After seeing Su Hongxiao, Chen Mai has begun to become nervous, and he has said that he is busy with Su Mi by his side: "What is the one, I haven't eaten this evening, I see there seem to have eaten, Otherwise, let's go to eat something! "

"I know that you must come over and eat ..."

Su Hai heard Chen Mo in the words of Chen Mo, but did not say much, and took Chen Mo's position to the place where the pastries were gone.

And Su Hongxiao did not pay attention to Chen Mo, but he was just a good friend with some good friends.

After walking to the long table of the cake, Chen Mo took the cake and tasted it.

"How? Is it delicious?"

Su Hao smiled and asked Chen Mail.

"It's very delicious ..."

Chen Sime is not awkward, but in fact, Chen Mo's sight has always stared at Su Hongxiao.

At this time, Su Hongxia was in touch with his friends, but in fact, I was also looking for Chen Mo in the lobby. He has already contacted people on the side of the passenger station. Chen Mo has already arrived in Suhe City, but But I have never been an end, and I have forgotten the clothes when I have just changed clothes, so I am still very urgent in Su Hongxiao.

He has sent Chen Mo's preparation to participate in the birthday party, and many people present are not to give Su Hongxiao's face, but to Chen Milo, they will see this Nanyang City. The style of the son.

But Chen Mo's delay did not have a little nervous that the Su Hongxiao started.

Su Hongxiao talked about a chance to leave after a while, and then took his bodyguard to a corner of the hall.

"Have you seen Chen Gongzi?"

Su Hongxiao asked whispers in the body.

"I just asked the waiter at the door. They all said that I have seen a person named Chen Gongzi, I also found it in the lobby, I didn't find Chen Gongzi ..."

The bodyguard has been busy and low.

"Where can I go?"

Su Hongxiao flashed a whisper.

"Soviet, if you can't do it, you now give Chen Gongzi!" The bodyguards suggested.

"If I can call, I will definitely beaten now, my mobile phone is put in the dressing room, this way, you go to the locker room to bring my mobile phone, I will call Chen Gongzi!"

Su Hongxiao said whispered.


The bodyguard nodded and then turned and left.

After Si Hongxiao saw the bodyguards left, he looked at the guests in the lobby. The expression on the face was helpless. He clearly, if today, Chen Mo wants to come, then he is shameful.

But Su Hongxiao may not know, in fact, Chen Mo is now in the hall, but Chen Mo worried that Su Hongxiao recognized himself, so he has always been back to Su Hongxiao, plus Su Hongxiao's bodyguards Chen Mile itself is not very familiar, so there is no discovery of Chen Mo.

Chen Mai chatted with Si Mo, chatting with the pastry, after getting along, Chen Mo's personality is still very good, and the impression of Su Mi seems to be a lot.

Only let Chen Mo feel dissatisfied with such a senior hotel only have red wine with pastries, and even the meat is not.

Chen Mer I originally thought that the birthday party was just a meal, so I didn't think about anything before.

"Chen Mo, you taste this piece of cake, very delicious!"

Sue Mai picked up a small cake and handed over the front of Chen Mo.

"Don't eat, don't eat it ..."

Chen Mail didn't want to make a hook, then continue to say: "I don't know what the Su family thinks. So many people have prepared cakes and red wine, this will not eat it?"

"Big Brother, people are this birthday party, not to ask you to eat!"

After Sushan heard Chen Mo, the expression was very helpless.

"If I know this, I will eat something when I come ..."

Chen Mili said helplessly rushed to Sue Honey.

"I have no way to communicate with you. Do you look at what people who come to participate in the banquet? How can people care what to eat here?"

Susong looked at Chen Mo, I don't know what to say.

"Don't eat any banquet?"

Chen Mo took a cup of red wine, and drunk a small mouth.

"Right, don't you say that you come to participate in a birthday party? Are you preparing for people?"

Si Mai saw Chen Mo's two hands, and smiled in Chen Mail.


Chen Mo heard this sentence couldn't help but stunned, and the eyes were obviously flashing, because he did not think of this matter at all.

But Chen Mo's hair is now as if there is no thing coming in, so I will ask them directly: "Do you have any gift?"

"I should not need to prepare a gift!" Su Hai smiled back to Chen Mo.

"You don't have to prepare a gift, then I don't have to ..."

Chen Mo didn't want to go back to a sentence, then looked up at Su Mai, and asked the tone: "No, why don't you need to prepare a gift?"


Su Mi Zhang said to talk.

But just at this time, a aromatic strike.

Chen Mimota's looked at it and found that two beautiful women wearing evening gowns and walked in the position of Su Mi.

"Xiaomi, why are you still here? Party is going to start, you still have a mood chat here, you hurry ..."

One of the nice girls touched well in Su Mai shouted.

And Su Mi quickly stopped his own girlfriend after hearing this sentence, then turned his head and said: "Chen Mo, what, I am still a little, you will wait for a while now!"


Chen Mo felt that these two women should be a friend of Summe, so there is no more thinking, just nodded gently.

After Si Mai saw Chen Mo's head, he took the two girlfriends and walked in front.

"Xiao Hai, what is the kid? How did I have seen it?"

One of the girlfriends looked back at Chen Mo and asked very much.

"She is a friend I know in Nanyang ..."

Su Mi explained a sudden explanation, then continue: "The dress has been sent?"

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