I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 832: Two Transportants

In the eyes of Ningzha, Chen Mo is now becoming a super rich second generation from a poor silk. He should have no reason to conceal his identity.

After all, no matter what kind of person, when you have money, you will try our best to have money.

But Chen Mo is just the opposite, and even if you want to conceal your identity, this really makes Ning Shasha feel unbelievable.

But Ning Shasha may not know, if there is really money to arrive at Chen Mo, then don't know that others don't know if they have money, but if everyone knows Chen Mo's identity, then Chen Mo's side people Chen Mo's eyes will also change!

"Nothing why, I just don't like to let too people know my identity, I still feel that everyone is more comfortable with me with normal attitude ..."

Chen Mo looked at Ning Shassa's faint explanation, and then continued: "It is very comfortable to get along with me before, I will feel very comfortable, but you feel very uncomfortable with me now. I know this is not your reason, after all, you already know my identity, you must have no way to get along with me in the way ... "

"So this is ah!"

Ning Shasha looked nodded with Chen Mo's light.

"Okay, don't say Ning Tao's things, you tell me your mobile phone number, you can call me directly if you have anything, if you need anything I need, I can give me a game. phone!"

Chen Mo looked at Ning Shasha whispered.

Ning Shasha heard Chen Mo's sentence, and then quickly took it out of his latest Apple mobile phone, then told Chen Mo's phone number.

Although Ning Shasha is just a small staff member of Hui Ding Group, but salary is also very high, and then add the conditions of Ning Shasha's home itself is very good, so whether it is a famous brand.

However, when Ning Shasha saw that Chen Mo took out a price that was absolutely less than 3,000 yuan, the eyes were flashing, whispered: "Chen Mo, you are already so rich, why not give yourself Change a good mobile phone? "

"My mobile phone is very good, just bought for a while, it is very comfortable ..."

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"I really don't know how you think about these rich people, it is so simple ..."

Ning Shasha looked very helpless, then told Chen Mo who took his mobile phone number, and Chen Mo pressed the mobile phone number of Ning Shasha on his mobile phone, and then dialped the past.

After the mobile phone number is exchanged with Ning Shasha, Chen Siles began to eat things.

After a short relationship, Ning Shasha found that although Chen Mer was very domineering, it did not change in the face of his own, it did not change at all, like a long time. Like the old friend, I have died with Ning Shasha with Ning Shasha.

After half an hour, Chen Mo had finished eating a meal with Ning Shasha.

Ning Shasha returned to the company, and Chen Mo is ready to return to Nanyang University to go to class. After all, Chen Mo has not returned to school for a long time. Chen Mo felt that he would not go, and Yan Xia is not exploded.

Chen Mai stretched a taxi in the roadside and returned to Nanyang University.

When Chen Mo came to the school, the students found in the class were in class, but fortunately, this lesson is not a class of Yanme, so Chen Miman has walked into the classroom from the back door, and then ran to Meng Liang Liu Rui two people. Best side.

Meng Liang and Liu Rui saw Chen Mo in the future, and the eyes flashed a surprise.

"Big Brother, do you know it back?"

Meng Liang whispered to Chen Mo.

"I have a little bit in the past few days ..."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"I told you that you have been abolished, you haven't come to class for so many days, and the teacher will definitely not let you!"

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mai continued.

"Nothing, I have been with teacher, please ask ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Who is the woman whose you shouted yesterday?"

Liu Rui hesitated, and he asked Chen Mail.

"It's a friend ..."

"Is it really a friend?"

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mo smiled, the expression on his face was very wretched.

"It's really a friend, can you don't be so gossip ..."

Chen Mo said very helplessly.

"In fact, Chen Mo I think is that since you have such money, find a few girlfriends is also normal. After all, your rich second generation is a few boats like the foot, which we can understand the drop ..."

Meng Liang said.

"You understand a fart, you still have to shut your mouth!"

Chen Miman frowned and screamed.

"Do you know two to transfer school students?"

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mai continued.

"I don't know, what is the relationship between the new two transfer students?"

Chen Mo said faint.

"I told you that these two transfer students are very beautiful. Every day, there are students to come to our class with these two girls, but these two girls have not come to class today, I don't know what to do, wait for you to see these two Individual, you will know, old is hard ... "

Meng Liang said with his teeth.


Chen Mo looked very helpless on Meng Liang's face, did not speak.

Meng Liang saw Chen Mo did not talk, and took his mobile phone directly, then brought the headset to play games.

Chen Mer looked at the teacher on the podium, and found that he did not come to class in lessons in this time, there were many classes.

However, Chen Mo's learning results are still very good. Basically, they can get a scholarship every year, so even if they fall a part, it is not very big for Chen Mo's impact.

Although Chen Mo is now inherited the heritage of Wangcheng, it is also very rich, but Chen Mo did not give up the idea of ​​the academic business, because Chen Mo knew anyway, the things inside their brains were most important.

Nowadays, now, Chen Mo is already as so much as it is so strict, as long as it can reach a normal student's grades, after all, he does not need the school's than the scholarship, and it is not like it.

A blink of an eye, a class of time passed.

Chen Mer gently stretched a lazy waist, got up and prepared to go to the bathroom with Meng Liang Liu Rui, but Chen Mo was stood up, and he saw two girls stepped into the high-heeled shoes. Tingting walked into the classroom.

When Chen Mo saw these two girls, I was stunned in an instant. The expression on my face was abnormally collapsed.

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