After seeing Ye Xueqi's attitude is very resolute, they think that Ye Xueqi should have no contact information, and Ye Xueqi does not have a mobile phone. If they make Ye Xueqi to give Chen Mo's If you call, it will definitely expose two identities.

Therefore, after hesitating, the middle-aged man said whispered with Ye Xueqi: "Well, since Ye Miss, you don't have the contact information, then, let's go ..."

The door outside the door sucks a breath, he thinks that these two tied people should have other people, so if Chen Mo wants to continue so, the other party's helper may come, now the best chance of Chen Mo's opponent.

Chen Mo is hesitant, then reached out and knocked the door door.

" ..."

Knock on the door sound.

The middle-aged man flashed in the eyes after hearing the knocking, then whispered: "People come, let's take a look, be careful!"

Young people nodded in the middle-aged people, but young people still did not relax, after all, they didn't have the first time.

The youth is holding his dagger to the location of the door, and then frown shouting: "Who?"

After hearing this sentence, Chen Mo has flashed a nervousness.

Because Chen Sime is clear, if you speak at this time, youth will definitely react, so Chen Mo's breathing has not spoken.


And the youth saw that Chen Mo did not respond, repeatedly shouted, then the undergmity opened the door.

" ... ..."

After listening to the sound of the door opened, Chen Mo directly lifted his legs to prevent youth from being closed again.

Young people suddenly realized that the problem is not right after seeing Chen Mo's feet, because if it is really a person, it is absolutely impossible.

Youth instinct reach wanted to close the door.

However, Chen Mo did not give you a chance, and they reached the youth's arm, and then suddenly had a force, and slammed the youth, then lifted his right leg directly to the youth's belly.


This big feet of Chen Mo has issued a painful voice after the youth's belly.

But the first reaction of youth is not to call his companion. In contrast, it is for the ability of its own right hand, waving the dagger in his hand, and smashed Chen Mo's head.

Chen Mo's response speed is very fast, and a side of the dagger who has swayed from the youth.

After seeing Chen Mima hidged his dagger, the eyes flashed a nervousness, because this time I realized that Chen Mo's skill is very good, it is not a person who can be dealt with.

So youth turned and wanted to call the person in the room!

Chen Mo is not a fool, he doesn't know if these two people can join hands to be the opponent of these two people, so there is no hesitation, and I have a young mouth in front of you, then push your youth head. a bit!


A loud noise.

The youth's head squatted to face the wall, and did not send any sounds directly on the ground.

Chen Mo saw that the youth fell on the ground, and the eyes were flashing, and then bending the waist to put the dagger on the ground, and then rushed to the room.

At this time, the middle-aged in the room seems to be aware of the inconsistency. After all, the youth is going to open the door for a long time, and then, when Chen Mo's head hits the wall, I have issued a buzz.

The expression on the middle-aged face began to become nervous, frown shouted: "Wavelet, what is going on?"

After Chen Mo listened to the middle-aged, did not answer, but continued to walk in the room.

The middle-aged people stood up and then reached out from their own clothes. I took out a black painted pistol.

When Ye Xueqi saw the pistol in the hands of the middle-aged, the beauty flashed in a nervousness.

The middle-aged man slowly moved to go outside the room.

And Chen Mimi took the dagger and step by step!

After a short second, Chen Mo's middle-aged people stopped and then relative!

The middle-aged people used to be hired, the skills and response speed were very amazing. If they are not a bit of truth, middle-aged people can absolutely impossible for so many years have not been caught by the police.

When the middle-year people saw Chen Mo, there was no hesitation at all, directly raised his own pistol, and then got to Chen Mo's head.

"I advise you to do not challenge my gun method, so short distance, I will die, you will die ..."

The middle-aged man was assigned to Chen Mo's head with a pistol, and whispered to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo looked at the middle-aged person, did not speak.

"Baili ..."

The middle-aged person saw Chen Mo's long out of breath, because Chen Mo's reaction has indicated that Chen Mo gave up against resistance.

"At the beginning of the restaurant, we have found you, but I thought you were just an ordinary person. I didn't expect your courage to be so big. I dared to catch up, negligent ..."

The middle-aged people rushed to Chen Mo.

And Ye Xueqi lying in bed is very incredible, because Ye Xueqi did not think that Chen Soqi, who didn't think that he had seen two faces with himself actually risked life.

Although Chen Mo's behavior makes Ye Xueqi feel very touched, Ye Xueqi's heart is still very helpless.

Because Ye Xueqi felt that since Chen Mo had already discovered his current position, then he should go directly to the alarm. After all, Chen Mo is just a person, and there is no gun. Chen Mo will appear here to be here?

"This is no relationship with my friends, you put my friend, no matter what you let me do, I will cooperate with you ..."

After Ye Xueqi hesitated, he shouted with the big eyes of Water Wang Wang.

"I'm sourly thinking about Miss Ye, if your friend didn't see all this, I won't do it for him, but he has already seen me with my brother's face. If I put him now, I will harm me. So I can't let this person walk ... "

The middle-aged people returned to a word.


Ye Xueqi did the desperation of the expression of the face in the face of the middle-aged person.


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