After he heard Chen Mo, Wang Bo was difficult to see.

Because 50% of the profit is actually within the scope of Wang Bo, it is a bit too scary.

"Do you think more?"

Chen Mo saw Wang Bo has never speaking, and asked softly in Wang Bo.

Wang Bo slowly looked up Chen Mo and then biting his teeth. It helplessly said: "Chen Gongzi, this 70% profit is a bit too much?"

"If you feel more, there is no relationship, then use other methods to deal with you, starting today I don't want to see you within the four provinces, if I see you, what do you want to blame me? Did not remind you! "

Chen Mo said calmly rushed to Wang Bo.

Everyone heard Chen Mo's sentence, the expression on the face seems to be more surprised.

Who can think that Chen Mo will actually have such a heart, this is, it is necessary to drive Wang Bo from four major provinces!

If Wang Bo has left the four provinces, then his venue will naturally be divided by other big men, when Wang Bo may not be a penny.

Wang Bo's face is pale, and she said softly after smiling. "Good, Chen Gongzi, I agree to take out 70% of the profit per year!"

After heard the sentence of Wang Bo, everyone he was in the shock again, no one thought that Wang Bo actually agreed.

Even if Li Juncheng also thought!

Moreover, Li Juncheng can obviously feel that Chen Mo, which is very much, and does not tell any reason, which is a good thing for Li Juncheng.

Because Li Juncheng feels that only Chen Mo, he has the opportunity to deal with the people of the silver business.

Li Juncheng is not worried that Chen Mo's character is getting more and more arrogant. He is worried that Chen Mo has always been like a mediocrity before.

After Wang Bo promised Wang Bo, he turned his head and said with Du Tianhao: "The rest is given to you!"

"Good Chen Gongzi!"

Du Tianhao looked at Chen Mo and nodded. In fact, even Du Tianhao didn't think that Chen Mo actually had a profit from Wang Bo's hands, this matter is very big for Du Tianhao. of.

Wang Bo has always been a competitor of Du Tianhao. Now Wang Bo needs to give Chen Mo's percentage profit every year. It is equivalent to Wang Bo's people who Chen Mo, so Du Tianhao will not have to protect Wang Bo.

After processing Wang Bo, Chen Mo turned his head to see the universal four provinces.

"Chen Gongzi, I must start with Chen Gongzi today, no matter what you have, I definitely no two words!"

Dongning God's Ninguan responded very fast, and quickly slammed Chen Mo, and shouted.

"Yes, what do you do after Chen Gongzi?"

Other big men are just shouting at Chen Mo's position.

"Chen Gongzi, Chen Gongzi ..."

In the event, the big one is as crazy, and the emotions are very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

After these people were rushing to, they were afraid that they were slowed down in a step.

At this point, these people had already been in the heart of the heart, even if they gave them 10,000 courage, they were absolutely afraid to have sin.

After seeing this scene, the audience around him is also awkward!

You must know that these big things will come out, you can make the existence of the four provinces, but this person is all in the age of 20, only twenty-year-old Chen Miles, these people I can't believe that all this is true now.

And these people are also clear, it is estimated that more than a long time, Chen Mo Chen's name will spread throughout the four provinces.

After Chen Mo, he had walked in the position of Zhou Yue and others after a few words.

When Xu Wei saw Chen Mo's coming, the heart was also blind, I didn't know how to express my emotions.

And Ma Chi Wang Hongli and others are more fear. Originally these two people want to escape, but they know how horror, they know Chen Mo's forces, even if they can run, will definitely be given by Chen Mo. Caught.

So two of them think that it is better to wait for Chen Mo, then give Chen Mo. I apologize, maybe Chen Mo's face can also let go of Xu's face.

At this time, Wang Hongli can't wait to kill Ma Chi. If Ma Chi has always been , Wang Hongli will not go to Chen Mo, and will not deliberately seduce Zhou Yue.

Wang Hongli felt that Zhou Yue is Chen Mo's woman, and what kind of people in Chen Mo?

Even Wang Bo's American big brother did not dare to recruit it. He is just a soldier. If it is better than the ordinary people, Wang Hongli is still good, but if you compare with Chen Mo, Wang Hongli may not have any Responsive ability.

The expression on Maicai is also very fear, and regret that you should not have to investigate the identity of Chen Mo, and go to Chen Mo.

Now Ma Chi can only look at Xu Wei.

The Macai is clear that Xu Wei knows Chen Mo, and now I can only let Xu help you ask for your feelings, maybe you can have a line of life.

After a while, Chen Mo went to the side of Ma Chi and others.

At this time, Chen Mo has recovered the previous appearance, giving people a feeling of an ordinary college student, and I can't see that Chen Mo is an existence of so many blacks.

"Chen Mo, I ..."

Ma Chi looked at Chen Mo Zhang Wang want to speak.

And Chen Miman looked at Ma Chi, then said: "Zhou Yue is not my girlfriend, but you think she is my girlfriend, and also hit Zhou Yue's attention, want to seduce Zhou Yue, this is no respect for me, how do you say this? "

After hearing Chen Mo, Zhou Yue has flashed a doubt.

Because she doesn't know when Ma Chi and others have seduce themselves.

And the two of the Ma Chi and Wang Hongli heard Chen Mo's sentence, scared, I didn't know what to say, I was directly squatted directly, and then started to raise myself.

After Xu Wei saw this scene, the beauty flashed a helpless.

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