I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 854: Changes in Li

Su Bai Wei Chen was heard in the heart after hearing Chen Mo's words.

After all, two of them have contradictages with Chen Mo. If Mo is really angered today, but still on the ground of Li, according to the relationship with Li's extraordinary, Li Yifan is absolutely impossible to let Mo, At that time they might be able to clean up Chen Mo with Dai Hao's hand, this is obvious that the results they most want to see.

"What do you count? What is Laozi ..."

Dai Hao's sentence has not been finished, Li Yifan directly took a slap in the face of Daihao.

In an instant, everyone in the scene was stupid.

Even the Su Bai Wei Chen and others are also dumbfounded, dull look at Dai Hao's position, the expression on the face is very confused.

Because they originally thought that Li Yafa may help Dai Hao packs Chen Mo, no one thinks that Li Yifan actually made Dai Hao.

Dai Hao looked at Li's extraordinary, and his face was unusually confused, and the Baba said: "Li Ge, you ..."


Li Yifan did not hesitate, and the anti-hands were a slap in the past, then the expression was angry: "What are you, hurry to apologize, then roll out the box, Laozi doesn't want to see you, shame Attach things ... "

Chen Mo didn't know Li's extraordinary, but Li Ya met Chen Mo.

Li Yifan naturally also knew Chen Mo's ability, I didn't say anything, and the light of Chen Mo is not averaged that the average person can deal with it.

Just now, Li Yifan has been sitting in place. It is not moving. It is waiting until Chen Mo's shot. If Chen Mo doesn't matter today, Li Yifan will naturally do not manage, but Chen Mo has to manage, then Li's extraordinary will not look at it. .

Everyone was stupid, no one thought that Li Yafai would help Chen Merning and others speak.

Even if Ning Tao Lin Fei wants to understand how this is something.

But Chen Mo has reacted, Li Yifan is Li Yulong's son, that Li Yifan should know his identity, so this will be made.

Although Dai Hao is intimate, it does not dare to violate the ordinary order, and the expression is very nervous, saying: "Brothers, what I just didn't work, I know is wrong, don't you tell me! "

Ning Tao looked at Daihao in front of himself and shocked. Qi Ya is a big eyes with Waterwell. I don't know what this is.

"Brothers, I just see this in my eyes just now, it is indeed too much, you don't know with him!"

Li Yifan also took the initiative to rush to Ning Tao.

Everyone wants to understand why Li Yifu is so polite, is it because of the relationship between white ?

Chen Mo's relationship with white penetsis is indeed, and Ning Tao is not generally the relationship between Chen Mo. If it is because of white , then this matter can be said.

But people think that Lee is so excited?

And Dai Hao's identity background is not simple. Li Yifan is just because of this, and when the face of so many people put Dai Hao, is it really suitable?

These problems are surrounded by everyone's heart, and everyone is full of doubts.

Bai Yingqi's identity background is not simple and fake, but Chen Mo Nintao is just a general person, it should not let Li have so good!

"Li Gongzi, you are too polite, actually ..."

Ning Tao had a feeling of being stunned in an instant, and it is good to say something that should be said.

"Brothers, you don't have to say more!"

Li Yifan put his hand in Ningtao, and then looked at Dai Hao shouted: "What is you doing here? Hurry to me ..."

Dai Hao stunned, did not dare to stop, and quickly turned to the outside of the box.

And Qi Ya stood in the same place, one thing did not know how it was good for a moment.

"Okay, everyone is not stunned. Just now, this matter is not right, now Dai Hao has already left, let's continue to eat!"

Li Yifan smiled and shouted with everyone.

After everyone hesitated, they sat in their position, Qi Ya helplessly had to return to Ning Tao.

But at this time, Ning Tao also took a variety of changes in the earth, and even looked at Qi Ya. Today, this matter is also a woman who looks clear about Qiyu.

Some people, not how good you are, you can really change your heart.

Ning Tao feels that he must thank Daihao because if he is not because of Daihao, he may never see these things.

And Li Yifan saw that Chen Mo did not say anything, it was slowly sat in his position, and everyone didn't observe it. At this time, Li Yifan is already wet, after all, is facing Chen Mo. Big people, he really worried that he didn't do it, he was sinned Chen Mima, and Li Jia, who Li Jia, may be the same as Wang Bo.

There is also the news that Wang Tian is interrupted, and Li Yifan is also earned, he doesn't want to be the same as Wang Tian.

After everyone entered the seat, the atmosphere began to become awkward. Everyone speaking, it seems that it is not so natural.

But the biggest change is the extraordinary, Li Yifan never is so arrogant before, and actually respected the wine to Lin Fei Ningtao and others, this is to make some people who don't know these people.

After all, Li's extraordinary can not look at them, but now this attitude has happened to change, take the initiative toast, and speak very polite.

Of course, when Li Yifan is to give this person, he also took the initiative to give Chen Mermail, and Chen Mo did not refuse.

Jiang Feifei's white

At that time, when Jiang Feifei saw Chen Mo, his eyes changed, and Jiang Feifei, Suddenly, Li Yifu suddenly thought that it was only from Chen Mo's entry into the box, Chen Mo did not enter the box before Li Yifan even Don't look at Lin Fei and others!

"Is there any relationship between Chen Mo and Li?"

Jiang Feifei looked up to Chen Mo's position.

Wei Chen Su Bai et al. Seems to note this, they can see that Li Yifan looks very strange!

This also leads to everyone to feel that this is getting more and more wrong!

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