I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 784: Killing does not blink!

The old man who came out from the ghost tidy hole is not the crowd, it is a giant that is a high-quality giant.

On the contrary, this old man is very thin, and it is all wrinkles on the face.

But Chen Mo can see that the muscles on the old people are very strong, giving people feel like a steel sculpture, and the body contains incredible energy.

Although the old man is not high, it is not very heavy, but the old man will leave a deep shoe print on the ground.

To know that the rock on the mountain is still very strong, the rock on the mountain is still very strong, and the unusual person wants to leave a footprint. It is impossible, but the old man will take two steps to step on the footprints, this is enough to prove How horror is the power of the old man.

Zhao Lei looked at the old man, then whispered to Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, this person is not simple, if you are playing, you have to protect yourself, I may not be able to take you here. ...... "


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

When Zhang Li people saw a lot of excitement in seeing the old man, I shouted: "Master, you can be out, you can't come out, we can die ..."

"Three waste!"

The old man wrinkled and screamed.

Although Wang Baishi was also shocked by the strong momentum on the old man, but also asked in the old man asked: "I don't know how my seniors call?"

"You still don't agree to know my name, people who do not have the ghost tiger holes are one death, you don't want to leave here!"

The old man is very arrogant and said in Wang Baishi.

And Wang Baishi was flashing in the eyes of the old man, and then whispered: "Seniors, I don't know the rules of your ghost tiger holes, or now I will leave here now, you look Can you let us let us? "

Wang Baishi is not a fool. His heart is clear about how horror in the old people in front of him, although the spirit is precious, but that is also a life, isn't it?

Therefore, Wang Baishi did not hesitate, and immediately planned to give up the idea of ​​entering ghost tiger holes, and hurry to leave here.

"I said, as long as I arrived in the ghost hole, I have to die here!"

The old man looked at Wang Baishi's eyes flashed a congestion, then raised his fist and ramped the position of Wang Baishi.

Wang Baishi's reaction is still fast, and I'm too busy to hide this punch.

Although Wang Baishi escaped the old man's punch, it was not so good to stand in the bodyguard after Wang Baishi!

The old man's fists directly breakd down the bodyguard's chest!

" ..."

The bodyguard was sprayed out and then fell on the ground.


Shu Ziyu did not help but screamed after seeing this scene. The expression on the face is extremely fear.

Although Shu Ziyu has also seen the fight between the war, she has never seen some people who have used so rude!

The old man's fist actually built the body of the body, at this time, the old man's arm is still flowing with the blood of the body.

The death of this bodyguard makes everyone in the field understand. This seems to have a thin and weak older heart intestines, the old man tells everyone, he is really intended to kill them.

Even if Chen Mo is standing in the eyes of God, it also flashes a different!

This is also the first time, Chen Mo, see murder, and still use so simple and rude way.

"Miss, you will hide, this person is very dangerous ..."

Wang Baishi turned his head and shouted with Shu Ziyu.

After Shu Ziyu heard the sentence of Wang Baishi, he quickly turned to ran away from the distance.

Lu'an has been scared in this time, and it has hid in the corner to see the position of the old man.

"What do you stand there? Do you have to prepare a weapon before you? You hurry to help Wang Shu!"

Shu Ziyu saw that the bodyguards were stupid to stand when they didn't move, and the expression was very excited.

After hearing Shu Ziyu's words, these bodyguards reacted, and took out his pistols in his arms and then aligned the position of the old.

After the hand of these bodyguards, Chen Mo saw a pistol, and his eyes flashed a different, because he didn't think that Shu Ziyu actually could get a gun!

"You'd better don't move, no, we will shoot!"

One of the bodyguards shouted in the position of the old man.

"How can you have a gun?"

The old man looked at the bodyguard, and immediately rushed to the position of the bodyguard directly.

After the bodyguard saw the old man rushed over, it was very nervous to pull the trigger.

The old man escaped the bullet very relaxed, and then stretched the body of the body, and took the bodyguard directly.


A loud noise.

The old man directly smashed the body of the body in the ground, and the bodyguard of the bodyguard was blurred, and the blood was reddish.

The balanced bodyguards were also frightened, and they raised their pistols to align the old people wanted to shoot.

The feeling of this old man is like a beast. There is no feelings that there is no feelings. In the face of those innocent bodyguards, they will kill, and there is no room, and the bodyguards are very cruel.

In a moment, there were people in the scene in the original place, and the fear of faith on the face.

In the eyes of these people, this old man is simply a murder.

I didn't encounter such a situation at all, hesitated, whispered Chen Mo, whispered Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, this person seems to be a madman, or let's go first!"

"Don't worry, first look at the situation ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

After listening to this sentence of Chen Mo, I couldn't help but stunned, and my eyes flapped, but she did not say much.

During this time, there are several bodyguards that are in the ground.

Shu Ziyu looked at the scene of hell. It was very fear of an expression on his face. She really didn't understand what they had in the end of this old man. The old man is so capable. Mid hearter slaughter!

Wang Baishi stood in the same place, at this time he seems to be some don't know how it should be good.

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