I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 679: The situation of Luoqiu

After chatting with Li Tai Bai, I only knew that Sun Tao, who seems very powerful, is actually not even, and they are just a very powerful ordinary people.

This also makes Chen Mo's heart more curious. In the end, the person who looks like it can be considered a real military.

On the evening, Chen Milo took the three tricks to deal with Sun Tao before using it before, but Chen Mo did not find that Sun Tao is not a level. The speed is really fast, Chen Miman has no way to play vigorously.

Finally, Chen Mo has been greatly poisoned, and then returned to the room.

After returning to the room, Chen Mer was lying on the boxing of Li Taibai, which was very seriously studied.

At this time, Chen Mo just learned the first three strokes of this boxing method. Chen Mo felt that if he can learn a few tricks, even if he encounters more powerful people, there will be a battle for more powerful people.

But helpless Chen Mo's own talent is indeed a little short, and there are many contents of the boxing method. There is no way to understand.

"It seems that I will ask the old man tomorrow!"

Chen Mer sighed and threw the boxing, and took out his mobile phone to play.

After opening the mobile phone, Chen Mo has opened his own WeChat. She found that Luoqiu did not contact her for several days.

According to normal, Loqiu will take the initiative to talk to Chen Mo every day, but these days, Luoqiu did not take the initiative to contact Chen Mo, and Chen Mo did not take the initiative to find Luoqiu because of participating in the battle.

So Chen Mo hesitate to open the avatar of Luoqiu and then edited a message to send it.

"What are you doing?"

After Chen Mo's sentence, I waited almost five or six minutes, but Luoqiu still did not reply.

Chen Sime is a little worried, directly found the number of Luoqiu's number and played.

"Dudu ..."

The phone rang for a long time, Luoqiu took the call.


Luoqiu's voice sounded in the phone, but Chen Mo was able to listen, Luoqiu's voice seems to be very exhausted.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"What can I do? I just lanted in the back line, and I fell asleep back ..."

Luoqiu said faintly.

After the sound of Luoqiu, Chen Mo said that she frowned: "Luoqiu, is there anything about? I listen to your voice how seems to be a bit wrong?"

"I didn't have anything, I just had a sleeping message, I will go to shoot again for a while ..."

Luoqiu quickly adjusted his emotions and smiled and returned to Chen Mo.

"It's so late."

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Luoqiu, and the eyes flashed a doubt.

"Yeah, today is the evening play, of course, it is going to shoot at night ..."

Luoqiu said softly.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Right, my husband, my play should be there for more than a month, I can go back to Nanyang City, I can meet it, do you miss me?"

When this sentence is said, Luoqiu is very happy.

"Of course I miss you, wait for you to kill this, I will help you find a few director, when you let you take a few play ..."

Chen Mo said.

"Cut, you don't have to blow me here, can you know what directed? You now take care of yourself, it is good ..." Luo Qiu said with a small mouth.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Luoqiu, helplessly smiled.

At this time, Luoqiu still doesn't know the true identity of Chen Mo, so she feels that Chen Mo is also a very normal thing in bragging.

"What, my husband, I am going to make up, I will not tell you first!"

At this time, Luoqiu suddenly said.


Chen Mo listened to Luoqiu, did not say much, and didn't have a call.

Although Chen Mo feels that Luoqiu's emotions may be a little wrong, it will be obviously better, so Chen Mo does not think more. After hanging up the phone, it is directly closed.


On the other hand, there is a film and television base in Jiangnan Province.

After hanging up the phone, Luoqiu hangs up your own things and then came to the cream of the crew.

"Luoqiu, come over? Come to make makeup, I will shoot your play!"

After seeing Luoqiu, the makeup artist shouted.

"Okay, Zhang Jie!"

Luoqiu quickly agreed, and then quickly walked to the front of the makeup mirror.

Makeupist Zhang Jie began to help Luoqiu makeup.

"Luoqiu, not my sister, I said, your little face is so beautiful, the body is still so good, more than that of the long, I don't know what the director thinks, even let Liu Yan No. 1, let you play the second, ... "

Zhang Jie said softly with Luoqiu makeup.

Luoqiu heard the sentence of Zhang Jie, turned his head and glanced at the sister, faintly said: "Even if I look 10,000 more than that of Luo Wei, what can I do? Some things are not as simple as Zhang Jie, you think so simple, I didn't think that some things would have been so complicated before I entered the entertainment circle ... "

"This thing is more complicated, isn't it because Liu Yan has a boyfriend with money? If you follow your body's face, you want to find a more money, a boyfriend, is not very simple. Do things? "

Zhang Jie said with his mouth.


Luoqiu heard this sentence faint and did not say much.

"Sister Yan!"

"Sister, you are still beautiful today!"

"Yeah, you are coming over?"

At this time, suddenly came from the door, all the actors got up and looked at the position of the door.

Zhang Jie and Luoqiu also looked at the position of the door, and saw a woman walked into the mask under a bunch of people.

This woman is dressed in a very simple, white t-shirt plus a short skirt, step on a pair of high heels, the chest, the double peak tower, the long white skinny legs are exposed to the air, the white skin looks to the bomb. .

And this beauty is the female star Liu Yan, just said with Luoqiu.

The time of Liu Yusu is more than a year in the autumn in the autumn. In the last year, there are a lot of big plays, and all the performances are women's first, because the body is sexy, so Liu Yan is in just a year. Time became the most hot female star in China.

When Luoqiu saw Liu Yan, the eyes flashed a different, and the expression on his face was very complicated.


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