I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 86: Suburban, hotel!

In fact, if it is normal, Ye Xueqi should take several bodyguards when they go out.

After all, Ye Xueqi is now the general manager of Ye Shi Group, but also a granddaughter of the Chairman of the Ye's Group, and the entire Ye Shi Group may fall in the hands of Ye Xueqi.

Ye Xueqi is a very standard white and beautiful, and people who are eyeing Ye Xueqi must have a lot.

Only Ye Xueqi's personality has been very cold, likes yourself, so she has never found a bodyguard.

If Ye Xueqi is able to bring a few bodyguards, there will be no more troubles last night.

Black Audi's speed is not very fast, and there are many cars in the city, so Chen Mo is not easy to be discovered behind the Audi car.

Chen Mile originally intended to call Du Tianhao Li Juncheng and others, but Chen Mo thought it was still forbe, because he felt that if he acts, the target is relatively small, the kidnapper is not easy to find himself.

But if you let Li Jincheng, Li Zongcheng, I will definitely make a lot of trouble, it will play the crazy snake, saying that the impulse will be directly to Ye Xueqi.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not contact anyone, and he kept quietly behind the Audi.

Almost more than half an hour, Audi has opened the city in Nanyang City, and the position of the suburbs opened.

After the suburbs, Chen Mo deliberately slowed the speed of the car, because the suburbs were relatively small, if Chen Mo would be too close to, it will discover.

After the Audi car turned over a large circle in the outskirt, stopped in front of a hotel.

The hotel can not be luxurious, can only be counted, and because the position is relatively secret, it is not a lot.

Chen Mo felt that since the kidnappers took Ye Xueqi here, then this hotel should not have a relationship with the kidnappers, because the kidnapy really wants to find a hotel with himself, it will not choose such a remote location.

After the Audi car stopped, the kidnapper licked Ye Xueqi from the car, and then walked into the hotel.

Chen Mo stopped the car on the side of the road. After seeing the kidnaposhoshi Snow Qi and others entered the hotel, Chen Mo took a breath, and then opened the car directly under the car.

After getting off the bus, Chen Mo entered the hotel.

"Mr. Hello, do you need a few rooms?"

The waiter at the front desk saw Chen Mail, and asked Chen Mail.

"one room!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Our hotel has a big bed room business room, there is also a fun house, don't know if you need?"

The waiter asked in a smile.

"What is the one, is it just a woman who came in two men?"

Chen Miman wrinkled softly.

"Yes, I didn't come in three guests ..."

The waiter nodded gently.

"This is this, these three people are my friends, you put my room next to them ..."

One side of Chen Mo took out his ID card.

"Sir, this is sorry, you can contact your friends, but we can't reveal the location of the guests ..."

The waiter looked at Chen Mima seems to be a little difficult.


When I heard the waiter's words, Chen Mo flashed a helpless, and then took out a few cash to handle the waiter, and then said: "Beauty, my mobile phone is no power, I can't contact my friend, you will Help me! "


After the waiter saw Chen Mo's cash, the eyes flashed a different, and the movement hidden will pick up the cash, then said: "Your three friends are now in the 507 room, I will open 508 rooms. ... "

"Thank you for your thank you ..."

Chen Mo is busy back.

After a few seconds, the waiter gave Chen Mo's room, Chen Mage took the 5th floor and went directly.

On the other hand, the two kids are still very vigilant after kidnaping Ye Xueqi, even if they have already arrived, they still use the daggers to take the waist of Ye Xueqi, and if they are ease Ye Xueqi continued to go front.

Ye Xueqi's expression is very nervous at this time, whispered to the kidnap: "What is your two? What do you want to do?"

"Don't be so much nonsense, I will let you do now, if you are not polite, I am free to you ..."

One of the kidnappers and screamed.

Ye Xueqi flashed in the words of the kidnappers.

At this time, Ye Xueqi didn't know what these two kidnappers did. If it is a simple kidnapp, then the two kidnappers should bring yourself more, but this two people have taken themselves. At a hotel.

"Is it robust?"

Ye Xueqi's eyes flashed in a different, and the eyes became tense.

After a moment, Ye Xueqi took two kids to the door of 506 rooms, one of the bodyguards opened the door, then shouted: "Go in ..."

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Xueqi frowned and shouted.

"How much do you talk nonsense? I let you go in, didn't you hear it?"

One of the kidnappers shouted, the expression on his face was very angry.

Ye Xueqi knows that the mood of these two kidnappers is very unstable, so she can't anger these two kidnappers, can only walk into the room.

After entering the room, a slightly young kidpert takes the rope prepared in advance, and then binds Ye Xueqi's legs.

When these two people tied Ye Xueqi, they had long out of breath, there is a feeling of losing weight.

The two people didn't seem to think that today's actions would be so smooth!

No matter how Ye Xueqi is also the general manager of Ye Shi Group, the price is less than ten billions, and the big people who kidnapped such a big thing is not so easy.

If not because someone has a very high price, these two people don't dare to pick this task!

Before the action, the two people were still very worried, but when they really did it, they found that they were still a very easy thing to kidnapped Ye Xueqi, because Ye Xueqi's side did not have a bodyguard.

Ye Xueqi is lying on the bed, and the heart is very desperate. She doesn't know what the two people have, and she knows that there is no one can save it now.

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