I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 853: Is there any problem?

At this time, everyone heard the dialogue with Qi Ya, everyone looked up and looked up at Qianin's position.

"Qi Ya, I let you sit over, have you heard?"

Perhaps because Qiao Ji Jie has made Ning Tao feel very no face, so he directly wrinkled and screamed, and his face was an anger.

"I said that I am sitting here, why do I sit in, I don't like that position!"

Qi Ya said with a little mouth.

"Qi Ya, are you too much? Ning Tao has just given you a face, now let you go back, go back, don't let people say that it is difficult to listen to you is satisfied?"

Li Linger finally didn't see it, but frowned and yelled.

"Who are you? Is there anything to do with you? If you like that location, you can't take it? Do you have any words here?"

Qi Ya met his head and looked at Li Linger, and said very disdain.

"How is this person?"

Li Linger stood directly and pointed to Qi Ya.


Ning Tao took a deep breath and immediately stood up, and then went to Qi Ya's arm and shouted: "You come over with me ..."

"Ning Tao, what are you doing? You will send me quickly, are you sick?"

Qi Ya nature does not want to leave with Ning Tao, so it is struggling, but helplessness is just a woman's strength is not as good as Ning Tao, so she turned his head to look at Daihao.

And Dai Hao hesitated, then slowly said: "Brothers, what are you doing? Everyone is eating well, since Qi Da Beauty wants to sit by me, let her sit around me Let's rest assured, I will take care of your girlfriend ... "

At this time, Dai Hao said that this sentence is very difficult, obviously is provoked Ningtao.

Even if Chen Mo's eyes flashed a different.

Ning Tao is now very bad, after all, his girlfriend is as conceived by such a few friends, who can get it, plus the words that Daihao said it is too ugly, This is clear that it is not in the eyes of Ning Tao at all!

"What is your mother? My girlfriend is still not going to take care of you, you roll away!"

Ning Tao glared at the eyes of the beads and was very excited.

At this time, Ning Tao is too excited because of emotion, so it is inevitable that it is unsemps.

"What do you say? What do you dare to marry?"

Dai Hao has never put Ning Tao in his eyes, so he will have such a big courage to seduce Qi Ya. At this time, after Ning Tao, he was more angry.

It is very easy to know that the son of Dai Hao wants to clean up Ning Tao is still very relaxed, so he does not have any scruples at all.

"What happened to me?"

Ning Tao shouted with his eyes and shouted.

"Brush ..."

In the scene, people who have a good relationship with Daihao are not all standing, even if the Su Bai Wei Morning is still standing, I look at Ning Tao's position.

After Lin Fei rushed to Ning Tao, Chen Mause was a quiet standing in place.

At this time, both sides are very excited. Ning Tao is excited because Dai Hao said too hard to listen, and Dai Hao is excited because Ning Tao is over!

These people may all have fun, but people are more people, and they are also rich second generation, plus the relationship with Li's extraordinary. Once they are playing, they must be Ning Tao Lin Fei. The two people suffer!

"What are you doing? Everyone is a friend, sit down!"

Bai Yibing knew that Ning Tao's relationship with Chen Mo, naturally didn't want to see these people, and quickly stood up and advised a sentence.

"Yeah, how is it like this? It's so calm!"

Jiang Feifei shouted with a frown.

In fact, Jiang Feifei is still a little complained in Chen Mo, after all, these people are friends of Chen Mo, if not encounter Chen Mo, there will be no happening today.

"Dai Hao, you give me a face, don't do it?"

Bai Yibing knows that it is useless at this time, so it will open it in the hands of Dai Hao.

Dai Hao went faintly looked at Bai Yibing, then said that Ning Tao said: "Kid, you are lucky today, Miss Bai help you ask, I give me a face, you give me a apology , Today, this is the past! "

Everyone heard the words of Daihao showed the position of Ning Tao.

After Lin Fei hesitated, he said whispered in Ning Tao: "Tao, there apologizes, this kind of person can't afford, don't cause trouble because of this."

Ning Tao was obviously calm. He knew that although this is not in his own, no matter how he really smashed, if Dai Hao really didn't let his own words, it can only be more If you have a big bigger, when you arrive at the time, Chen Merlin may be implicated by himself, and even Li Linger Ding Wen will also be dangerous.

Ning Tao took a deep breath and biting his teeth for two seconds. In the end he felt that he apologized for it. This is better. After all, the master brother of Man Dao is really can't afford.


Ning Tao took a deep breath and then slowly looked up to Dai Hao, which seems to be an apology.

However, when Ning Tao immediately broke out, a movie suddenly stopped in front of Ning Tao, and then said very calmly: "Today, someone else needs to apologize, but the apology should not be Ning Tao, but this person ! "

Everyone heard this sentence, and he looked up in the past, and the person standing in front of Ning Tao is not someone else, it is Chen Mo!

"what did you say?"

Dai Hao stunned, the expression was very surprised to rushing to Chen Mail.

"I said that you have to apologize for my friends, don't you understand what I mean?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

Dai Hao got up and down, Chen Mo's eyes, not only did not be angry, but also wicked, whispered: "You said that you apologize to this person?"

"Any questions?"

Chen Mo's soft question.


Everyone looked at Chen Mo's position, and his face was abnormal, no one thought that Chen Mo did dare to say this.

In these rich two generations, Chen Miles are just ordinary people, and Dao Hao is not impossible to give them this kind of person.

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