I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 655: I have encountered acquaintances!

After a simple floating with Zhou Yue, Chen Mo's hair is still very simple, and the idea in the mind is much simpler than those of the big cities.

In fact, if it is not because Chen Mo is here, it is too much, he may really be interested in Zhou Yue.

But now, Chen Mo does not want to find other girls, and the girls around you have made him feel very headache.

Su Mu Bai has never been in foreign abroad. However, once Su Mu Bai returns to China, then Chen Mo and Wang Yaoyao also found that there was Su Mu Bai, he didn't know how to explain these things with Su Mu. .

"What are you doing in front? How is so lively?"

Chen Mo saw that there was a big pile in front of it, and the tone was a little curious about Zhou Yue.

"Chen Gongzi, in front of the competition, the town has held the competition in the daytime, and the competition is a general person, and their bonus is more than 20,000 yuan, and wait until evening It is a real competition, and the competition is wonderful. It is all the masters to participate. Basically, they will kill several people every year ... "

Zhou Yue was busy back.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo looked at the noddion of Zhou Yue.

"Well, and even if it is the situation of death, there will be a dead injury, but there is no way to make money to make money can only choose to die ..."

Zhou Yue looked at Chen Mo's light and sighed.

And Chen Mo saw that the expression on Zhou Yue seems to be a bit wrong, I can't help but ask: "What?"

"No ... nothing ..."

Zhou Yue said, and then quickly shake his head.

In fact, Zhou Yuexin is still very sad, because she also hopes that she can read the university like those normal peers, and then find a suitable job after graduation.

But unfortunately, fate has not given this opportunity. She now thinks is to raise her mother's medical expenses. As long as she can cure her mother, she is satisfied.

Shou Yue took the emotions after simple, continue to bring Chen Mo to stroll in the town.

A few minutes later, Zhou Yue came to a square with Chen Mo.

At this time, there have been a lot of people on the square, while the most central in the square is placed in a platform. At this time, there are two people who are fighting to fight on the platform, and the crowd below the platform will make a burst of cheers from time to time.

The scene is very lively.

Chen Mer's consciously looked at the two people above the ring, and the eyes flashed a lot of disdain.

In fact, if it is the previous Mo's fight, it will definitely feel very exciting.

But at this time, Chen Mo looked at the two people above the platform, found that the two people's movements were very slow, giving Chen Mo's feelings as if they were playing in slow motion, and there is also a good response speed, Can't enter Chen Mo's eyes at all.

"What is the chapter of these two people? It is better to force the silly monkey ..."

Chen Mer couldn't help but sigh my heart, and then turned to prepare to leave Zhou Yue.

"Chen Mo?"

But just at the moment, Chen Mo just turned, an amazed voice rang in the distance.

Chen Mer's conscious looks at it. I saw a very young and beautiful girl with sunglasses, dressed up, rushing to Chen Mo's position with a sleeve long.

Because the girl took sunglasses at this time, Chen Mo did not recognize who this girl is.

After a few seconds, the girl quickly walked to Chen Mo, and then smiled and said: "Chen Mo, it is really you!"


Chen Mo said after heard the voice of the girl, and I asked someone.

"Yes, it is me!"

The girl was very happy, and then took the sunglasses on his face directly, revealing a delicate and seductive face, and a pair of water-looking big eyes and bowed to Chen Mo.

At this time, the girl who appeared in front of Chen Mo is not someone else. It is the president of the school piano society, who participated in Chen Mo, Xu Wei.

The relationship between Chen Mo and Xu Wei is still very quite very good. Xu Wei is kind, and he has been helping Chen Mo.

However, since the last time Xu Wei hit Chen Mo's sports car in the door of Li Jincheng, Xu Wei always thought it was Chen Miman's car, so there were some changes in Chen Mo's impression.

Xu Wei originally intended to make alarm to let the police deal with Chen Miman's taxi, but later Xu Wei did not alarm, because she worried that this car was really Chen Miman, Chen Mo would be compensated.

So, finally, Xu Wei intends to let Chen Mo have been self-defeating.

Xu Wei did not think that Chen Mo did not be caught by the police, but he met Chen Mo here.

"President, how come you come here?"

Chen Mo asked Xu Wei.

"I came over with my friends, I heard that there will be very good-looking competition this evening ..."

Xu Wei smiled back to a sentence, then turned his eyes, Chen Mo's side, and his eyes were flashing. It shouted Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, is this your girlfriend?"

Xu Wei saw that Although Zhou Yue dressed is very common, the skin is very white, and a pair of water's big eyes are very beautiful, give people a sense of pity.

Chen Mimo watched Yue Yue, then shook his head gently: "Not my girlfriend ..."

After hearing Chen Mo, Zhou Yue was very shameful, his face was very shy.

Xu Wei saw that Zhou Yue appeared, the next conscious laughed, giving Chen Mi, I got an eye of my opinion.

"Right, Chen Mima cars have you deal with it?"

Xu Wei suddenly remembered the sports car hit by himself and asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo stunned.

"Yes, that is the special expensive sports car, is that the car is not stealing?" Xu He asked Chen Wei.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Xu Wei, finally understood what Xu Wei said that the car said, the eyes flashed a helpless, then faintly said: "The President, in fact, the car is my friend, I just happeally Go to my friend to pick up the car, but I found you touched my friend's car, worried that you have a psychological burden, so I deliberately let you go first, I have explained it to you at the time, but you have always believed ... "

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