I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 675: How to repay you?

"Chen Mo, we know is wrong, please ask you, let us!"

Ma Chi took a very excited in the ground.

"Yeah, Chen Gongzi, we really already know the wrong, if we know your identity, even if you give me 10,000 courage, we will never dare to seduce Zhou Yue!"

Wang Hongli also shouted in the ground.

Chen Mo looked at Ma Chi Wang Hongli and did not speak.

After Xu Wei hesitated, he said softly to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, Ma Chi with Wang Hongli is my friend, you just give me a face, let them go two good?"

Chen Mimei watched Xu Wei and then said: "Let me let me let me go, but I have a request!"

"Chen Gongzi, what do you have? Don't say it is one, even ten, as long as I can do it, I will promise you!"

Ma Chi is very excited and excited.

"My requirement is very simple. I don't want you to tell you what you see today. I don't want someone to know my identity. If someone knows today, I will let you pay more than now. Want to have a painful price, understand? "

Chen Mo said calmly looked at Ma Chi Wang Hongli Xu Xi.

"Good ..."

Ma Chi wants to do it, nodded directly.

Xu Wei is a little indiscriminated, and Chen Siles will ask: "Chen Mo, why do you want to conceal your identity?"

"Because I don't want my life being affected by my identity!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then turned to Zhou Yue: "Let's go!"


Zhou Yue quickly agreed, and then followed Chen Mo's walking outside the square.

After Chen Mo left, Ma Chi stood up with Wang Hongli, although Chen Mo is already far away, but Ma Chi is still standing in the same place, the expression is very nervous, it seems that there is no Successful from the matter just now.

The conversion of Chen Mo's identity is a little too horrible. Ma Chi as long as I think about the words yourself, the body is invisible to the autonomy trembling.

And Xu Feng is thinking that Chen Mo is, why is it so horrible, but in the school, it is necessary to play a poor silk role.

"Chen Mo, who is you, what do you want to do?"

Xu Ji couldn't help but sigh soft in his heart.


On the other hand, Chen Mo is walking in the location of the hotel under the leadership of Zhou Yue.

On the way, the expression on the face of Zhou Yue has been very nervous, as if it is scared by the things happened above in the competition.

Chen Mimei watched Yue Yue, then rushed to Zhou Yue: "I heard that your mother is sick?"


Zhou Yue didn't help but heard Chen Mo, and then quickly said: "Yes, my mother is sick for a year, but because there is no money in my home, I have always taken medicine. There is no way to completely treat ... "

"How much does it cost to cure your mother's disease?"

Chen Mo shouted.

"100,000 ..."

Zhou Yue quickly replied.

"You go to Li Jincheng tomorrow, let Li Jincheng take you and your mother to Nanyang City, when he will give you the mother to arrange the best hospital, where you should cure your mother's disease ..."

Chen Mo slowed down.

Zhou Yue heard Chen Mo's sentence, I can't help it, and my eyes flashed a different, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, my family has not so much money, I still don't go ..."

"Don't spend money, your mother's hospitalization fee is also from Li Jun Cheng, you can rest assured!"

Chen Mo smiled back to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue glanced at Chen Mo, and his face was very incredible, shouted with a small mouth: "Chen Gongzi, what do you mean to help my mother to see a doctor?"

"Well, we have two people know a fate, 100,000 yuan may be a big money for you, but I can't do it at all!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

In fact, Chen Mo did not help Zhou Yue's plan, although Zhou Yue is really pitiful, but Chen Mo is not a big good person, it is impossible to have difficulties to help, otherwise Chen Mo doesn't do anything else, every day is charity He is busy.

But when Chen Mo is preparing to stand up, Zhou Yue has been stopping Chen Mo.

Chen Mima can feel that Zhou Yue is a concern to his heart, which makes Chen Mo feel very touched, so Chen Mo changed to pay attention to it.

After he heard Chen Mo's words, the excitement directly gave Chen Mo, while the tears were flowing with Chen Mo, "Chen Gongzi, I really thank you, I don't know how to thank you. ...... "

"How to thank me?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Yue smiled and smiled at this time. At this time, he did not do anything to do.

Chen Mo helps Zhou Yue also does not ask for return.

"You don't have to thank me, just when I thank you, take care of me today ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"That's not, Chen Gongzi, although I am poor, I know that I don't care, if you don't let me do something, I have no way to accept your help to me, or I will not be relieved ..."

Zhou Yue said that he was shouted in Chen Mo.

Although Zhou Yue is poor, she is still very bone, she will never accept Chen Mo's help.

"How do you thank me?"

Chen Mo said that he was helplessly asked.

Zhou Yue can't stand the words, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi, I can take you ..."

"What is that, I already have a girlfriend, I am not what you think ..."

Chen Mo said that he was very helpless.

And Zhou Yue heard Chen Mo's sentence, the pretty face was shameful, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi, you may be misunderstood, I said that the service is not allowed, but I Can give you a babysitter, I can take care of you ... "

Zhou Yue knows that there is nothing, I am grateful to Chen Mo, so she can only choose to give Chen Mili babysitter to repay Chen Mo.

"What, I am living alone, and I don't need any babysitter!"

Chen Mima seems to be a little embarrassed.

"Then how should I repay you?"

Zhou Yue pulled the big eyes and asked in a doubt.


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