I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 584: Emperor Club (7th)

"Yes, I am planning to buy a company ..."

Chen Mo wants to answer.

Li Jincheng heard Chen Mo's words for two seconds. He very clear that the money of Chen Mili is certainly not Chen Mile to spend, if Chen Mo wants to buy something, he can use his bank card, After all, Chen Mai's bank card is there is no amount.

This also shows that this Qian Chen Mo should be ready to give others.

This money is definitely nothing to do, but Li Juncheng is also worried that Chen Mo may be deceived, so it is soft: "Chen Gongzi, can I ask more? Are you planning to buy who? I don't mean anything else, I am worried that you are going to be, if I help you investigate, you should be able to better understand this company! "

Although Li Juncheng knew that Chen Mo did not lack the money, he didn't want Chen Mo to spend money. After all, the entire company has to deal with Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo felt that Li Jincheng did not malicious, plus this matter, there is nothing to hide, so I said directly: "Li's Li Group in Suhe City, I am ready to use 300% of their company 50%. Shares! "

"Li's Li Group in Suhe City?"

Li Juncheng was heard after hearing this sentence, and his eyes flapped.

"The chairman of this Li Group should be called Li Baishi ..."

Chen Mo wants to answer after it.

"It turned out to be Li Baixiang!" Li Juncheng returned to the basis, then continue to say: "I have a good understanding with this Li Baixiang, I have already eaten a meal, but I heard that Li Group has recently encountered some big. Trouble, he is really very lack now, but Chen Gongzi should not use so much money now, his company's situation may face closed! "

At this time, Li Juncheng seems to be a investment in this money. Although Li Group is in Suihe City, Li Juncheng's business is spread all over Jiangnan Province, and he is still very understandable about Li Jia's situation.

"Of course, I will know that his company can't use so much money, but Li Baishi's granddaughter plums are friends with me, so I want to help them now!"

Chen Mo did not hide it at all, whispered.

"So this is ah!"

Li Juncheng smiled and suddenly realized how this is something, and I will continue to say: "That Chen Gong is rest assured, tomorrow I will put money to Li Baqiang's company, our company has an economical exchange, I know them The company's account. "

"Hard work!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue to ask: "Just now I listen to what Li family seems to have trouble, then do you know what is trouble?"

"In fact, Li Jia's trouble is also very simple. According to my understanding, it seems that Zhao family in Suhe City wants to deal with Li Jia, and then use his own human relationship, let Li Jia's project have a big problem. And the big families of Sui and the city do not help Li's house, these people are jealous of Zhao's strength, naturally, I can't borrow my money to Li Baqiang, which also leads to breaking of Li Group's capital chain. ! "

"Then you know, why don't you know why Zhao is going to deal with Li's?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Then I am not very clear. After all, I will not participate in this kind of thing ..."

Li Juncheng said with a smile.

When I heard that Li Juncheng said, I realized how it is.

It is actually nothing more than Zhao Ziyi looks like Li Zi, but Li Zi did not want to marry Zhao Ziyi, so Zhao Ziyi used this trick.

First, let Li Jia's company has a big hassle, and then people who don't borrow money from other families in Joint Sui and the city will give Li Baqiang. If Li Baishi wants to save his own company, then only one choice is to let Li Zi marry Zhao Ziyi. !

At that time, all of this starter Zhao Jia will pay for the help of Li Jia solve this trouble.

"It turns out that this is just that Zhao's self-guided self-showing!" Chen Mo smiled and then whispered: "Okay, if there is nothing, tomorrow, you put money to Li Baqiang's company. ! "

"Okay, Chen Gongzi ..."

Li Jincheng nodded and then took a call on Chen Mai, Li Juncheng as if I suddenly think of, I quickly asked Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, Li Baixiang has been applying to join us of the emperor. However, because Zhao's family has been blocked from the middle, Li Baqiang did not join the Emperor Club. If Li Baixiang has a relationship with you, I can help Li Baqiang take a back door and let him join the emperor. "

"Emperor Wait?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, couldn't help but stunned, and the eyes flashed, and whispered: "What is your emperor?"

"Chen Gongzi, you still don't remember that you have given you a member of the Emperor's Club when you inherit the heritage?"

Li Juncheng asked quickly.

"It seems to be a bit impression ..."

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Li Jincheng, and Li Juncheng seems to have given Chen Mer's membership card, but Chen Mo has never been to the club.

"That membership card is the membership card of the emperor club. The emperor will be called Huaxia Emperor Club. At the beginning, the old chairman has brought the bureaucrats and several friends. Now this will have all over the country, basically every There will be an emperor meeting! "

Li Juncheng slowly relieves the release.

"It's nothing more than a club, let Li Baoliang become a member, shouldn't be a big thing?" Chen Mail thought, whispered.

"Chen Gongzi, if you understand this, then it is wrong, the emperor will not be a profitable club, it is actually more like an organization, but can join the Emperor Club, usually, we have a big person, When you need a very strict audit, Li Baishi's price is actually not qualified to become a member of the Emperor's Club! "

Li Juncheng said quickly.

"What is the standard of the meeting?"

Chen Mo heard that Li Juncheng said that these words couldn't help but appear to ask someone to ask.

He is now not understanding at this emperor club. If he is not Li Jincheng said this, he doesn't know if there is this club.

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