nonsense with this kid, do it directly!"

"Yeah, I have a problem with this kid, and I will know that we are very powerful ..."

The brothers of Weigong are very excited, as if this is the same as they have their relationships.

In fact, the reason why these people are so angry, a large part of the reason is because they can hear the dismissions of Weigong from Chen Mo's words.

The most concerned about the society is a face. Once you are being looked down, the other party will never give up.

Zhao Lei quietly stood in front of Chen Silent, as long as the opponent's hands, Zhao Lei has confident in two minutes, so his face does not have a panic.

And Li Zi looked very helpless, and even some time didn't know what to say.

"The original Weigong has already retired one step, how can Chen Mo talk to this? Every time, can you use it?"

Li Zi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this time, Li Zi's impression of Chen Mo is simply falling to the bottom. In her eyes, Chen Mo's individual is a self-madness, and there is no brain.

Even if Zhao Lei's skill is good, it is absolutely impossible to be so many people's opponents. Chen Mo said these words, isn't it to find trouble?

"Kid, I will give you the last opportunity now ..."

The front of the first step is whispered in front of Chen Mo.

"Then I will give you the last chance!"

Chen Mo didn't wait for Weigong to finish the words, and I interrupt the words of Wei Ge.

"OK, I am in the kid today, I hope that you can so you can use it!"

Weigong smiled, then twisted his own younger brother: "Give me!"


After the younger brother, after listening to this sentence, the expression on a face was very excited, directly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

"Chiey, you will save Chen Mo!"

Xu Weiwei saw that the people of Wei Ge were really intended to have a hand, and the expression on his face became very nervous.

Li Zi Hard clamped out.

"Weich, what do you mean? Isn't you given up with my face?"

Li Ziying shouted at the position of Weigong.

"You Zhang Shu?"

When I heard the words of Li Zi, I couldn't help but I asked. "Who is Zhang Shu?"

"Su and Zhang Bailun!"

Li Zi wants to say this name directly.

After hearing this name, Weigong has also stopped the movements in his hand.

Obviously, Zhang Ba Ling's name is indeed very useful.

Chen Mer's consciousness looked at Li Zi, Chen Mo, I felt that Li Zi should be a bit background. Otherwise, when Chen Mo will get off the bus, Li Zi is absolutely impossible to say that, but Chen Mo does not know this Zhang Haili. Who is it?

Chen Mo didn't know why Zhang Bailing is, but Wigong is very clear.

This Balance is not a particularly powerful person in Suhe City, but it can be considered a unclear land snake. There are a lot of brothers under the hand, and the forces in the hand are nature is not the small mix of Wei Ge. Compared to comparison.

If Vi Gig is really sinful to Zhang Baoling today, there will be a big impact on yourself.

Only, the mouth said that there is no way, and Wei Ge is not only because Li Zi's sentence determines that Li Zi really knows Zhang Baoling.

Know that Zhang Ba Ling is a lot, but I don't know Zhang Ba Ling, it is two things.

"What is your relationship with Zhang Baishong?"

Vi Ge hesitated, whispered in Li Zi.

Li Zi is faint to see Weigong, and then whisper: "Zhang Bailing is my uncle, just now I have already gave Zhang Shu's call ..."

"You said that he is your uncle, I believe it!"

Wei Ge couldn't help but a smile, and then continue: "If you really know Zhang Bailing, I will definitely give you this face, then you will give Zhang Ba Ling to make a call. I will confirm ..."

After listening to this sentence of Weigong, the expression on his face began to change.

Because she didn't think that this Wigong would be so cautious, the relationship between himself and Zhang Balai is very general, just because Li Zi's sister Zhang Baili can give her face, so Li Zi feels that he is giving Zhang Bailong. If you call, Zhang Bailing will be dissatisfied with his heart.

This situation is also very well understood. After all, people have promised you to do things, but you will call people again and three people, then they are somewhat unhealthy.

"I have just gave Zhang Shu's call, Zhang Shu said that his people will come over ..."

After Li Zi hesitated, he shouted in Wei Ge.

Weigong knew that Zhang Bailun was coming over, and the heart was shocked, whispered: "Do you determine that Zhang Bailun is coming over?"

"I am sure……"

Li Zi was busy nodded.

"OK, then I will wait!"

Wiogong has a no expression, then tells the people under his hand not to do it.


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