I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 855: Someone came to find

Li Yifan, this meal, can be said to be happy, after all, he is the first time to eat with Chen Mo, and more let Li feel tense, it is still not exposed to Chen Mo's identity, so Li Yifan when you eat Still very careful, I am afraid that I have said something wrong with something wrong.

Such a psychological pressure is not an ordinary person to bear.

Maybe because the pressure in my heart is too big, so Li Yifan is very unnatural.

Everyone in the field is not a fool, they can feel the changes of Li, but they don't understand why Lee will have such a big change.

A blink of an eye has passed for more than half an hour, and the dinner is finally approaching an end.

Li Yifan saw that everyone was almost eating, and it was often tone. It was originally Li Yifan to think that he was only a few rich second generation, but he did not expect Chen Mo's big character.

However, this is absolutely a surprise for Li Yifan. After all, there is a chance to meet Chen Mo, I don't know how many people dream of.

After all the people have finished eating, they have left the box and then rushing to the location of the hotel.

Perhaps because Qi Ya's things have caused Ning Tao to be very bad, he gave himself a room after he arrived at the hotel and did not follow the same room.

Everyone also knows that Ning Tao must have no way to accept, although Li Yifan helped Ning Tao out of the gas, but Ning Tao is still very angry.

Chen Merlin is still nothing more about, after all, this is a matter of people, Ning Tao, have returned to their room.

"It seems that this thing is still quite big for Ning Tao ..."

After returning to the room, Lin Fei turned his head to see Chen Mo and sighed.

"This kind of thing will not be accepted by anyone who is placed."

Chen Mo sat in the bed, there was no expression, in fact, Ning Tao at this time, how similar is the original Chen Mo.

When Gao Feifei does not treat Chen Mo in such a way?

However, Ning Tao's luck is much better than Chen Mima. No matter how, Chen Mo is standing in Ning Tao to support Ning Tao, and the original Chen Silen is no one, I can only look at G G Gifei left yourself. But there is no power.

"You said this Qi Ya is true. If you don't like Ning Tao, you will be separated from Ning Tao. Why is this? When Ning Tao's face is going to hook other men, what is going on?"

Lin Fei said helplessly.

"Don't discuss people, don't discuss it, if Ning Tao has heard it!"

Chen Mo fell back to Lin Fei.

"That is also, Ning Tao usually loves the face. Let's don't have happened, but you will not mention it again ..."

Lin Fei nodded and said, then laughed, said: "Chen Mo, did not expect your friends whiteware to be so face, today is not because of her words, how can Li Yifan? Help Ning Tao talk? "


Chen Mo heard the sentence of Lin Fei, he knew that Lin Fei did not doubt it on his body at this time, and the opposite is because all this is because of Bai Ying, Li Unware of a face!

However, Chen Mo felt like this, no need to explain himself.

"I didn't expect that Li Yifan actually gave it to Baiyi Ice!"

Chen Mo said.

"I think that white seems to be a little more like, if you don't have a girlfriend, you can really consider this white , this girl is not a problem, I don't have any problems, we do this. Ordinary people can find such a girlfriend, I don't know if it is a blessing in my life, you have to know cherish! "

Lin Fei said that he said with Chen Mo.

After hearing this sentence, Chen Mo has flashed a helplessness in the eyes of Lin Fei, and said: "Big Brother, I have already said to you, I really already have a girlfriend ..."

"I know that you already have a girlfriend, it is not to consider change one!"

Lin Fei said.

Chen Mo heard the words of Lin Fei, the eyes of the eyes, I didn't know what it should be said.

"Ok, I don't talk to you, I will take a shower ..."

Lin Fei rushed to sway, and then turned directly to the bathroom.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Fei gently sighed, in fact, white

Bai Yibing is indeed a good thing to be in all aspects. The most suitable woman, and the two women in Luoqiu Wang Yao is just the mistakes you committed for a moment. Whether it is a woman who is not as good as Su Mu Bai in Chen Mo's heart.

"I don't know how Su Mu Bai is in foreign countries? It seems that there is no news for Su Mu, when she is going back?"

Chen Mo did not help but sigh.

" ..."

Just when Chen Mo took these problems, a knockdown sounded.

When I heard the knock on the door, he felt that Ning Tao had a bad mood and came to find himself, so he walked to the door to open the door.

But when Chen Mo opened the door, he found that it was a waiter at the hotel outside the door.

"Mr. Hello, I look for Mr. Chen Chen!"

The waiter said very polite.

"I just, is there anything?"

Chen Mo fell back.

"Mr. Chen, there are people waiting for you, and the other party said that he is not convenient to come to you, so let me come over and tell you ..."

The waiter looked at Chen Mo slowly.

When I heard the waiter's sentence, I understood anyone to find myself. The only person who knows that I identity is Li Yifan. Li Yifan is worried that he will expose Chen Mo's identity, so they will deliberately let the waiter will come. Tell yourself.

"okay, I get it!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

The waiter laughed in Chen Mo, and then turned and left.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he greeted the Lin Fei inside the bathroom and left the room.

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