I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 562: Honey is played!

Su Mi followed her two girlfriends rushing to walk at the door of the lobby.

One of the girlfriends shouted: "Big sister, the people have already been sent, the makeup artist is always waiting for you in the dress, today, you have your birthday, we have Individuals are helping you busy, but you will run here with a poor boy who doesn't know where to come out, I really don't know what you are thinking! "

Chen Mima may not think now, in fact, Su Hongxiao's granddaughter is not someone else, it is Supilla.

Just now Susoma is planning to tease Chen Mo, but she found that Chen Mo actually really didn't know what he was with Su Hongxiao!

And Su Mi feels that Chen Mo should not come to participate in his birthday party, but just come to eat, but Si Mai did not reveal Chen Mo.

After all, today is Susong's birthday, she invited anyone, her own heart is still very clear.

"What is the poor boy, Chen Mo is my friend!"

Sue Mai heard the words of his girlfriends and shouted with a small mouth.

"Oh, okay, I know that person is your friend, when are you knowing such a friend!"

The girlfriend took the position of Su Mi to the chamber of the dress, and there was a helpless back.

"I don't know if Chen Mo's hair is actually after the owner of this birthday party, I feel in my heart ..."

Su Mai couldn't help but smile, then followed the girlfriend into the dressing room, starting to change the dress, after all, she is the protagonist, naturally to dress up, and Si Mai also listened to Su Hongxiao to say a very important thing today. Guests, let Su M hom must dress up.

After seeing Su Mi left, Chen Mi did not contacted the two identities of Su Hai and Su Hongxiao, and always stood in the hall quietly looked at the people in the hall.


On the other hand, the bodyguard was directly returned to Su Hongxiao after getting Su Hongxiao's mobile phone.

Su Hongxiao opened his mobile phone and found that there were more than a dozen Chen Mo's call, which was frightened by Su Hongxiao, and I didn't want to call it directly.

"Sorry, the phone you make is turned off!"

A woman's tone came from the phone.

"After it is over, Chen Gongzi is definitely to Su and the city, but I can't find a place, so I have played so much call. Now Chen Gongzi should be angry directly ..."

Su Hongxiao looked at his mobile phone, and the tone was very desperate shouted.

But in fact, Chen Mo's mobile phone is just because he has just gave him a lot of calls, and it is directly shut down.

"What should I do now?"

The bodyguard wrinkled and lowered.

"Chen Gongzi is a call to me half an hour. Now she should have not left Suhe City. You will come to the railway station Hotel airport bus station to find these places. After finding Chen Gongzi, I will call me to call me? ? "

Su Hongxiao clearly gave birth to the birthday party, he couldn't leave here, so he could only let himself find Chen Mo first, and he took the mobile phone to call Li Jincheng to see Li Juncheng. Can not contact Chen Mo .

But I can't find Chen Mo, but I can't find Chen Mo.

At this time, Su Hongxiao is completely desperate. He thought that Chen Mile can come over to Su Jia is a chance, but he did not think that it was only because he was very big, it became a big disaster.

Today, Chen Mo is not coming. It is already a little thing. If Chen Mo is angry because of today's own hospitality, it is really troublesome.

"I know that I will not receive someone else, I am old and wait for Chen Gongzi, I'm going to Chen Gongzi, how is it?"

At this time, Su Hongxiao intestines quickly regretted, only hate itself is too great.

But now I haven't come to Su Hongxiao to think about it. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, there is a soothing music in the hall.

The lights in the hall are obviously bleak a bit, and the door of the lobby is slowly opened.

Everyone took it out of the preparation gift, and then surrounded the position of the hall, waiting for today's protagonist debut.

Chen Mo clearly did not prepare a gift, and his identity is also a matter of particularity. Once it is, it is not prepared for the gift, which is not ready to participate in the gift of the birthday party.

Therefore, Chen Mo is planning to make this gift up, and today I will not make fun of these people, and a person is quietly standing in the corner.

Sue Mi walked into the hall with the accompanying girlfriends.

At this time, Sue Mo has been replaced with a white evening dress. The exquisite evening dress is mixed with the perfect figure and the pretty face of the picture of Jiao Yan, and the feeling of Su Mi is a glamorous.

Some people in the scene put their attention on Sommene, and they were around Su Mi, while handing on the gift and said birthday blessings.

These people are rich in rich people, and the gifts prepared are also very expensive.

A variety of luxury goods are also endless, and the most made Chen Mo did not think that there were still a piano.

Chen Mo looked at those people, and I couldn't help but sigh these gifts together. It should be nearly 10 million?

Just getting so many gifts just a birthday, this is really exaggerated.

Just because people around Su Hai are really a bit more, and then add the position of Chen Mo standing is a bit far away, so Chen Mo does not have a way to see Su Mi at this time.

I don't know that Su Hongxiao's granddaughter is actually Susong.

"Thank you, really thank you very much!"

At this time, Susong hung smile on his face and started with the crowd.

Su Mi has already adapted to this occasion, so everyone has exposed a sincere smile, which makes people feel very comfortable.

After a while, these people finally gave gifts almost.

The next is the time for Supilla to speaking, Chen Mo knows that someone wants to go to the speech, the instinct looks at the position of the stage, but when Chen Mo's person who is going to the stage is Susong, it is stupid.

"Will n't it be so clever? So Mi is the granddaughter of Su Hongxiao?"

Chen Mo glared at the beads and exclaimed, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

"I am very happy, everyone can come to my birthday party today ..."

Si Mi said with a microphone to see the stunned Chen Mo, then revealed a very happy smile.

When Chen Mo, he reacted at this time, he was actually given by Susong woman!

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