I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 678: What is the military?

After Bai Zhennan left, Chen Mo has been thinking about the words that he just said with him.

In fact, Chen Mo felt that Bai Zhennan said that there was still very reasonable. Now Chen Mo is the boss of the company, but sometimes Chen Mo feels that he does exactly override Li Juncheng.

Now Li Juncheng is definitely more important than Chen Mo, if there is no Chen Mo, the company is still working properly.

But if there is no Li Jincheng, there is no way to run.

This is also true of Du Tianhao.

The things controlled by these two people are now there is no way to control.

Although Chen Mo believes that these two people will not hurt themselves, this is not a good thing for Chen Mo, once, one day, Li Juncheng has changed his thoughts, and two of them join hands, absolutely able to take Chen Mo.

This situation is very dangerous for Chen Mo.

Even if this happens, this is not high, but this is absolutely a potential danger.

Bai Zhennan said this with Chen Mo, not in the relationship between Chen Mo's relationship with Li Juncheng, he wants to let Chen Mo's sense of seriousness.

Now Chen Mia wants to take back his rights from Li Jincheng. Li Juncheng will be very good as Chen Mo, but if one day Li Jun Cheng has become used to doing the Lord, I don't want to give my right to Chen Mile, then Chen Mo is dangerous .

At this time, Chen Mo is like a small emperor who just slammed. Because Chen Mo is young, there are many things that need their own ministers to deal with.

Li Juncheng is the minister of this hand.

Now this minister may be five rebels, but who can guarantee that the minister will always be so faithful?

The words of Bai Zhennan also reminded Chen Mo!

"It seems that it is time to get into contact with the company. If you want to wait until our college graduation, the situation may not be controlled!"

Chen Mer couldn't help but sigh, and then closed his eyes to rest.


Apostated eight o'clock.

Chen Mo and Li Juncheng Du Tianhao Bai Zhennan and others left the town.

And Zhou Yue could not be delayed because of her mother's condition, so after told Li Jincheng after the things of Zhou Yue Mother, Li Juncheng will send Zhou Yue, who has been the mother of Nanyang City, the mother of Nanyang City.

"Chen Gongzi, do you want to go back to the villa or go to school?"

After the car entered Nanyang City, Li Juncheng quickly rushed to Chen Mail.

"Don't go to the villa, don't go to the school, go directly to the old man!"

Chen Mail wants to say it back.

"Older family?"

Li Juncheng was heard that Chen Mo's sentence couldn't help but stunned, and his eyes flapped.

"Go to Li Tai Baijia ..."

Chen Mai helidly returned a sentence.

"okay, I get it!"

Li Jun came nodded after understanding Chen Mo's meaning.

After half an hour, Li Juncheng sent Chen Mo to the courtyard of Li Tai Bai's home, but Du Tianhao did not get off with Chen Mo and Li Juncheng. Chen Merger came into the yard.

After entering the yard, Chen Mo's rushed to the room of Li Taibai.

At this time, Chen Mo's mood was still very excited. He wanted to share with Li Tai Bai to share what happened last night.

And Li Taibai seems to have often followed usually. Sitting alone in the rocking chair is in the sun, and he is old and the real kneeling in Li Taibai.

After seeing Chen Mo, I was able to move by Chen Mo's , as if I always have a hand of Chen.

"I am not fighting with you today!"

Chen Mo is bus hard, and then hooks, and then goes to Li Tai Bai's side, smiled and said: "The old man, rest,?"

"What is this happy?"

Li Taibai did not open his eyes, and he was very angry with Chen Mail.

"Old man, what kind of Xuantian, what kind of Xuantian, is really very powerful, I participated in a competition last night, just three punches to defeat a person named Sun Tao!"

Chen Mo said very happy.

"Sun Tao?"

Li Taibai heard the name of Chen Mo when he heard the name.

"Do you know this person?"

Chen Mo saw Li Taibai's response, and asked in the tone.

"I have seen his master ..."

Li Taibai returned back and then continued: "Before defeating a Sun Tao, is it so much like this?"

"No, old man knows that you don't know Sun Tao? The Sun Tao is especially very powerful, even Wang Qichuan is not the opponent of Sun Tao, Sun Tao is a very famous master in the four provinces. I can defeat him, I am willing to be happy! "

Chen Mo seems to have a little speechless to shout.

"Xu Hu Wang Qichuan Sun Tao ..."

After listening to these names, Li Taibai laughed very disdainful, then said: "You said that these people are not able to do it, you don't have anything to show off ..."

"How do they don't work?"

After heard this sentence, Chen Mo has been very incredible.

"The three most don't touch the threshold of the war, but it can't be considered true warrior. The four provinces of the province will not exceed one hundred, basically I can know!"

Li Taibai continued.

"Is Zhao Lei are a warrior?"

Chen Mo asked with Li Taibai.

"Who is Zhao Lei?"

Li Taibai turned his head and looked at Chen Mo.

"Zhao Lei is a bodyguard around me ..."

Chen Mo said helplessly explained.

"You said this person is not a war, or it is a war from other places. If he is, I will definitely know!"

Li Taibai said softly.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

When Chen Mail came, the mood was still very good, but at this time, Li Wei Bai was so hit, Chen Mo's mood was not good.

Chen Mo felt that Sun Tao's people were very powerful, but Chen Mo did not think that Sun Tao did not even even martial arts.

"Old man, what do you say? Can you calculate a warrior?"

Chen Mo hesitated and rushed to Li Taibai.

"When did you become my apprentice, I am telling you what person is a war!"

Li Taibai said faintly.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, his face was unusually helpless.

If you want to be a disciple of Li Taibai, you have to defeat vigorously, but according to Chen Mo's current level, you want to defeat, it is impossible!

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