I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 783: The old people in the cave!

Wang Baishi looked at Zhang Li people and others, then said that there was no expression: "This time we came to ghost tiger holes to take a medicinal material, we will leave after getting the medicinal materials, so I hope that you will hurry. Open, otherwise don't blame me! "

"Are you welcome?"

Zhangli people looked at the position of Wang Baishi, and then asked faintly: "You are welcome, how can you tell me? I have already said this ghost tiger hole is our site, but all people come here to die No one wants to leave ... "

Lu An heard the sentence of Zhangli people, and the eyes flashed a fear because he did not think that this is even more about his own life.

After Shu Ziyu saw Wang Baishi, the face on his face was significantly calm.

"Toast, don't eat, fine wine!"

Wang Baishi's eyes flashed a context, and immediately rushed to Zhangli's position directly.

Zhang Li people saw Wang Baishi rushed over and flashing a different, at this time they can feel that Wang Baishi's skill should be not simple, because Wang Baishi's speed is very amazing.


Wang Baishi rushed to Zhang Li people, and raised his fist directly and rushed to Zhangli's chest.

When Zhang Li saw Wang Baishi, the instinctively raised his own hands and blocked his hands, as if it was planning to use his arms to block Wang Baishi.


A loud noise.

Wang Baishi's fist is smashed on the arm of Zhangli, and Zhang Li's body flew out.

Zhang Liqi, two people looked at the position of Wang Baishi, and the eyes were shocked. Because they did not think that Wang Baishi was so good.

The best in Zhang's three brothers is Zhang Li people, but at this time, Zhang Li is actually flying by Wang Baishi, and the three people are aware of the problem.

"Where is your two still doing? I have a piece!"

At this time, Zhangli people shouted with the scorpion, and then rushed to Wang Baishi again.

Zhang Liqi Zhang Liyuan did not dare to have any hesitation, and quickly keep up with Zhang Li people.

Although these three people are not the opponents of Wang Bai Shi, these three people will bring a lot of trouble to Wang Baishi together, and four people are fighting together.

Those people brought by Shu Ziyu are all ordinary people. At this time, I can't help, and I will die.

And Shu Zi Jade worried that Wang Baishi will lose to Zhangli three people. So after hesitating, directly twisting Chen Mo's position shouting: "Are you not a warrior? What do you stand here? How do you do it here? Go to help!"


Chen Mo listened to the phrase of Shu Ziyu, and said that Shu Ziyu was looked at, and then he said: "These three people are not the opponent of Mr. Wang, do not need three help ..."

"But what is Wang Shu wants to lose?"

Shu Zi jade shouted.

"If he is lost, we will not be late."

Chen Mo replied.

Shu Ziyu heard Chen Mo's sentence in an instant, in the original place, the expression on his face is abnormal, I don't know what to say.


At this time, Zhangli's body flew out, then hit it on the cave.

" ..."

Zhangli people sprayed out, then lying on the face of the expression on the face.

When I saw this scene, I flicked in the eyes of this scene, and said with the little mouth and said: "It seems that your abacus is empty, these three people are not the opponent of Wang Shu, you don't want to sit here. The profit of the fishing is ... "

In the eyes of Shu Ziyu, Chen Mo and others did not show up when he wanted to wait until Wang Bai Shi Zhang Liqi, Chen Mo was shot.

And Chen Mo looked at Shu Ziyu helpless smile, I don't know what to say.

After a few seconds, Zhang Liqi Zhang Liyuan also fell on the ground.

And Wang Baishi has no injury, and there is no expression in place.

"Mang Shu is awesome!"

Shu Zi jade voice was very excited.

Zhao Lei looked at Wang Baishi whispered in Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, big events are not good!"

"what's happenin?"

Chen Mimei watched Zhao Lei, and asked someone to talk.

"I feel that there is a very powerful breath that there is a very powerful breath, this breath is very horrible!"

Zhao Lei said slowly.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence to look at the position of the cave, and did not speak in his eyes.

Wang Baishi was defeating Zhangli's three-person standing in the same place, as if also found the breath in the cave.

"Where are you still? I will tie these three people to me!"

Shu Zi jade reappered the position of Zhangli people and others, staring at the big eyes of Waterwell.

Shu Ziyu's bodyguards heard the words of Shu Ziyu, and he did not hesitate to go straight to Zhangli, etc.

After Zhang Li people saw these bodyguards, they shouted: "Master, when are you going to come out? If you come out, we will die in this little girl's film ..."

When I heard the sentence of Zhangli people, Chen Lei understood that the mysterious breath in the cave that Zhao Lei said should be Zhangli's master.



Just came in the cave, there was a footsteps.

But this footsteps give people feel like earthquakes, and people in the cave will cause a shock.

So everyone can't help but guess in the heart, there should be a big body in the cave to be a big monster that is better than a hundred pounds, or it is absolutely impossible to make such a movement.

Shu Zi Yu Tian really thought that the three people who defeated Zhang Li will get the medicinal material, but she didn't think that Zhangli people still have no helper.

Lu'an, the intestines quickly regretted, where did he want to get this ghost hole, it will be so dangerous!

Chen Miman looked at the position of the ghost tiger hole, and the expression on his face was very calm and did not speak.

After a moment, a figure came out from the cave.

But let everyone feel that it is incredible that people in the cave are not a big monster, but a thin old man with a height of only one meter!

After seeing the old man, everyone exposed a different expression, and the eyes were full.

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