I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 652: Arrival in the town

Because I want to watch the competition with Li Juncheng, I didn't go to Li Taipai. It returned to my own villa, and then took a good night.

At 7:00 in this morning, Chen Mo just got out of the villa and saw Li Jincheng's white business car.

Because there is more people who want to participate in the competition today, Li Juncheng deliberately let the driver open a business car.

After Chen Mo got on the bus, I found that the decoration in the car was very luxurious, giving people a feeling like a rider.

Li Juncheng Du Tianhao is in the car. Of course, there is a strange face in the car. It is a middle-aged man who is at the age of 50.

Li Juncheng's bodyguards are sitting in other cars.

A white business car plus five black Mercedes-Benz directly rushed to the position of Dongning Province.

Dongning Province is not far from Jiangnan Province. It's almost more than two hours. If you are very far away, Li Juncheng has passed the helicopter.

"Chen Gongzi, this is Wang Qikuan Wang Master Wang, is a very famous warrior in Jiangnan Province!"

Du Tianhao pointed to the middle-aged people around himself and said with Chen Mo.

"Chen Gongzi, hello!"

Middle-aged people Wang Qichuan seems to have already known Chen Mo's identity, so talking with Chen Mo is still very polite.

Chen Mo called his head and looked at Wang Qichuan, whispered: "Hello!"

"Chen Gongzi, Master Wang has always been a representative of our Jiangnan Province to participate in the competition. This time, it is also a representative of Jiangnan Province to participate in the competition ..." Du Tianhao said with Chen Mo.

"Who is he talking to Zhao Lei?"

After Chen Mail, I asked softly.

"Of course, Zhao Lei is very powerful, I am not a level with Zhao Lei!"

Wang Qichuan heard Chen Mo's words quickly returned to Chen Mo.

"Since Zhao Lei is more powerful, why not let Zhao Lei participate?"

The expression on Chen Mima seems to be more confused.

"Zhao Lei is not what I can ask, Zhao Lei is Chen Gongzi Your bodyguard unless Chen Gongzi let Zhao Lei go to the competition, he will go to participate, if there is no order, he will not To participate in this level of competition ... "

Du Tianhao is busy back to Chen Mo.

"Is this time Zhao Lei followed it?"

Chen Mo looked at Du Tianhao asked.

"Because this time Chen Gongzi is protected by us, Zhao Lei did not follow ..."

Li Juncheng replied.

"Oh ..."

Chen Mer is lightly nod, and there is no more to say more.

Du Tianhao saw Chen Mo since he saw that Chen Mo did not speak, it was quiet.

After more than two hours, the business car stopped in a small town called Hongyuan Town.

"Chen Gongzi, we arrived ..."

Li Juncheng said softly at Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded and walked down his car.

After getting off the bus, Chen Mo has simply observed the surrounding environment, and found that there is already a lot of tourists in Hongyuan Town, but the environment in Qingyuan Town is very general, giving people feel like eighty The same in the era.

"Why do you have to be held in this place?"

Chen Mimo asked in Li Jincheng.

"Because this place is more embarrassing, plus the geographical position is relatively far, so no one is organized. If it is held in Nanyang City, the police will definitely find that it will be very troublesometh!"

Li Juncheng looked at Chen Mo smile.

"It turned out to be this!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"There are many tourists who come here." Only when the tourists will be held in the competition, the residents in the town can also take this opportunity to earn some money, so they are also very happy to hold this competition, a lot People are all living in this competition ... "

Li Juncheng looked at Chen Mai continued.

Chen Mo and Li Jincheng chatted while rushing in the town, after a moment, everyone stopped in front of a very luxurious hotel.

There were several people waiting at the door at the door, and I saw Du Tianhao and I went up with Li Jincheng, and then shouted in respect: "Li Tu Dun, you can come ..."

"Chen Gongzi, this is Sun Zhengong, Hongyuan Town, responsible for the service ..."

Li Juncheng turned his head and said with Chen Mo.

"What Sun Taoist, I am an errand, calling me a small grandchron. ..."

Sun Zhencheng heard Li Juncheng, and asked Li Juncheng asked Li Juncheng: "Li Zi, this son is?"

"Chen Gongzi!"

Li Juncheng returned to a sentence, but did not explain too much. After all, it is not necessary to explain this person.

Sun Taoist This person is very mechanical, and there is a little relationship with the police. It is waiting for the big character of Li Jincheng to accept Li Jincheng when he is waiting for the competition.

And his villa behind him is also prepared from the big figures coming from various cities, then get some benefits from the hands of these big characters.

A person who holds a competition Sun Taoist can earn millions, this figure is still very amazing in this town.

Sun Zhenju has not seen anything for many years. Therefore, I know how to understand the color, naturally it can see that these people should be the highest as Chen Mo's identity, even the boss of Li Jincheng is very respected Chen Mo, it is enough to prove How horror is made by Chen Mo.

Sun Taoist took the initiative to greeted Chen Mohan, but Chen Mo's attitude is very indifferent, so Sun Zhanchang did not dare to talk more to Chen Mo, with everyone walked into the hotel.

After entering the hotel, there are almost seven or eight long-faced and pure body temptation, and these beautiful women are not as sexy and exquisite, but they give people a simple and beautiful feeling, if they are used The big boss of women in the city will be very happy to see these beautiful women.

Sun Taoist knows that Chen Mo's identity background is not simple, and directly arranges the most beautiful girl in Chen Mile, and the girl must take care of Chen Mo.

Although the mouth is talking, it is also very obvious.

Chen Mile originally intended to refuse, but Li Juncheng Du Tianhao and others persuade Chen Mo to stay, after all, there is no other idea here, even if Chen Mo has no other ideas, it can be used as a tour guide.

Chen Mail thought about left the girl behind himself.


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