I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 86: Does Never Contact?

In the room.

One of the kidnappers saw Ye Xueqi's hands had been tied, the expression on his face was very relaxed, reached out of the fire, and then got up and down Ye Xueqi.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Xueqi frowned and shouted.

"Oh, what will we do for a while, you will know ..."

The young kidnappers scared, then turned to another middle-aged person: "Big brother, you really don't say, this rich woman is different, you look at this figure, it is too he. Mom is brought hard, I just want to bite a bit ... "


Middle-aged people have always looked down at their mobile phones and didn't speak.

"Big brother, I can't help but I can't help it, or you let me cool it again. If you can play such a high-rise woman, I will recognize it ..."

Young people said.

The middle-aged people have flashed a vibrant in the eyes of the young people, and the eyes shouted: "You fucking is sick, I have already said to you, the people are special I can't touch this woman, if you touch this woman, you can't get it, you know, don't know ... "

"Oh, I just opened a joke ..."

Youth expression smiles.

"Wait until the two are busy, there is money, what kind of woman can't find it, there is no need to delay because of a woman ..."

Middle-aged people continued.

"thats right……"

Youth nodded and didn't say much.

Middle-aged people have always looked down at their own mobile phones, as if they are waiting for.

Ye Xueqi lies in bed and looked at these two people. The expression on his face was clearly calm, because she knew that he was still not dangerous.

At the same time, Chen Mo has come to the number of 506 rooms.

Chen Mo attached his ear on the door of the room, because the sound insulation effect of the room was not very good, so Chen Mo can clearly hear the dialogue inside the room.

Through these two people's dialogue, Chen Mo can analyze it. These two kidnappers should be a professional kidnapper, and these two people should have someone, and there is still a danger of Ye Xueqi should be no danger, although I don't know these two. Why is individual kidnap Ye Xueqi, but Chen Mo's vague approximately can feel that these two people should not be a silver business to deal with themselves.

Because these two people have a very different style of doing things with silver plants.

Silver business has always been very much very much, so the people who don't want to find killers in the man who really want to kill the killer. I will not make such a thing of the kidnapping!

That Chen Mo didn't understand more, these two people kidnap Ye Xueqi in the end.

After the middle-aged people in the room took a smoke, they directly got up to Ye Xueqi, and said that Ye Xueqi said: "Miss Ye is?"

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Xueqi frowned cold voice asked in the middle-aged.

"Miss Ye, we are doing what you have, you should be very clear, we have two unique kidnappers, we are doing this kind of thing, simple saying is that others give us money, we help others Do things, so I hope that you can be old and realistic together ... "

The middle-aged man whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense, what do you want to do?"

Ye Xueqi frown shouted.

"Our kidnapping is very simple, some people want to talk to you, so you are best to cooperate, so we can easily ..."

The middle-aged people slowly said.

"What do you want? What is money still, as long as you are now coming out, I can meet you!"

Ye Xueqi took a deep breath, and the expression on his face was still calm.

Because Ye Xueqi is still kidnapped once, her father finally took the money to save him.

"We don't need money ..."

The middle-aged people shook their heads gently.

"Who is you?"

Ye Xueqi asked with brows.

"My name is Wang Wei, this person is my brother Wang Hu, should you hear two of our two names?"

The middle-aged man said.


Ye Xueqi was in the original place in his life, and his face was very incredible.

Because Ye Xueqi really heard the name of these two people, Wang Wei Wanghu two is a very famous killer in Nanyang City. These two people shot and unspeakable. I don't know how many shocks have been done so many years, basically It is willing to do this two people, and these two people themselves are mercenaries, although they are not a military, but the hand is absolutely on ordinary people.

For so many years, the police have always been in these two people, but they have never caught these two people.

Ye Xueqi also heard Wang Yin Wang's two brothers from the mouth of the friend, but she didn't understand why these two people kidnapped themselves.

"Miss Ye, if I have not remembered, what should you eat in your friends?"

After the middle-aged people hesitated, the cold voice asked in Ye Xueqi.

"Well, I am dining with my friend ..."

Ye Xueqi looked at the kidnapper and nodded.

"Then you will call your friend now, tell your friend, you have a little urgent, or you will find that you will find that you will be alarm so long, once you report the police, then we trouble, you may also Will be very trouble ... "

The middle-aged people slowly said.

This middle-aged is no longer the first time, so he is still very cautious, considering it is very comprehensive.

Ye Xueqi suddenly remembered that Chen Mo has been in the restaurant in the restaurant. If it is not a middle-aged person to remind, Ye Xueqi has already forgot Chen Mo.

"I just met the person, I didn't have his mobile number!"

Ye Xueqi hesitated, whispered.

"Miss Ye, are you doing this person or I don't want to contact this person?"

Middle-aged people asked coldly.

"It's already this time, is I need to lie to you?"

Ye Xueqi shouted with the water of the water and then continued: "And I didn't have a mobile phone at all, I didn't have any mobile phone at all."


Middle-aged people have paid each other with each other, and both people don't speak.

"I am not familiar with that person, I will not be alarm, you will don't worry!"

At this time, Ye Xueqi said again.

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