I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 666: What is your purpose?

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Yue in front of him, hesitated, whispered: "What can I stand up? Talk to me? You talk to me, I am a little less suitable ..."


Zhou Yue was busy and then looked at Chen Mimi and said very seriously: "Chen Gongzi, if I don't thank you, I really don't keep you with money to give me a mother, you still let me do something? Let's! "

Chen Mo knows what he is now, if you don't let Zhou Yue do something, Zhou Yue will definitely be unhearthed. This girl is really stubborn.

Therefore, Chen Mo hesitated and loudly rushed from Zhou Yue: "Zhou Yue, how old are you this year?"


Zhou Yue quickly replied.


Chen Mima thought that it was soft: "If it is normal, you should now be in high school ..."

"My friends are reading high school. I will have a college entrance examination immediately, but I dropped out of school because I need to take care of my mother."

Zhou Yue's voice seems to have a little lost to Chen Mo.

"What is your learning grades?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I have learned a achievement, and the teacher said that when I was high, I would actively be able to take a book ..."

Zhou Yue replied.

"You learn so good, if you don't read it!"

Chen Mer sighed and then continued: "Otherwise, I will let Li Juncheng arrange for you, after your mother's disease is good, you directly go to Nanyang University to go to school, tuition fees are also I gave you ... "

Zhou Yue was again stunned in this sentence, and his expression seems to be more surprised.

Because Chen Mo just said that he had to give her mother to see a doctor, now I have to arrange things to go to school, and I don't know what to say.

"Chen Gongzi, you have to help my mother to see a doctor, I still don't know how to thank you, you now have to arrange me to go to school? Then I don't know how to thank you!" Zhou Yue shouted Chen Mo Shout.

"You are grateful to me to Nanyang University."

Chen Mo said with Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue looked at Chen Mo, and asked very much in tone: "Chen Gongzi, what is your sentence mean?"

"I am going to do so, don't you want to report me? But now you can't help me, so I am going to let you go to the school for a while, wait for you to read the University, I will take you again. Arrange to Li Jincheng's company, then help me manage the things above, what do you think? "

Chen Mo smiled, rushed from Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue looked very grateful to Chen Mima's face, she didn't know how to express her mood now.

Although Chen Mo said that this is to let himself repay Chen Mo, it is actually helping himself.

It can be said that Chen Mo is now giving Zhou Yue a chance to change fate.

If there is no such thing as Chen Mo, Zhou Yue may live in this small town in a lifetime, and the luck can find a person who is likes to marry and marry the child, and the luck will be a little in the hands of the rich.

But she is very lucky to meet Chen Mo.

"Chen Gongzi, I think you are so good to me, why are you so good to me?"

Zhou Yue asked Chen Mail.

"I am also for myself, I need a person I have to manage to manage my company's business, and you are the person I believe!"

Chen Mo fell back to Zhou Yue.

What is the meaning of Zhou Yuexin clear Chen Mo's sentence, said seriously: "Chen Gongzi, you can rest assured, I will definitely not live up to your expectation!"

"I believe you!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

Zhou Yue looked at Chen Mo did not speak.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Miman returned to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Chen Mo is in the room of Li Juncheng, and then explains Zhou Yue's things to Li Juncheng.

This small matter is nothing to do with Li Juncheng, so Li Juncheng has not asked more, and directly agreed.

After the end of these things with Li Juncheng, Chen Mo returned to the room, and Zhou Yue returned home, I want to share this good news with my mother.

After Chen Mo returned to the room, the simple washed washed again, and then planned to rest.

But just at this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Chen Mo took it after hearing the knock on the door, and then wrinkled his brow: "Who?"

"It's me, Bai Zhennan!"

Bai Zhennan sounded outside the door.

After hearing the voice of Bai Zhennan, Chen Mo couldn't help but stunned, and then quickly sat up from the bed, and then asked softly: "Uncle Bai, is there anything so late?"

"Chen Gongzi, I want to talk to you!"

Bai Zhennan suddenly said.


Chen Mo hesitated, and immediately went to the door and then reached out and opened the door.

Bai Zhennan saw Chen Mo, asked softly: "I should call you Chen Gongzi now, should you call you Chen Mo?"

"How do you think how comfortable!"

Chen Mo smiled and then turned to return to the room.

Bai Zhennan sighed and followed Chen Mo into the room.

"sit down!"

Chen Miman refers to the sofa around him, and the tone is very casual.

"No need ..."

Bai Zhennan returned, then looked at Chen Mo: "I didn't expect you to hide so deep, I originally thought that you are just a normal poor student, but I didn't expect you to be my boss, now I am really imagined. It's so ridiculous ... "


Chen Mo looked at Bai Zhennan, then asked faintly: "Where do you think it is a laughter?"

"Chen Mo, I warned you, although I am yours, but I am talking to you with white peak father, public private is private, you don't think I will be the same as others, I know your identity In the future, I respect you, I am not the kind of person! "

Bai Zhennan is very seriously looked at Chen Mo.

"I know, what do you want to say, you will talk directly to me, don't turn around here!"

Chen Mer sits on the sofa and said very calm.

"What is your daughter in your daughter?"

Bai Zhennan is a little excited to rushing to Chen Union.

"I deliberately close your daughter?"

Chen Mo heard that this sentence of Bai Zhennan couldn't help but smile.


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