I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 583: Acquisition Company (Sixth)

"Grandpa is so late, why have you not going to sleep yet?" Li Zi seems to ask Li Baqiang.

"Is that the kid been gone?" Li Baishi turned his head and saw the expression of Li Zi.

"Well, Chen Mo has gone!"

Li Zi nodded gently.

"This is your boyfriend?"

Li Baishi asked whispered.

"Of course!"

Li Zi did not hesitate to come back at all, and quickly returned.


Li Baiqiang helidly sighed, whispered: "At noon at noon tomorrow, Zhao Ziyi should ask you to go out to eat, you will dress up tomorrow, go out to eat with him, can you eat?"

After listening to Li Baqiang, Li Baqiang was directly in the original place. The expression on his face was very incredible, frowning shouted: "Grandpa, you have not promised to give Chen Mo's chance? Chen Mo does not say Have you given you money? Why do you let me go with Zhao Ziyi? "

"Hey, I have just told you that Li Jia's situation, if you don't have fun with Zhao Zi, then Li Jia may face the danger of bankruptcy, as for your friend, Chen Mo, you don't Will you really have to get 300 million cash? "

"" 300 million cash can not be a small money, not an ordinary person says it can take it out! "

"But Chen Mingming has already said it, why do I want to meet Zhao Ziyi?"

Li Zi frowned shouted.

"What do you know? The mile is not like a rich man, just that he is only a swollen face and fat, I don't want to be shameful in front of you, so I don't want to talk to you tomorrow. I can't see Chen Mo, he didn't see you again, then I will see you ... "

Li Baqiang stretched his hand and looked at Li Zi, asked: "Right, should he be our local people?"

"No ..."

Li Zi gently shook his head and then continued: "I estimate that he will leave Suhe City tomorrow, so you still don't have much hope for him, of course, if this kid is really a rich Generation, I really can take this money, it is natural to be the best result, but I think this probability is not very big ... "

In the eyes of Li Baqiang, Chen Mo just said, but it is not to be shameful, after all, 300 million is not three hundred and five hundred, not anyone can get it.

He can imagine that Chen Mo just wants to leave the villa, immediately shut down his mobile phone, then leave Suhe City.

"I think Chen Mo should not be such a person ..." Li Zi shouted softly.

"Chen Mo is not such a person?"

Li Baqiang didn't smile, and then asked faintly: "How long have you know more? How long have you been together? What is your home? Do you know?"

"He is Li Juncheng's driver ..."

Li Zi was busy back.

"How can Li Jincheng's driver? Don't say that Li Jincheng's driver, even if Li Jincheng does not necessarily can get so much money, we have all the rich people in Jiangnan, there are no wishes. Help me, even if the bank is not willing to loans to us, if Chen Mo's true money, then he is not a fool, how can he take so much money to buy 50% of our Lee Group 50% , Our company is not worth this price at all! "Li Baiqiang is very calm and analyzed.

Li Zi is very desperate in his face after hearing these words, because she is very clear that she still can't get rid of the fate of marry Zhao Ziyi.

She is only less than a day, and she is also very little about Chen Mo's understanding. She doesn't even know what Mermail is doing. In fact, she feels that she is hoping in this person. It is indeed confused.

But I don't know why, Li Zi's heart always has a voice telling her that Chen Mo can believe!

"How? Don't you have any hope for this Chen Mo now?"

Li Baishi whispered to Li Zi.

Li Zi looked up and looked at Li Baiqiang and did not speak.

"If you still have hope for this Chen Mail, then I tell you a simple way, you will call Chen Mo, if Chen Mo does not shut down, then there is a silk hope, but if Chen Mo It's already turned off, then this kid is definitely already ran! "

Li Baishi whispered to Li Zi.

Li Zi took a deep breath and then took his mobile phone. In fact, she is now very hope to call Chen Mo's call to confirm, but helpless plums don't have such courage, because she is afraid of Chen Mo's shutdown. !

If Chen Mo is turned off, then Li Zi's final hope will break it, it is better to leave a silk fantasy.

Li Zi himself has no hope for this matter.


Li Zi gently sighed, then said that there was no expression: "Forget it ..."

After that, after the words, Li Zi took directly to leave, and I went over and over again. "I just didn't have happened. Recognize the people who don't have a day! "

After the separation of plums, Chen Mo took directly to the hotel.

After entering the room, Chen Mo took his mobile phone and then took out his mobile phone to call Li Juncheng.

Although Chen Mail has money, he feels that this kind of thing is still better to do Li Juncheng.


After the phone rang two times, Li Juncheng took the phone and then asked softly: "Chen Gongzi, what is it?"

"I need 300 million cash now to acquire a company ..."

Chen Miman did not have any nonsense, and said straightforward.

"3 million cash?"

After listening to this number. I can't help but stunned, the expression on my face is very unbelieving: "Chen Gongzi, how do you suddenly need so much cash? Is it going to have something?"

"I want to acquire a company's shares, I can play the money at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!" Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"Do you want to buy a company?"

Li Juncheng couldn't help but stunned.

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