I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 582: Do you want you to go! Fifth

In fact, not only Li Beijiang does not believe in Chen Mo, but everyone will not believe that Chen Mo has just said these words, but the whole 300 million cash, it is not an ordinary person to take it.

After the expression of Li Zi helplessly came to Chen Silent, he reached out and got Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, what are you talking?"

Li Zi said that he was unusually helpless.

Today, Li Zi is just that I want Chen Mo to pretend to pretend to be her boyfriend, but the plums at this time have changed their own ideas!

She felt that if she had a big problem, she can only sacrifice, and she is clear that Chen Mo said that these words are just blowing, how can Chen Mo really take so much money? ?

Now Chen Mo said it is easy. Once you really wait until you will be honored, you can't get this money, it is more shameful!

"I don't have Hu Shi ..."

Chen Mimei went to look at Li Zi, and said it was very calm.


After listening to Chen Mo's sentence, it seems that Chen Mo is lying at this time, so I can't help but say: "Chen Mo, or you will go first!"

Chen Mo's directly turned his head to Li Zi, and asked without expression: "You don't believe that I can get so much?"

Li Zi was directly stunned in the original place, and the expression on his face was very confused because she could feel that Chen Mo didn't seem to be joke. Chen Mo's face also had a tone? Are very confident!

But Chen Mo is just a small driver, how can I really take out so much money?

Li Zi is not a way to believe this.

However, after Li Zi hesitated, he bite his lips and said with Chen Mo: "I believe you!"

Since you believe that I have no problem, wait until tomorrow, I will give you money to you! "

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Grandpa, I think Chen Mo said these words should not be joking, or just give him a chance!" Li Zi took the initiative to rush through Li Baixiang.

Li Baiqiang sat on the sofa and hesitated for two seconds. He thought that Chen Mo said that there is some reason. After hesitating for two seconds, I whispered: "Well, then I will give you a day. If you can make money in tomorrow, then I will never force it to marry Zhao Ziyi, you two I will not do more things! "

"Well, since you agree, there is no matter, I will go first!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then turned directly to the outside of the villa.

After Li Zi hesitated for two seconds, I was just coming out of the villa with Chen Mo.

At this time, only the left of Li Beijiang and Li Baidong. Li Beijiang quickly went to Li Baqiang's side, whispered: "Father is not confused, how can you really believe this, I think this time? This Mo is obviously a liar. How can he make so much money in such a short time? Don't say it is one of him, even if we are so easy to come out this money so easy. ? "

"Of course I know that this kid can't get this money, but if I don't agree today, then I will never give up, then I will agree to first promise, wait until this kid can't get this money tomorrow, I should have it. It will be dead! "

Li Baishi whispered.

"So this is ah!"

Li Beijiang nodded gently and did not continue to say more.

"But if this kid can come up with this money?"

Li Beijiang couldn't help but ask.

"If he really can take this money, isn't it better? I don't like to have too many exchanges with Zhao's family, but now I am really there is no way to do this."

Li Baiqiang sighed softly.

Li Beijiang hesitated, did not speak.

"Of course, we can't help all the hopes in this kid. Tomorrow, Zhao Ziyi should invite to eat, you talk, let her go to the banquet!"

Li Baiqiang added again.

"I know……"

Li Beijiang heard the nod to nod.

the other side.

After Li Zi sent Chen Mo's villa, Xu Weiwei quickly rushed up, and then he was excited to rush through Li Zi, Chen Mo, and asked: "How is it? Loch sister, your father has your grandfather believes?"

"My father has not too much doubt that Chen Mo's identity is not too doubting, but they don't agree with Chen Mo, unless ..."

After Li Zi hesitated, he did not say the rest.


Xu Weiwei asked quickly.

"forget it. I'm done here……"

Li Zi gently put his hand, then turned to look at Chen Mo's low voice: "Can Chen Mo really can make the money?"

"It seems that you still don't believe me!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushed to Li Zi.

"I don't believe you, I am a little worried ..."

Li Zi hesitated, and said softly to Chen Mo.

Chen Miman shook the shoulders of Li Zi, and then said: "You can rest assured, since I have promised you, then I must have a way to make this money, tomorrow, you will wait for my news. All right!"

"OK then!"

Li Zi promised, then reached out to stop a taxi, said: "Time is not early, you are still going back to take a break!"

"Sister, is there really nothing?"

Xu Weiwei seems to be a little less relieved and frown asked.

"Is this what is my family?"

Li Zi helplessly smiled, then reached out and opened the door, and sent Chen Mo Wei Wei to the car.

After the taxi left, the plums couldn't help but sigh, and then turned around to go to the villa.

At this time, Li Zi seems to be only pinned in Chen Mo, if Chen Mo is really able to take this money, but if Chen Mo can't get this money, then There is no way.

After a few minutes, Li Zi returned to the villa.

After entering the villa, Li Zi also found that Li Beijiang has left, and Li Baishong sits on the sofa to see TV.

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