I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 68: The arrogant Liu Yan

In fact, there is still some contradictions between Luoqiu and Liu Yan, because the live broadcast platform has been promised Luoqiu will let Luoqiu player No.1.

However, after Luoqiu came to the crew, he suddenly was informing himself that he could not go to the player, but a female second.

After Luoqiu knew this news, the heart was naturally very atmosphere, so found the director to go to theory, and the director's meaning is very simple, the female one of this play has been seen by Liu.

The boyfriend of Liu Yan is very identity. It is not the average person who can be guilty, so Luoqiu can only go to the second year, or it will not play this drama, wait for the opportunity to find Luoqiu.

Luoqiu cherishes this opportunity. She also knows that she can't afford to have any of Liu Yan, so I can only agree with it.

This is also why Luoqiu is eating with Chen Mo, as long as Chen Mo asks the Rolku Craft Group, Luoqiu is supported.

Because Luoqiu knows that Chen Mo is just an ordinary student, there is no identity, it is necessary to have a background, these things have not been used by Chen Mo, she can only be her own to endure these things.

However, Luoqiu is really simple. She originally thought that she was a step to give Liu Yan, and she was able to play a female second.

And before Luoqiu also reads the script, the female 2nd is a lot, people are also good, if they are playing, they will be fired later.

But let Luoqiu don't think of this woman, the woman is very careful, because there is always someone in the crew talked about Luoqiu's body than Liu Yan, and the long-distance, Liu Wei, after hearing these words, very angry, she is afraid Luoqiu grabbed his head.

So Liu Yusu uses his own boyfriend's relationship, finding a series of plays, not only deleting a large part of Luoqiu, but also let the clothing props to prepare the most hard-looking clothes to Luoqiu, causing the lens of Luoqiu very Very small, the lines have been deleted a lot.

So now Luoqiu is a female second, but in fact her drama is not as good as people.

Luoqiu stayed in the crew for so long, most of the time is watching someone to shoot, and there has not been taken several plays.

Originally according to the character of Luoqiu, she will definitely can't help but want to find a statement, but Luoqiu is very clear, Liu Yan is not able to get sin, if she is really sinful, Liu Yan, may even The female second can't play, so the last Luoyiu can only choose to endure swallow, and accept these things silently.

Before you enter the crew, Luoqiu thought about everything is very simple.

But when she really came into contact with these things, Luoqiu knows how complicated entertainment.

There are still many ways to play this drama this evening. This is the good opportunity to express your own good opportunity, so Luoqiu specially prepared a whole day, it is for this play.

"Who let you sit here?"

At this time, Liu Yuji walked to Luoqiu's side, and shouted in Luoqiu.


Makeup Master Zhang Jie was listening to this sentence of Liu Yan, and quickly said: "Miss Liu, I let Luoyi sit here because I will ..."

"Do I talk to you?"

Liusu turned his eyes glanced.

Jie Jie looked at Liu Yan's eyes and gave a helpless, and then retired one step and did not dare to speak.

"Do you have dumbs? I just talked to you, did you not hear?"

Willow asked Luoqiu on the chair.

Luoqiu took a sigh of relief, then slowly stood up, whispered: "Sorry, I don't know if this is your location!"


Liusi shouted.

Everyone heard the words of Liu Yan's thoughts to see the position of the two.

But when they saw that Luo Qiu, I did what did you do.

The actresses inside the crew have already been seen in such a situation.

Luoqiu is helpless to get ready to leave.

"It's really a good thing, what is the status of yourself? I don't even have my position, don't face ..."

Liu Yan is very vicious.

Loqiu suddenly flashed in the eyes of Liu Yan, but she took a deep breath, she chose to bite his teeth and went far away.

"You stand!"

But just at this time, Liu Yan once shouted again.

Luoqiu heard the sentence of Liu Yan, and then he asked in Liu Yan: "Is there anything?"

"You gave me a cup of water!"

Liu Yan shouted.

"Do you have an assistant?"

Luoqiu biting his teeth back and returned.

"How? I now let you give me a cup of water, you haven't heard it?"

Liu Yan shouted very well.


Luoqiu looked at Liu Yan to take a sigh of relief, then whispered: "Okay, I will give you a water!"

After saying this, Luoqiu turned directly to the position of the water dispenser.

After a few seconds, Luoqiu took the water cup to return to Liu Yan, whispered to Liu Yan, "Your water!"

Liu Yan's expression arrogant reached out the water cup, and then moving a bit, then spit it out and twisted his head and shouted: "Do you have any questions about your brain? This cup of water is cool, I don't drink cool water. Do not you know?"


Luoqiu glared at Wuxi's big eyes looked at Liu Yan, and his face was very angry.

"You are you, now give me a cup of hot water!"

Liu Yusheng shouted in Luoqiu.


Luoqiu took a deep breath, helpless turned to go to the water dispenser and then re-poured a cup of hot water.

After Liu Yan, Liu Yan has passed the water cup in Luoqiu, and then tasted a small mouth, then threw the quilt directly on the ground, and the expression shouted: "Is your fucking deliberate? This cup is so hot, you I want to be burned to death ... "

After listening to Liu Yan, Luoqiu was directly stunned.

And Liu is getting up to Luoqiu.

"Miss Liu, don't be angry, I will help you with a glass of water ..."

After seeing the situation, Zhang Jie was not right, and quickly rushed to Luoqiu's hand stopped Liu Yan, then picked up a new paper cup from the new to Liu Liu.

Luoqiu stunned standing in the same place, the expression of abnormal face.

Those people around, it is like looking at Luoqiu like a joke.


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