I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 654: You are still very good!

Chen Mo said with Zhou Yue just out of the hotel, and he saw a large group of people came over.

And these people look extraordinary, people are high, and they are not ordinary people.

After Chen Mo saw the middle-aged middle-aged person who walked in the middle, I couldn't help but stunned. The expression on my face was very surprised.

Because this person is not someone else, it is the father of Bai Yiben, Bai Zhennan.

Just now, Chen Mo is still asking Li Jincheng Bai Zhennan where, I didn't expect that I have just got out of the door.

Bai Zhennan seems to have seen Chen Mo, when Bai Zhennan saw Chen Mo, it flashed a different, and immediately stopped his footsteps directly in front of Chen Mo, and then wrinkled with Chen Mail: "What are you doing here?"

"Uncle Bai, I ..."

Chen Mo Zhang has just speaking.

And Bai Zhennan does not seem to continue to talk to Chen Mo, do not give Chen Mo's opportunity to talk, cold voice: "You don't have trouble here, you will come here after 11 o'clock, I am a little thing to ask you. ! "

Obviously, Bai Zhennan at this time feels that Chen Mo is coming here, and he let Chen Mo come over to find him, he wants to ask Chen Mo's thing about the jade.

Bai Zhennan said that this sentence will not give Chen Mo's opportunity to continue speaking, and go directly to the hotel.

Chen Mo's eyes helplessly saw Bai Zhennan, helplessly left.

"White, what is the kid?"

After entering the hotel, a middle-aged man around Bai Zhennan smiled and asked in Bai Zhennan.

"It's a friend of my daughter, you let you stare at him, if he encounters what trouble, remember help ..."

Although Bai Zhennan treats Chen Mo's attitude is very indifferent, there is still a lot of tourists who care about Chen Mo's Hongyuan Town, often in the case of fighting, and he is worried about Chen Mo's trouble.


The middle-aged people have been todped.

This middle-aged is called Liu Erguang. It is a big blend of Hongyuan Town. It is usually raped with Sun Zhenjun, but in Hongyuan Town, Liu Erguang is still a bit.

The mood of Bai Zhennan at this time is not very good, because the Bai Zhennan has noted that Chen Mo's side is surrounded by Chen Mo.

Now Chen Mo's relationship is not clear, coupled with his daughter to treat Chen Mo seems to be like a plain friend, now Chen Mo has brought a little girl who didn't know where to come out in Hongyuan Town This is playing, I have to say that Chen Mo's isotropic relationship is indeed complicated.

Therefore, Bai Zhennan at this time is naturally a bit of bad impression.

"Zhennan, you come over!"

At this time, Du Tianhao came out from the room with Li Jincheng, and went straight to Bai Zhennan.

Although Li Jincheng is not very good to Bai Zhennan, Du Tianhao doesn't have a friend for many years with Bai Zhennan. Otherwise, Bai Zhennan will not bring people to help Du Tianhao fight.

"Tianhao, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Bai Zhennan saw Du Tianhao, directly arrived in Du Tianhao, and then embraced Du Tianhao.

"Waiting for the competition, we must drink a cup ..."

Du Tianhao also returned to a very happy, then said softly to Bai Zhennan: "Go to Li, say hello!"


Bai Zhennan heard the sentence of Du Tianhao, I couldn't help but twice, Li Jincheng next to him, then whispered: "Li, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"I still can't put the matter of the year?"

Li Jincheng asked in Bai Zhennan.

"The emperor has changed, and the grievances between our slaves have passed. I have already put down the matter ..."

Although Bai Zhennan has never remembered Li Juncheng, it is very hard to say when this sentence is.

"The old chairman is also in the past!"

Li Juncheng stretched his hand and patted the shoulders of the white vitality and whispered.

"I see……"

Bai Zhennan nodded and then looked at Li Juncheng asked: "Where is Chen Gongzi, take me to see it with Chen Gongzi, I haven't seen this heir to the old chairman!"

"You are still really unfortunate, Chen Gongzi has just went out, it is estimated that you can come back!"

Li Juncheng took a sentence.

"Then I will wait for it."

Bai Zhennan suddenly said.

"There is still a while from the start of the competition, or do we drink three?"

Du Tianhao saw Bai Zhennan and Li Jincheng and is already good. He is naturally happy. I have been clipping in the middle of the two, and I have been very difficult, and now I can finally have gas.

"I am now going to prepare meals!"

Sun Taoist heard the words of Du Tianhao, and then he turned and greeted the staff inside the hotel ready to prepare the banquet.


On the other hand, Chen Mo has gone around the town in the town.

At this time, the tourists in the town are very many, and most of them are couples or friends, after all, the competition is very exciting, can attract a lot of money to come over.

Zhou Yue hesitated, turned his head and looked at Chen Mo, then said with Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, what people just know?"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"What are they doing, I feel like being scary ..."

Zhou Yue is a very curious asked.

"It is just some big boss ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"You can come to participate in the boss of the competition, I listen to my friend, I only have the boss of the mixed black, will come to the competition, and these people are all eating people, the police can't control them. I have a friend, because I have seen a boss and I have been interrupted, I'm ruined in this life ... "

Zhou Yue carefully looked at Chen Mo.

And Chen Miman turned his head and glanced. After all, Zhou Yue was only a poor child to the small town. These people were in front of those who had a big ant brother, even if they were really interrupted. Legs, they don't have a place to stretch, so the things that Zhou Yue said are very common.

"Chen Gongzi, I think you are still very good ..."

Zhou Yue saw Chen Mo did not speak, he continued to rush to Chen Mo.

"How is China?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Yue smiled.

"I feel that you are quite good. I listen to my sister say that the boss likes to do hand, and I don't think of us, but you are not!"

Zhou Yue quickly replied.

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