I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 831: Ning Shasha's work

"Now you should know why I suddenly became the chairman of Hui Ding Group?"

Chen Mo looked at Ning Shasha, and asked.

"I know, your luck is really great, you can inherit such a big legacy ..."

Ning Shasha looked very envious of Chen Mo's voice.

And Chen Miman sighed and said that there was no expression: "You may think my luck is better, but if you really change you to me now, you may find something is not what you imagine. So good, money does not mean you have no trouble ... "

"That's, you have the trouble of rich people, I may not be very clear!"

Ning Shasha looked at Chen Mo and nodded very seriously, then continued to ask: "That Chen Mo you want to upgrade me for your assistant, I think I should have no ability to serve as the chairman assistant ..."

"I think you have this ability, you have this ability!"

Chen Mo returned to Ning Shasha, and then continued: "In fact, your job is still relatively simple, you don't have to have any psychological stress, you only need to be responsible for the income of things happening to me, it is Other things you don't have to take care ... "

"Turned to you in the company?"

Chen Mo heard the sentence of Ning Shasha couldn't help but stunned, and his eyes flashed.


Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue: "Although I am now the chairman of the company, but in fact, this company does not have any relationship with me. In addition to Li Jincheng, no one knows me, so I need you to help me The company monitors these people, no matter what the company happens, you have to report to me, now you understand? "

"Do you want me to monitor the company?"

Ning Shasha blinked the big eyes and asked Chen Mail.

"Yes, you can also understand it ..."

Chen Mo nodded.

At this time, Chen Mo's promotion of Ningzha to assistant, in fact, it is to let Ning Shasha help you monitor everyone inside.

After all, Chen Mima is not likely to stay in the company. Many things inside the company are not knowing, but if Ning Shasha can help you monitor these people in the company, then Chen Mo can first understand the company. Inside the situation.

These situations can also be understood from Li Jincheng, but Chen Mo felt that Bai Zhennan said to himself, he should not over-rely over, even Li Juncheng is not too much dependence on them with Du Tianhao Chen Mo. Otherwise, once the two people join hands to sell Chen Mo, Chen Mo may even die.

The heart of harm is inherent, the heart of the anti-human is indispensable.

This simple truth, Chen Mo is still clear.

So Chen Mo is now intended to start cultivating herself inside the company.

Chen Mo has been recognized by Ning Shassa, so Chen Mo is still very well understood by Ning Shasha. Ning Shasha is also a person who can believe in Chen Mile, so let Ning Shasha do this. Chen Mo feels most appropriate.

"I understand what you mean!"

Ning Shasha looked nodded with Chen Mo's light.

"Then you can do this?"

Chen Mo looked at Ningsha asked.

"I will try my best, but I am worried that they are knowing that I am your assistant, some things may not let me know!"

Ning Shasha said.

"Do not worry, no one has such a big courage, I have already explained, from now on, you are eligible, and some more important things, Li, should also notify you, then notify you I, who wants to hide you, then there is a ghost in this person ... "

Chen Mo slowed down.

"That's good!"

Ning Shasha listened to Chen Mo's sentence seems to be safe, rushing to Chen Mo and nodded.

"I know that you will definitely be a little difficult when you first start this job, but after you are familiar with this job, you should be more relaxed!"

Chen Mo saw that the expression on Ning Shasha faces seems to be a little nervous, and it was soaked.

"You can rest assured, I will definitely try to do these things!"

Ning Shasha expression was very serious about Chen Mo, and then bowed to Chen Mo, as if the appearance of a statement.

"What do you want to say?"

Chen Mo asked in Ning Shasha.

Ning Shasha looked at Chen Mo and then whispered: "In fact, there is nothing, I just feel that Chen Mo's change seems quite big, in my impression, you are just a high school student of ordinary Moreover, but I didn't expect your current change, it would be so big ... "

"People always change!"

Chen Mo smiled back and then looked at Ning Shasha to continue: "Salsa sister, you don't have to use it with me, don't be so polite, in my eyes, you will always be my Salsa, you are like it before I will do it, I am still not used to this now ... "

Ning Shasha heard this sentence, and then adjusted his emotions, and asked softly: "Do you have it now with Xiaotao?"

"I haven't contacted it for a long time. I got a university, I changed my mobile phone number, and I broke it ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then the eyes flashed a helpless.

In fact, Chen Mo is still very good when the relationship with Ning Tao is in high school. But after the university, Chen Mo is together with Gaffe, and Gao Feifei has always like Ning Tao, so I will force Chen Mo and Ning Tao. Contact, Chen Mai always feels that the heart is owed to Ning Tao.

Now, Chen Mimi wants to pay all the time for G G Gifei, but finally because Chen Mo has no money and is abandoned by Gao Feifei.

So when you are not you pay, you can get a person's sincerity, your pay is not worth it at the eyes of some people.

"Then I don't have to see what I see, tell Xiao Tao?"

Ning Shasha looked at Chen Mai asked.

"Of course, I can tell, I haven't seen Ning Tao for a long time, just a little thinking about him ..."

Chen Mer is busy back to a sentence, then adding: "But Salsa, you don't tell Ning Tao in my true identity ..."


Ning Shassa blinked and asked.


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