I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 653: Do you need me to do something?

After Chen Mo and others entered the hotel, Chen Mo took the beauty of the room that was prepared in advance, respectively.

When Chen Mo was separated from Li Juncheng, he suddenly remembered that he had not seen Bai Zhennan, so he asked Li Jun Cheng: "How did you see the Malaysian person you said?"

"Chen Gongzi, Malaysia's person in charge should have not come over, you can go to the room for a while, if the person in charge of Malaysia comes over, I will tell you!"

Li Jincheng quickly returned to Chen Mo.


Chen Mer is lightly nod, then turn directly to the room to walk.

And that beauty has also walked into the room with Chen Mer.

After entering the room, Chen Mo met his eyes and looked at the little girl who came in. He flashed in his eyes, and he asked softly: "Why have you not left?"

"Chen Gongzi, my mission is to take care of you by your side, I can't leave ..."

The little girl returned to Chen Mail whispered.

"I don't need your care now!"

Chen Mo felt that there was a very strangeness that heard with his own side, so it took a sentence directly.

"Chen Gongzi, I beg you, don't let me go, I can't get it, I can't get a penny, I also point to my mother to see a doctor ..."

The girl looked at Chen Mo's voice and shouted, and the exquisite beauty was full of praying.

Chen Mo listened to the girl's sentence to the girl, in fact, this girl's long-distance, white skin, exquisite melon face plus a pair of like a star, the youth is attractive, the aura is full.

But the girl's dress is a bit cold, the upper body is only a slightly white pink T-shirt, and the lower body is wearing a denim shorts.

Even this dressing, still can see the girl's development, especially a pair of white legs, very slender pen.

Chen Mima can feel that if you dress up, this girl is definitely very beautiful, and it will never be more beautiful than those of your school.

"What is your name?"

Chen Mo asked with the girl.

"My name is Zhou Yue, Chen Gongzi, you call me Xiaoyue ..."

The girl didn't dare to have a slash, and I quickly returned to a sentence.

"Why do you want to do this job, should you now go to school?"

Chen Miman is angry with Zhou Yue asked.

Zhou Yue heard Chen Mo's sentence, and the eyes flashed a helpless, and then whispered: "I have dropped out of school when I was in high school, my father died when I was very small, I am with my mother. Dependently, then my mother is still sick, I have no economic source, so I have dropped out of school when I was in high school, and then I was a waiter in the restaurant in the town. Later, Sun Taoist saw me long, let me Guests come over, as long as I can entertain the guests, Sun Zhenchang will give me 100,000 yuan. If there is this money, I can give my mother to see a doctor ... "

After the saying words, he looked at Chen Mo when he finished this sentence, then continue to say: "Sun Zhanchang said to me, you must wait for you Chen Gongzi ..."

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Yue stunned, what is the meaning of Zhou Yue this sentence in his heart.

However, Chen Mo is now a woman, and he has no other idea for Zhou Yue. If Chen Mo is really wanting to find a woman, whether it is Luoqiu or Wang Yaoyao, as long as he makes a call.

Although Zhou Yue is very beautiful, Chen Mo does not want to hurt such a poor child.

Chen Mo felt that Zhou Yue at this time was like the original one, he knows if he will drive away Zhou Yue now, Sun Zhenhang will definitely send Zhou Yue to someone else.

"Since we can see it, it is a fate, you stay here!"

Chen Mo said with Zhou Yue.

"That ..., what do I do now? Do you need to do something? Don't use me to help you?"

Zhou Yue is like a fine line, and the red face is said with Chen Mo.

"No, big day, what is your legs?"

Chen Mo said back to a sentence.

"Do you let me stay? Do you want me to serve you? I will not do anything else in addition to the legs!"

Zhou Yue looked at Chen Mo's stunning, and I asked Chen Wai.

"I haven't left you, there is something else, I will follow me two days, I will not touch you, you can rest assured ..."

Chen Mo said back to a sentence.

Zhou Yue heard Chen Mo's sentence, the eyes flashed a lot of excitement, asked Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, what are you talking about?"

"Really ..."

Chen Mo nodded.

"That Chen Gongzi, do you need me now?"

Zhou Yue looked at Chen Mail.


Chen Mo heard the sentence of Zhou Yue, couldn't help but got a look outside, then loudly said: "Anyway, we have no things in the room, you can accompany me to the town. Let's ... "


Zhou Yue quickly agreed, then turned around to walk outside the room.

Li Juncheng and others saw Chen Mo to go to the town and planned to go out with Chen Mo.

But if Chen Mo felt that these people followed their own side, it was really too conspicuous, and Chen Mo would feel very unheashed, and it is just a lot of tourists, and there are very many tourists in the town, Chen Mo What happens should not be encountered, so I will directly reject Li Juncheng and others, leaving Zhou Yue people.

Sun Taoist saw that Chen Mo just took Yue Yue one by one, and it was very happy in the heart, and a strong rushing is very obvious.

Chen Mo did not pay attention to this Sun Zhenjun, directly walking along the hotel.

Because this competition held in the small town is a confrontation between the big people in various provinces, the competition is still very exciting, and there will be a lot of tourists, and the town is more Breaking some money, so there are also many performance programs, including the competition, but at this time, the competition is the contest between ordinary people.

The console between the real master is held tonight.

Chen Miman left the hotel with Zhou Yue.

However, Chen Mo was just got out of the hotel, and he saw a large group of people walked over their position.

And Chen Mo saw it directly after seeing the middle-aged people who walked in the front.

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